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Pink ballons, streamers and sparkling silver confetti. White tablecloths covered the two round tables in the Wangs' backyard. A huge pink cake was placed in the middle of the table I was sitting at.

The other table was full of nicely decorated cupcakes with either pink or white frosting. Plastic cups with a beautiful flower pattern were placed on both tables together with matching paper plates.

Jin had definitely given his best to prepare the perfect baby shower. He had gotten all the decoration and even the cake and the cupcakes were homemade. I was extremely thankful and impressed.

He had even given me beautifully decorated invitations which I could send to everyone. I had invited all my friends over but also Tao, Kris and their son. Tao and I hoped our children would be friends when they were older.

At first, I hadn't even been sure if someone would actually come because I doubted that a baby shower was that exciting for a group of teenagers but surprisingly everyone had appeared.

They had even brought me several presents for the little princess. Plush toys like a classic teddy bear or a light blue bunny, little dresses, socks, hats. She had gotten more things than I had space for.

And now we were sitting on the chairs around the table happily eating the cake. It tasted like vanilla and strawberries. Jin definitely made the best cake in the world and I had already eaten a lot of cakes.

"Thank you for the party, Jin. You've done a great job." I said smiling and the elder gave me little grin. "No problem. I had a lot of fun with the preparations. I've always wanted to do this." He admitted.

I smiled and looked over to Jackson who was talking to Kris. They sat on a bench close to the door and both held one of the plastic cups in their hands what definitely didn't fit with their leather jackets but still looked cute.

Unluckily, I couldn't hear what they were saying but it seemed to be something serious. Jackson was surprisingly quiet while the elder kept on talking with his typical serious expression.

I decided to let them be and looked over to Youngjae and Jaebum. The elder of them didn't seem that excited but I knew that this baby stuff wasn't his thing at all. I had to admit that the look on his face was very amusing.

I placed my plate on the table and leaned back. Three pieces of cake were definitely enough for now. My gaze moved through the backyard and I smiled when I saw a little boy walking around.

I silently watched Jiang running over the grass. His steps were a bit wobbly and sometimes he even feel on his knees. But the little boy never cried. He always giggled, got up and kept on running.

I wondered if my daughter would be like that too when she was one or two years old. Would she be happy and energetic like Jackson or quiet and calm like me? Who knew. Maybe she would be in-between of that.

I actually didn't care how she would be. My only wish was that she was a healthy and happy little girl. I was still a bit worried because I always remembered what the doctor had said.

She was smaller than she should be. Not dangerously small but it still made me fear that something could be wrong. I had also told Jackson about that and he completely understood my worries.

I noticed that Jin was looking at me. He seemed to see that something was bothering me. I was pretty sure that it was obvious that not everything was alright but it looked like only Seokjin had noticed it.

He said something to Namjoon before he got up and sat down on the chair next to me. His brown eyes observed my facial expression before he began to speak. "Is everything ok? You look worried." He said.

"Everything is alright. I'm just worried because of the baby." I told him and looked down on my belly where I felt the baby moving. "Is there a reason to be worried?" Jin looked at me in concern.

"More or less. The doctor said she's pretty small. I actually don't have to worry but I'm scared that she is too weak or that something could be wrong." I admitted and got an understanding nod in response.

"I understand that you feel worried but you don't have to. Babies are usually stronger than they look. And I'm absolutely sure that your princess will be a little warrior." The elder patted my back and I smiled a bit.

It really made me feel better to hear this. My baby girl would be a warrior and even if she was a bit smaller, she would definitely make it. It the end, she was my girl. She would be as strong as I was. "Thank you Jin." I said.

"No problem." Jin answered and got up from his chair. He walked over to Namjoon who pulled him into a hug. I smiled at the cute couple before I looked away to give them their privacy.

I slowly got up from my chair and walked over to Jiang who was sitting on the grass with a small flower in his hands. He looked fascinated and extremely cute. I carefully kneed down next to him.

"Hey, little boy. What do you have there?" I asked him with a smile. The boy looked up to me and giggled. "A flower. Flower is pretty." He said and held the yellow flower in my direction.

I took the flower out of his hands and nodded. "Yes, the flower is very pretty." I agreed. Jiang looked at me with curiosity and slowly came closer. "Your belly is big." The boy said giggling.

I chuckled. "Yes, it is very big." I answered and stroked over my belly. He was definitely right. I felt like I was about to explode but luckily, I knew that I wouldn't have to run around like this for much longer.

Jiang titled his head. "Why is it so big?" He asked curiously. "Because there is a baby inside of it." I answered him although I didn't know if he would understand it. The boy stared at my belly for some moments.

And then a smile appeared on his lips. "Can the baby be my friend?" He asked me with sparkling eyes and I laughed quietly. "Of course, you can be friends." I told him what made him jump in excitement.

"Thank you." He said and ran over to Tao who was lifting the little boy on his lap. I guessed he was telling him that he made a new friend. I smiled and tried to get up. Unluckily, it wasn't that easy.

Suddenly I saw someone holding his hands out. It was Jackson who was looking down at me with a wide grin on his face. "Do you need help?" He asked me and seemed extremely amused.

"I obviously do, you genius. As if you wouldn't see that." I answered grumpily what made the younger laugh a bit. "Come here." He took my hands in his and carefully helped me to get up.

I let go of his hands and brushed the grass from my pants. "Thank you, Jackson." I smiled at the blonde male who was grinning at me. "Anytime." He answered and walked back to his seat next to Kris.

I went back to my chair and looked through the backyard. We were really celebrating my baby shower what meant that my little girl would be there in a short time. I really hoped it would be very soon.


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