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I had always hated shopping. The stores were hot and full of people. Everyone was running around, trying on hundred pieces of clothing and getting frustrated if something didn't fit or look good on them.

That were reasons why I only went shopping if it was absolutely necessary. It was too much stress. But shopping with a pregnant person was a whole different level. It was even more stressing.

My mom had asked me to go shopping with Mark because she had to go to work and didn't want to let him go to the mall alone so my mother thought that it would be better for me to join him.

But well, it wasn't as easy as I had expected. I hadn't thought that Mark would be someone who got frustrated easily. But unluckily, he was. He had even cried when a jeans hadn't fit him.

I had told him that we should better look for sweatpants or something more stretchy instead of jeans because they would fit him longer but he didn't want to listen to me. And in the end, I had been the one who had comforted the frustrated boy.

That little jeans incident had convinced him that we should better look for other kinds of pants and some oversized shirts which was less stressful although Mark still seemed a bit grumpy because of the jeans.

But honestly, he was absolutely adorable with the small pout on his face and I couldn't stop grinning although he had already told me several times. But that amused me even more.

In the end, we had really managed to get some clothes for him although I had thought we would have to leave the store without anything. But now we were calmly walking down the street.

I had the honor to carry the dark-haired boy's bags while he was walking some steps in front of me and looked at the store windows. It didn't surprise me when he suddenly stopped walking.

I looked at him. "Can we go in there?" He asked me excitedly. It was a baby shop. I hesitated a bit before I answered. "I guess we can." I said and Mark grabbed my hand and pulled me in.

The shop was small and there weren't many customers there. Mark had already left my side and walked through the aisles. He looked very excited and it didn't take him long to find something he liked.

It was the first time I was in a baby shop and I kinda felt displaced here. All the other people here were most likely excited for their baby but whenever I thought about Mark's baby I mainly felt fear of the future.

I grabbed a pair of light pink socks and looked at them for a while. Newborn babies had to be tiny to fit in those socks. I smiled for a second before I placed them back on the shelf.

"What are you going to have?" The voice made me flinch a bit. I turned around to see a short blonde woman. She was some years older than me, probably in her late twenties. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to scare you"

She smiled at me and her name tag told me that she was working here. "We don't know yet." I answered her question. She nodded in response and placed some new things on the shelfs around us.

"Actually, it doesn't even matter whether it's a boy or a girl as long as your baby is healthy." She kept on talking. "That's actually the only thing I wish for." I admitted and looked over to Mark.

He was busy with looking at some baby clothes with a happy smile on his face. The elder wore one of my oversized grey jackets but I could clearly see the shape of his belly under it.

"Your boyfriend?" The shop assistant suddenly asked and woke me up of my daydream. I quickly shook my head. "No no. We're not dating. We're friends." I explained what made her laugh a bit.

"It's ok. I didn't want to embarass you. It's pretty cute that you support him although you're just friends." The woman said. "But I have to admit that I don't believe you completely. You give him that look." She added.

I raised my eyebrows. "What look?" I asked confused. She grinned and placed a hand on my shoulder. "You'll find out soon." She said and grabbed new clothes. And then she turned around and left me alone.

I sighed a bit and walked over to Mark who had some things in his hands. "Look, what I've found." He grinned widely and held the baby stuff in my direction what made me chuckle.

"Are you sure that you already want to buy this much? We don't even know which size the baby will need." I said smiling and took some things out of his hands. The other one kept on smiling at me but titled his head a bit.

"Maybe you're right. It would be sad if I bought this now only to find out it wouldn't fit our little one." He mumbled and seemed to think about his words for a moment before he put the stuff away again.

"I promise we'll come back some time later. I'm sure the doctor will be able to tell us the baby's size and then we can see what kind of clothes we can buy." I said what made Mark smile and rub his belly.

He had already told me when the next doctor's appointment was planned and it would be the first time I would be there with him. And although I wouldn't admit it, I couldn't wait to see his... our baby.

Double update because I needed to get away from my OS.

I know I have to finish it soon because the first part was released in October and it's been endlessly long since then. I'm at like 730 words and I want to get to 2k but I'm so super bad at writing date scenes. I'm not entirely sure what to write and I don't want it to turn out bad because I'd have to start all over again.

I also kinda hate this chapter because I feel like it's not that well-written and especially the part with the shop assistant also bothers me somehow because it's far too early for romantic feelings between Markson. But many people liked it back then, so I just left it like that.

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter as well!

Thank you for reading! 💙

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