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My eyes were glued on the photo in my hands. A sigh escaped my lips. I hated my life at the moment. It was so stressful and complicated. No day had passed without a call from Jaebum or Namjoon.

But I didn't want to talk to either of them. As if they would tell me something interesting. They were most likely going to scold me for my behaviour and Namjoon would try to apologize again.

Actually, there wasn't even the need to apologize at all. Of course, he was a part of the reason why I had sex with Mark but luckily he had told us before I had started to pay for the child or accept the paternity.

I also had received some direct messages on instagram from Mark's friend Jinyoung who wanted me to come back and take responsibility for "my" faults but I happily ignored the black-haired male.

I hadn't been at school last week but I was pretty sure I hadn't missed anything. The same stupid classes, the same stupid teachers and of course, the same stupid people. Just like always.

I had mainly spend my time at home and in nightclubs. My mom had tried to send me to school on the first two days but she had quickly realized that I wouldn't go so she gave it up and let me be.

Of course, I knew that I actually had to go to school but I didn't really feel like going there and actually school wasn't that important at all. If I wouldn't pass this year I would just try it again. It didn't make a difference.

There were footsteps coming up from downstairs. I placed a soft kiss on the picture in my hands and put it under my mattress just in case it was my mother who wanted to talk to me again.

And as expected the door opened and my mom walked in. She sat down on my bed and looked at me with a soft smile. "How are you today, sweetie?" She asked me and stroked my hair.

"I'm OK I guess." I just answered hesitantly and wondered what exactly she could want from me. Whenever she asked me how I was, I knew that she most likely wanted something from me.

"I'm a bit worried about you during the last days. You're not going to school, you go out until late in the night and you've started to drink more. What happened my dear?" She gave me a little smile.

I sighed and shook my head a bit. "Nothing happened mom. You don't have to worry about me. I think it's just a phase." I said and hoped she would believe me. But she knew me better.

"Are you sure? I feel like something happened." She laid her hand on my cheek and I gave her a soft smile. "Don't worry mom. Everything is fine." I kissed her forehead and she smiled.

My mother was the most important person to me and I felt bad whenever I disappointed her. Mostly I didn't even realize that I had done something wrong until she came to me and asked how I was.

She was never mad at me. Instead she was always worried that something had happened which was the reason for my bad behaviour and she did her best to help me and solve my problems.

I loved her with all my heart and silently told myself that I would go to school again next week. It would make her happier and she wouldn't have to worry about me and my future anymore.

For me, there was actually no sense to go to school anymore. Well at least not everyday. Since I had found out that Mark's pregnancy wasn't my fault at all, I could finally stop worrying about the future.

My life would still be super great. There wouldn't be a crying little baby I had to take care of or a Mark who would want my money and force me to take responsibility for his child.

"I promise I'll go to school again next week. I'm sorry for not going." I took my mom's hand and squeezed it softly. "You don't have to anymore. I'm here because there is something I wanted to talk about." She sighed.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion and wondered what she was going to tell me now. Why didn't I have to go to school anymore? Not that I wasn't happy at all but I wondered why my mom would say that.

"I've noticed that your behaviour changed during the last weeks. That happens a lot these days and it makes me worry. I thought that it might be better for all of us if we got a fresh start somewhere else." She began.

The way she talked made me worry about what she was going to say now. "I've talked to your father and we both think it could be a good idea." She took my hand. "We're moving back to Hongkong."

Hello fellow wattpad users!

While reading through this I realized that I've never revealed what kind of picture Jackson was looking at (or did I?).

I can't even remember what I had planned for this but I think I wanted most people to think it's a picture of the baby although it's not.

I don't know to be honest. Maybe I'll think of something and write a quick part in another chapter.

Thank you for reading, the next chapter will be uploaded in around 15 minutes 🙃

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