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I nervously walked into Mark's room. His mother had told me that I could see him now. Unluckily, she hadn't told me what was wrong and so I could only hope that everything was alright.

He was lying on the hospital bed wrapped in two blankets. His eyes were focused on the white ceiling and his face didn't show anything but tiredness. I slowly walked over and sat down on a chair.

"Hey Mark." I made sure to speak quietly because I wasn't sure if he had noticed me. He seemed deeply in his thoughts and I didn't want to scare him. The elder looked at me and. "Hey Jackson." He carefully sat up.

"How are you?" I asked him although I was a bit afraid of his answer. His eyes didn't show any certain emotion. "I feel exhausted but good." He answered and I nodded slowly biting my lower lip.

"And how is the baby?" I prayed that she had survived this little incident. Mark grabbed my hand and squeezed it softly. "She's fine." He told me with a tired smile on his lips. I sighed in relief.

It felt like a huge weight was taken from my shoulders. The baby was well and she would live. I couldn't remember when I had ever felt so happy and relived. It meant so much to me.

I looked at Mark who carefully pulled his hand away from mine again. "Did they tell what was wrong?" I asked. Hopefully it wasn't something serious. I didn't want to fear that anything could be wrong again.

He nodded in response. "I had some contractions. They can be a sign for labor but they don't have to. My body is preparing for the birth since it doesn't know there will be a surgery instead." Mark explained.

"And what if it happens again?" I asked hesitantly because I kinda feared that we had to go through this again. Our baby shouldn't have to be in danger again. The elder just smiled a bit.

"It might happen some more times but we don't have to go to hospital as long as the pain disappears after some time. But don't worry, it doesn't harm the baby. It's completely normal." He told me calmly.

I was endlessly happy that I didn't have to worry anymore and that the baby was completely alright. That was one of the most important things for me. My little girl should be healthy so I didn't have to worry anymore.

"When will you be released?" I asked him hoping that he didn't have to stay here for too long. "They want me to stay for two more days. Just to make sure that she's definitely not coming." He informed me.

"Ok." I nodded a bit before we both stayed silent. I didn't really know what to say now. But obviously that wasn't even necessary because I heard someone knocking at the door of Mark's room.

The elder asked the person to come in. I could already imagine who would enter the room now and it turned out that I was right. Jinyoung walked into the room and came over to Mark's bed.

He held a small flower in his hands and placed it on the bedside table. "Hey Markie. I'm sorry that I'm a bit late but I was at work and didn't hear your mom's call. How are you feeling?" He sat down on the edge of the bed.

Oh, how great! I had actually hoped that I was gone before the elder's best friend would arrive. I wasn't in the mood to argue with the younger male. He would only tell me that everything was my fault anyway.

"Don't worry, Jinyoungie. I knew you were working. And I'm fine. I had contractions. Nothing to worry about." He told his best friend who gave him a short hug. "Thank God." Jinyoung said.

I only watched them talking because I didn't really know what to do instead. I didn't have a reason to interrupt their conversation. Mark just told him the same things he had already told me a few minutes ago.

I looked out of the window and thought about today's incidents. Should I say sorry? Jaebum had said that it was partly my fault that Mark was very stressed out and maybe he was right.

I hadn't even known that my behavior was stressing him so much. But he hadn't said anything during the last weeks. He had just acted like everything was ok so I hadn't thought about it more than necessary.

My attention went back to Jinyoung and Mark who were still talking. "Can you get me something to drink, Jinyoungie?" He asked the younger male who nodded and got up from his chair. "Of course. What do you want?" He asked.

"Water is fine." Mark gave his friend a smile and yawned. Jinyoung nodded in response and shot me a death glare before he left the room to get some water for the elder male. I sighed and turned to the boy on the bed.

I really hoped he wouldn't be angry at me although I knew that I deserved it. But actually, Mark wasn't the type of person to get angry at other people although he had showed me otherwise some hours ago.

"Mark?" I called him hesitantly what made him look up again. "I'm sorry that I'm stressing you so much. You need more time to rest because of the baby. I promise that I'll stop complaining." I told him.

The elder smiled lightly. "It's ok. The contractions weren't your fault. They didn't come because I shouted at you. Don't blame you because of that." He said but I already knew that since he had told me some minutes ago.

And I didn't feel guilty because he had those contractions. I felt bad because of my behavior during the last months which had obviously pressured him so much that he had exploded in the end.

"I wanted to say sorry because I complained so much. I didn't know that it would pressure you. And I know that I should have supported you more." I said hoping that he knew that I really meant it.

"I know that you are sorry but can we talk about this later? I'm tired." He told me quietly. I nodded quickly because I understood that he needed some sleep now. The whole situation was exhausting.

"Ok. We can talk another time." I answered and flinched a bit when Jinyoung came back into the room and handed Mark the bottle of water. "Here's your water." He said and leaned against the wall.

"Thank you." Mark slowly drank something and placed the bottle on his bedside table. I smiled a bit and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled before a long yawn left his mouth.

Jinyoung immediately appeared by Mark's side. "You should go to sleep now. You need to rest." He said. I crossed my arms. Jinyoung always acted like the baby was his and I didn't like that.

I didn't care how close he and Mark were. And he could also protect the elder if he wanted but he should stop to act like he was the father of Mark's child. Hopefully he would stop acting like that when the baby was born.

"I will. Thank you two for coming." He smiled lightly and closed his eyes. Jinyoung grabbed his bag from the floor and looked at me. I could clearly see that he didn't like me but I didn't care either.

"Come on, Jackson. We let him rest a bit." He said with a small smile. I could hear that there was more behind his words. He didn't want to let Mark alone but he wanted to be alone with me.

I nodded. "Then let's go." I simply answered and left the room. Jinyoung followed me and closed the door behind him. He turned around to me and crossed his arms. "I think we need to talk."

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