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It was a sunny afternoon and today was a very special day for Jackson. He had a swimming competition and he had been in the swimming hall since the early morning to prepare himself for this important day.

It was the first time I was ever going to one of the school's swimming competitions. Normally, I had never cared about it but I had promised Jackson that I would be there and cheer for him.

I was a bit nervous because I feared that the people would keep on talking about me but I tried to brush this feelings away and watch my friend swimming. I wanted to support him on this important day.

Swimming was his absolute passion and he had never done something else. He was supporting me with my pregnancy and our baby and therefore I would give him something back and support him here.

That's was what friends did. And I was very happy to announce that Jackson and I had managed to become friends, really good friend to be exact. We got along very well and that was great.

I walked over to the swimming pool and looked for Youngjae and Jin who had also come here to support their boyfriends. Jin had even made himself an own shirt with Namjoon's name on it.

Those two were so in love with each other and I had never seen a couple more perfect for each other. I really hoped that I would find someone who would love me like this and accept my princess as well.

But at the moment I only cared about being healthy and have good grades although I would miss a lot of stuff when I would give birth. I planned to go to school as long as I could but I knew I still would miss many things.

I spotted my two friends sitting in the first row right behind the bench of our swimming team. Jin and Namjoon were busy with kissing and Youngjae was giving Jaebum's shoulders a massage.

I sat down next to the guys and looked to Jackson who was sitting in front of me. There was a short moment when I thought about if I should do something for him too but I quickly decided against it.

It wasn't a secret that the younger was my baby daddy and they would surely think we were dating. Actually, I didn't care because I knew that we weren't but I didn't want to cause problems for my friend.

He turned around to me and smiled. "I'm happy that you came." He told me and I returned his smile. "How could I miss this? It's an important competition." I looked at him as he bit his lip.

"Yes, it's very important. And that makes me so nervous." The blonde admitted. I placed a hand on his shoulder. "You don't have to be nervous. We're here to support you." I said with a smile.

Jackson looked down at my belly and stroked it for a very short moment. He probably didn't want anyone to see it. I knew that he liked to be known as the cool and hard guy. But I was ok with that.

"I appreciate it a lot." He told me and the expression in his eyes showed me that he was serious. It felt really good to hear that he was happy about my support because I had actually been unsure he I should come.

But now I was very happy to be there because I could see that it was helping him a bit. The coach appeared in front of the swimming pool and called the guys over to him. Jackson got up and smiled at me.

"I'm going to win this for our baby girl." He said before he walked over to his coach. I looked after him, completely overwhelmed by his words. He wanted to win for our baby girl, our child.

Sometimes, I doubted that the younger would really stay with me and the baby. I expected him to run away sooner or later but he always convinced me otherwise and I was slowly sure that would never leave us.

I actually didn't care if Jackson and I would stay as close as now. The most important thing was that he took care of our child. She would need her dad. And at the moment, I was sure that she could count on him.

"Seems like you two are slowly getting along." Jin said to me and smiled. I looked at the older male who was sitting next to me. "I guess we are. I really think that he can be a good dad." I admitted.

The brown-haired boy nodded. "He will be. Jackson might be little idiot sometimes but he can take responsibility if necessary and he knows that your baby needs him." He told me.

Meanwhile, the competition was starting and Jaebum was the first to swim for our school's team. Youngjae was totally nervous although it was quite obvious that his boyfriend would do a great job.

I leaned back and looked over to the swimming boys in the water. Jackson was standing behind Namjoon and they seemed to be talking about Jaebum while they watched him. My gaze stayed on Jackson.

That boy sometimes confused me but he had also managed it to convince me that he was a great guy. He had even made me like him. Who would have thought that this would ever happen?

"You like him, don't you?" Jin suddenly asked me. I raised my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked back and got even more confused when the elder grinned widely.

"You like Jackson. And I don't mean the way you like your friends." He told me. I started to blush and looked at him with wide eyes. I should like Jackson? Or more like, I should have a crush on him?

"I don't think I have a crush on him. We're so different. It wouldn't work anyway." I said with a sigh. Why did this fact make me so sad? Jin gave me a warm smile and placed his hand on my arm.

"You have more similarities than you think. And it's also good to be a little different from another. It's important for the harmony. And honestly, I think you two would make a great couple." The elder smiled.

I nodded a bit and looked down. Me and Jackson as a couple? I had never thought of that. But maybe Jin was right. What if we actually made a great couple? We just hadn't noticed before.

Yeah, and maybe I even started to like Jackson. He was nice and he cared about me. It made me happy and I felt protected when he was with me. It seemed like I was slowly falling in love with him.

You might notice that this chapter has already been published before but I decided to go back here and put Mark falling in love with Jackson back on the agenda.

I was actually planning to edit that out but I later noticed how much work that is so I just leave it.

I'll also add some notes in the Prologue so don't be surprised when it gets updated.

Thank you for reading 💙

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