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It was Monday again and Jackson hadn't been in school the last week. I knew that it was because of Namjoon and of what he had done. It didn't seem like the blonde was ever going to forgive his friend.

After Jackson was gone, Namjoon had told me exactly what had happened and I also found out that he luckily hadn't told Jimin that he had found us together. If he had done, the whole school would have known the next day.

The taller had apologized more than twenty times although I had always told him that everything was ok. I had also told Jinyoung about it who had stayed surprisingly calm and treated Namjoon like always.

I was happy that my friends were still there for me. They cared about my health and went through my mood swings with me. It made me happy that I had someone who I could count on but I was still disappointed.

Not disappointed in them but in Jackson. He had given me the feeling that he slowly started to accept me and our child and I actually thought he had slowly started caring a bit now.

But I had turned out to be wrong. Jackson didn't care and gladly took Namjoon's confession as a reason to stay out of the baby's life. He just left and gave his best friend the responsibility for everything.

Namjoon still felt guilty and he tried his best to make it up to me. He gave me his phone number so I could call him whenever I needed something and he even brought me food everyday which his boyfriend Jin had cooked.

As far as I knew, Jin knew that I was pregnant from Jackson and therefore he always prepared a healthy meal for me and especially for my baby. Namjoon had told me that his boyfriend was a very mother-like person.

But today I didn't really feel like eating. I actually didn't feel like anything. The only thing I did, was staring on my plate and the food on it which Namjoon had brought me today.

I didn't feel very well and I just wanted to go back home and hide in my bed. It was one of those bad days when everything was shit. Not even the chocolate Jinyoung had bought me could make me happier.

I wasn't really sure why I felt like that but a part of me guessed that it was because of Jackson. Everything had become complicated since the party and the night we had spent together. It wasn't easy.

In the beginning, it had just been my pregnancy which had made problems but Jackson slowly seemed to accept our child and we had even gotten closer and had been on the way to become friends.

But now, he had turned back to his old self again. I didn't know if he really thought that it was all Namjoon's fault or if he just used that as an excuse to get out of the baby thing. No matter what it was, I was disappointed.

I scolded myself for having the hope that Jackson could turn into a better person, become my friend and raise our baby together. We didn't have to act like a family. I just wanted support.

Of course, I had people like Jinyoung or Youngjae who supported me with all they had and both of them were very excited. I was thankful for all their support and help but I still wished for Jackson to come to his senses.

But I wouldn't force him to anything. If it was his final decision to stay out of our baby's life, I would accept it without complaining but I would always give him the chance to change his decision.

"Are you OK? You just stare on your food and seem zoned out." Jinyoung gave me a worried look. I looked at him and smiled slightly. "I'm OK. I just don't feel like eating." I admitted and hoped that answer would satisfy my friend.

But unluckily it didn't. "You have to eat. The baby needs it." The black-haired told me with his mom attitude. "It won't kill her or him if I skip a meal. I'm eating later." I put a hand on my tummy.

It had been growing during the last weeks. The bulge under my hoodie was barely visible but luckily the people didn't pay enough attention to me that they would recognize it. But that would change soon.

"If you say so. You have a ultrasound appointment next week, right? Will you ask Jackson to come with you?" My best friend suddenly asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't think so. He wouldn't come anyway." I looked down for a moment.

Jinyoung sighed. He knew that I wished that Jackson would come with me. I still hoped that he would fall in love with our baby when he saw it moving on the screen and not only on a picture but I secretly knew that my hope was useless.

Sorry if it's a tiny bit lame but this was just meant to be a filler chapter but don't worry this won't have too many fillers. (This isn't Naruto after all)

I'm probably going to stick to double updates so we're getting through this faster because this has a ton of chapters and they are all pretty short.

Thank you for reading 💙

P.S. vote for SF9 on Mwave app 🙃

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