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I didn't know on which point things had changed but I had finally realized what I didn't want to see for so long. I still wasn't completely sure but I knew I had to try my best to make everything right.

I closed the book I was reading when I heard footsteps behind me and let out a breath of relief when the person passed me without caring that I was sitting there on a bench in a silent corner on the campus.

Luckily, there were still people in this school who didn't care about my existence. I had a lot of friends and I had been physically close to many people. Basically the whole school knew me.

I was in the swim team and I had a great reputation. Girls and even some guys were interested in me and I got a lot of attention which was a thing I really loved about this school. I was a star.

In the beginning, Jaebum had been our superstar but I had taken his position when he had announced that he was dating Youngjae two years ago. And no one wanted to run after a taken guy who would definitely reject you.

And so, people had started to run after me and I enjoyed every minute I got admired by other students. And I definitely loved it too much to give it up for a single person. I never wanted to have a relationship.

"Why do want to tell them so bad? As if it would matter." I heard the very amused voice of Park Jimin and I raised my eyebrows. It was a very rare case that someone like him wanted to keep something a secret.

"I need to tell them. They deserve to know. Especially Mark." Namjoon? Well, now I was officially very interested in what was going on there. My best friend shared a secret with that little gossip boy Jimin?

"God Namjoon. We've done nothing bad. It doesn't seem like it has changed something. So why make useless trouble?" The boy with the pink hair said. "Or is there something I don't know?" He suddenly asked.

I could see that Namjoon bit his lip. It seemed like there was really something that Jimin didn't know. "Come on, tell me. I need to know it." The short boy was enthusiastic like a little kid but Namjoon shook his head.

"I'm not going to tell you anything. I just wanted to make sure that you know that I'll tell them." He said firmly and the other male just nodded and shrugged his shoulders. "If it makes you feel better." Jimin left after those words.

I got up from the bench and walked over to Namjoon. He normally never had any secrets from me and I really wondered why he would share one with Jimin who was definitely someone you should trust.

The taller looked a bit nervous when he spotted me. "Hi Jackson." He said cheerfully but I could hear his nervousness. "Hi my dear Joonie." I gave him a sweet but obviously faked smile.

"I know it's actually not my business but what were you and Jimin talking about? And why did you mention Mark?" I asked and crossed my arms. Namjoon looked around and avoided my gaze.

"Why do you care about Mark?" He asked back and I knew he expected me to stop asking. "Well, I thought that you really do so I wonder what you could have done to him." I said, making him look down.

"That's something I should tell him and not you." He stayed calm but I heard he was insecure. "What is so bad that you can't tell me? I'm your best friend." I stated and looked at him.

The younger sighed. "I've never said that you're not." He mentioned. I raised an eyebrow. "Well, then tell me or I'm going to tell Mark that you and Jimin have a secret about him." I simply said.

"Don't do this. I don't want to fight with him and you shouldn't want that, too. Be happy that at least I care about the boy who has your child." He said and the tone in his voice had gotten angrier.

"That's not the point here. Tell what the fuck you and Jimin are hiding!" My voice gained anger too and I made a step towards him but got stopped by a firm arm which pushed me some steps back.

It was Jaebum who looked at the both of us with a warning gaze. "What the hell is going on here? Why are you fighting?" He asked in his typical leader mode and I pushed his arm away from me.

Another person appeared behind my friend and I could see that it was Mark who looked at the three of us and seemed really worried. I decided that this was the opportunity to get Namjoon to talk.

"It doesn't matter." My best friend said to JB but of course I had other plans for this conversation. "I think it does. Come on, Namjoon. Tell Mark what's up." I smirked when he shot me a killer glare.

Mark seemed a bit confused. "What should he tell me?" He asked and looked at the tallest of us. Namjoon sighed in defeat but started to speak. "I'm so sorry Mark. Everything is my fault."

And we're back!

First of all, I've wanted to say that all kinds of opinions that are shared or things that are said in this work do not reflect my own opinion on any topic. Especially the first chapters where Mark still considers getting an abortion have gotten a few negative reactions regarding some parts that have been thought or said.

I know that these comments are mainly directed at the character in these scenes but I just wanted to make sure that this doesn't reflect my thoughts. I've written these parts to make the story line move forward.

However, I've written this work nearly three years ago and my knowledge and understanding of controversial topics has grown. I know that some things that are said aren't expressed well. But since I've decided to not rewrite this work and just edit a few minor things, I have not changed these parts.

I apologize if anyone felt offended by any statement in this work and I apologize in advance in case such situations will happen again.

I know I might take this too serious now but I felt it was important to clarify this.

Well and secondly, how could they do this to X1? They deserved so so much better. They have to carry the consequences of the whole voting scandal although they are not at fault. I hope the future holds something better for them!

(+ I'm going to miss my beautiful Seuncat parents)

Thank you for reading 💙

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