Jackson was sitting on a chair next to my bed holding our little daughter who was freshly bathed, dressed and wrapped in a pink blanket. She was sleeping peacefully, a tight hold on the younger's finger.
Sophia had already been here an hour ago to bring some clothes for me and the baby and of course, to see her grandchild. She had stayed for some minutes before she had needed to go but now we were alone.
Luckily, Jackson was allowed to skip school today. He wanted to be with our baby but he had also been awake the whole night and would be too tired to concentrate on something anyway.
I was also extremely tired from tonight but I didn't want to sleep now. It was so beautiful to watch my little girl sleeping and to see the way Jackson looked at her with a mix of fascination and adoration.
"She's so beautiful." The younger suddenly said what made me chuckle softly. I could only agree to this statement. "She is. Like a little angel." I answered smiling and looked at my daughter.
My index finger carefully caressed her small cheek. "Did you tell Namjoon that she's born?" I looked up to Jackson who nodded a bit. "I called him. He said I should tell him when he and Jin can visit you." He told me.
I had also texted Jinyoung last night when I was on the way to the hospital. Of course, he had been sleeping and therefore he had answered me this morning telling me that he would come over after school.
"They can actually visit me whenever they want." I gave him a smile which didn't last long because I suddenly had to yawn. Jackson only chuckled at my action. "Maybe you should take a nap before." He suggested.
I slowly shook my head. "I could say the same to you. You've also been awake the whole night." I reminded him. He had bags under his eyes and looked like he would fall asleep any minute.
The younger gave me a tired smile. "I know." He sighed softly. "I'm staying for another hour and than I'm going home to sleep. Ok?" The blonde male asked me and I nodded, hoping that he would really do that.
I knew that Jackson was here because he wanted to be but I still felt a little bad. He had woken up deep in the night because of me and I didn't want him to be tired or feel exhausted. He needed to rest.
"Ok. But if you don't go then, I will kick you out." I said playfully which caused Jackson grin widely. "Yes, boss." He answered me saluting with his free hand. I tried my best not to laugh at this gesture.
We both flinched a bit when our daughter suddenly moved. I looked at the little girl cuddling closer into Jackson's embrace before she stayed still again and kept on sleeping peacefully.
"We still need to give her a name." I told the younger male who gave me a nod in agreement. "Do you have any idea or wish?" He asked me. Of course, I had some ideas but I didn't know which to choose.
I looked at the sleeping baby for some moments observing all her beautiful features and it didn't take me long to pick the perfect name for her. Jackson looked at me, obviously expecting me to say something.
"What do you think about Lily?" I asked him with small smile. The younger nodded slowly and seemed to think about my idea. "I know it isn't special but I think it would fit her." I quickly added.
The blonde male looked down at the little girl. A smile appeared on his lips before he looked up to me again. "It's beautiful and it fits her perfectly." He agreed and pressed a kiss on Lily's forehead.
I smiled at his adorable gesture and kept on looking at them. It was so cute to see Jackson together with our daughter. Her body looked so incredibly small compared to her father's broad and muscular figure.
I enjoyed the view of him and my little girl. He treated her like the most precious thing in the world and I could watch them for hours. But it also made me worry about the time once I was back at home.
Lily was only some hours old and we were in the hospital where a lot of people were ready to help us whenever we needed it. But no one could know how our everyday life with a baby would be.
I feared that Jackson would forget about his responsibility when he was in his normal daily routine again. He would have to go to school and he also had his swim practice and his friends.
I also didn't want him to feel too overwhelmed. When the situation was too much for him, it could be possible that he left and ran away from the responsibility. We had to share the obligations.
But at the moment I didn't want to care about what would happen in the following days or weeks. I had waited so long to see my little baby girl and now I only wanted to enjoy my time with her.
"Do you know how cute you two look?" I said breaking the comfortable silence in the room what made Jackson look up and chuckle. "I didn't know that until now. Thank you." He grinned.
I gave him a smile. The expression on Jackson's face was so adorable. His eyes were sparkling and he looked so happy and completely in love with our little daughter who was slowly opening her eyes.
She looked a bit sleepy and seemed to be tired. Her eyes were only half opened and she let out a long yawn what looked extremely cute. I carefully sat up a bit and stroke over Lily's cheek.
"Hey there, my angel. Did you sleep well?" I asked her knowing that she wouldn't answer me. Her gaze followed the sound of my voice and she looked at me, her eyes now completely opened.
I took her little hand in mine and felt her taking a hold of my index finger. "I'm pretty sure she slept great. Am I right, beautiful?" Jackson answered the question for Lily and pressed a light kiss on her cheek.
I made myself comfortable on the bed and looked over to the younger male who was completely focused on our little baby. Who could have known that Jackson would end up to be so in love with her?
He looked at her with so much love in his eyes and this was the first time I really believed that Jackson could be a good father. I had always hoped it and seeing him with Lily definitely proofed my hopes.
"Hey Jacks." I called his name what made him look at me. "Thank you for being with me today. I was really scared but having you with me calmed me down." I told him with a soft smile.
I had to admit that I had never thought that Jackson's presence would help me so much. Honestly, I had actually expected him to pass out because of nervousness but he showed me that I was wrong.
"Actually, I wasn't even sure what to do or say in that moment. I thought of something my mom used to say to me. Don't think of how long the way in front of you is, look back to what you've already reached." He smiled.
"Your mom is a really wise woman. She was definitely right with that." I said looking at Lily. Although I hadn't actively done anything, the birth had been very draining. But it had been worth it.
I had gone through so much during the past months and now I could finally look at my beautiful baby. Her birth had changed our lives and I had to admit that I couldn't wait for the changes the future would bring.
Thank you for reading ♡

FanfictionHigh School student Mark Tuan gets accidently pregnant. [includes male pregnancy] Current rank: / in Fanfiction Highest rank: #12 in Fanfiction