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Mark and I were sitting on a bench on to the school campus and thought about what we could do because of the rumors about Mark and partly about me, too. But that wasn't really easy.

Luckily, he wasn't as upset as he had been at first and he also didn't want to kick Kai's ass anymore. For now. We had gone outside because we wanted to spend our free period together and talk about the problem we had now.

"I don't know what I want to do! It's so complicated. I don't want them to find out but they will anyways because they won't stop to look at my belly." Mark said while he got up and started walking from back and forth.

"Hey, calm down. I know you don't want them to find out about the baby like this but maybe it's a good time. This rumor won't disappear as long as you don't proof them that you're not pregnant. And we know you can't."

He nodded slowly and looked down. I normally loved it to be right but this was the first time I would love to be wrong. I wished this rumor would disappear and the people would stop bothering Mark.

He seemed so upset and angry at the people, especially at Kai. But I knew it better. He was afraid that the others would judge him or that they would laugh at him because he got pregnant in his age.

I felt very sorry although I knew that it wasn't my fault that the other students acted like idiots. Of course, the pregnancy was partly my fault but we had agreed that we both had made a mistake.

I didn't know what to do and I also didn't know what I should tell him. For me, it was quiet easy to make a decision now because I wasn't the one who the people would stare at in the end.

I understood Mark more or less but I couldn't feel the pressure which he had to feel now. It was the best if he made a decision alone. He had to be comfortable with it. And I would support him.

If he wanted the people to know that the baby was mine, he should tell them. It was quite obvious anyway and I also didn't mind if anyone knew. In this case, it was Mark's decision if anyone should know.

"It's just... I can't hide it forever and I actually wouldn't mind if they knew." He began and sighed. I walked in his direction. "But?" I asked and placed a hand on his shoulder. The elder's gaze met mine.

"I don't want to them to find out because of a rumor. I want to make it myself." He said after a moment of silence. I nodded in response and gave him some more time to think about what he wanted to say.

"I don't know how I should react." The elder mumbled what made me smile a bit. I knew it wasn't easy for him also because everyone was waiting for his reaction. He didn't want to be in the center of attention.

I couldn't do much but I could try to give him advice. "We could prepare something you could say if someone directly asks you about the baby or your pregnancy." I suggested and hoped it would help.

Mark smiled shortly but sighed a moment later. "That wouldn't help. My hormones would take over and I would answer spontaneously anyway." He said. I knew what he meant.

I had already seen that his hormones took over him when he was getting emotional or under pressure. And I was pretty sure that this could happen if anyone asked him about the pregnancy.

He would probably feel pressured because he knew the whole school waited for his answer and then he would react out of an instinct. It didn't have to happen but it was very likely.

"Then just let your instinct answer if necessary. I'm OK with whatever you're going to do." I said with a little hint of worry in my voice. Who would have thought that I would worry about Mark Tuan someday?

It wasn't mainly worry about him at all but I had to make sure he was alright because his health was important for our baby and I wanted the little one to be OK. That was the most important thing.

"Will you tell them that it's yours?" He asked what got my attention. I didn't even have to think about my answer because it was absolutely clear. "If you're OK with it." I answered which made him smile.

"Why shouldn't I be?" Mark gave me a little grin what made me chuckle. "I just wanted to make sure that it's ok for you." I smiled back and took my hand from his shoulder. He looked at me.

"Of course, it is. You're the father." Mark slowly placed his hand on my upper arm and his thumb softly stroke over my skin for a moment. But he removed his hand after some seconds.

"I am and I will do everything to make sure the the both of you are alright." I promised him. Mark looked at me for a moment to make sure that I was really serious with what I said. And I definitely was.

I had made a decision which felt the best for me and I was ready to take the responsibility for the baby and for the one who was carrying it. Both would get my full support in every case.

Mark looked at me and started to smile softly. "Thank you, Jackson." He gave me a short but tight hug before he let go of me and walked into the school building to go to our next class.

I hope you like this chapter!

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