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I looked around in the nicely decorated room which would be mine from now on. My parents had really agreed to let me move and the day I would officially live in the Wang's household had come.

The Wang's and my younger brother and helped me to bring my furniture and all my other stuff to my new home. Luckily I didn't have that much stuff so it didn't take us that long to get everything.

And now, after a week of painting the walls, assembling the furniture and decorating the room I was finally allowed to move in. I was really happy with the result. My room looked amazing.

The walls were painted in a light red which fitted to the color of the wooden floor. The room was smaller than the one I had at my parents' house but it was enough for me and the baby.

I sat down on my bed and buried my face in my favorite pillow. I was happy that I could finally live here but I was also a bit nervous because I hadn't seen Jackson yet and I didn't know what he would say.

Yes, he might have agreed that I could live with them but the last months had shown me that the younger male had more mood swings than I had. And that although I was the pregnant one of us.

I got up from the bed and left the room. The hallway was empty but I heard voices from downstairs. I hoped they wouldn't mind if I looked around a bit. I didn't want them to get mad or something.

Of course, this was kinda my house too but their house was still their privacy and I had also just moved in here and didn't know if there were special rules or anything else I had to pay attention to.

I walked over the hallway and looked into some rooms. The first room I found was the bathroom. It was next to my own room so I definitely wouldn't get lost if I had to go to the toilet in the night.

The room next to the bathroom was a small home office which most likely belonged to Mr. Wang. I just took a short glance into the room before I closed the door again and turned around.

There were two other rooms on the hallway which had to be the other sleeping rooms of Jackson and his parents. I decided that I would respect their privacy and not go into their rooms.

I quietly went downstairs because my baby asked for something to eat. Hopefully, they wouldn't mind if I cooked noodles now because my little one loved spaghetti with tomato ketchup.

I entered the kitchen and looked for everything I needed to cook my noodles. Luckily, I had helped Sophia to prepare dinner on some days so I knew where I found the things I needed.

I placed the pot on the hotplate and waited for the water to boil which would probably take some minutes. I quietly hummed a random melody while I got myself a plate and the ketchup.

Unluckily, this took me not even two minutes so I sat on the kitchen counter and kept on humming. I had forgotten my phone upstairs and I didn't feel like walking upstairs again to get it.

Walking the stairs with my baby bump could be pretty exhausting sometimes especially when I had to walk up to the fourth floor in school. On some days Namjoon even had to give me a piggyback.

The water finally started boiling and I put the noodles in. Now I had to wait for another ten minutes before my food was ready. God, why did cooking spaghetti take so extremely long? I was starving!

I flinched a bit when someone entered the kitchen. It was Jackson who raised his eyebrows in confusion when he saw the pot with the noodles. "What are you doing?" He asked me.

"I'm cooking noodles." I stated the obvious fact. The other male nodded slowly. "Why are you cooking? My mom makes dinner in one or two hours." He said and got himself a bottle of soda.

"I know. But the baby wants to eat now and not in one or two hours. And it doesn't like waiting." I told him what made the blonde chuckle. "It probably has my impatience." He said what surprised the both of us.

A small but recognizable tint of red appeared on Jackson's cheeks and I couldn't stop myself from smiling happily. This was definitely the cutest thing the younger had ever said about our baby.

"Uhm... forget what I've said. I just wanted to get something to drink." He pressed the bottle on his chest and left the kitchen with quick steps. I looked after him for a moment and softly stroked my belly.

Of course, I knew that he was extremely embarrassed because he had compared the baby with himself and that in front of me but I had to admit that it had been very cute moment.

It was good to see that Jackson had a soft side too and it always warmed my heart when I saw this part of him. Those moments were very rare but they gave me the feeling that Jackson would be a great father.

Some (kinda) soft Markson for everyone! I hope you enjoyed it!

Make sure to stay healthy everyone 💌

Thank you for reading 💜

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