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The atmosphere in the house was great and cheerful. Loud music was filling the rooms on the first floor and people were running around, dancing or talking with each other. The party was going well.

It was Jackson's birthday and his parents had allowed him to throw a party with his friends as long as nothing would get out of control. He had promised them to take care and now the house was full of people.

I was sitting in the backyard which was the quietest place around except of the second floor. Lily was upstairs sleeping in my bedroom. I held a baby monitor in my hand to hear her in case she woke up.

Big parties weren't really my thing because I still didn't have that many friends. But Jackson was very popular and had many friends. Therefore, it seemed like he had invited nearly our whole grade.

Girls and boys were running around making me feel a little uncomfortable. Some of the people used to laugh or bully me when they found out that I was pregnant. Luckily, they didn't say anything mean today.

I took a small sip of my grape juice watching the partly drunk teenagers wildly dancing around on the grass. Normally, I would enjoy dancing too but I didn't want to risk that anyone would laugh at me.

And I also didn't want to risk that I would get more attention than necessary. Jackson and I were friends now but that didn't mean that the others had stopped to see and treat me as a nerd.

The most of the people didn't even pay attention to me but that was ok. I liked it to sit there by myself and enjoy the fresh breeze of the night air. It was calming although the music was entertaining the whole neighbourhood.

I got up and walked inside where it was extremely crowded. It seemed like there were people everywhere. I hadn't even known that one single person was able to know so many other guys.

Sighing, I tried to find a way through the people to get upstairs to look if my baby was alright. She hadn't cried yet but I wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong. I just felt like I had to do this.

It took me some time to reach the stairs but I had finally managed it and walked up to the second floor which was completely empty which partly relieved me. I didn't like the imagination of a stranger being there where my baby was.

I slowly walked over to my room and opened the door. Lily was laying in her crib and luckily she was still sleeping like a cute little stone. I sighed in relief and looked over to my cute daughter.

She had her thumb between her pink lips and her breathing was calm and regular. I quietly walk over to stand next to her crib. It made me feel so much better to know that my baby was sleeping.

I carefully placed a light kiss on her forehead before I left my bedroom again, quietly closing the door behind me. Now I could happily return to the party without having to worry about Lily.

Walking down the stairs I was able to spot the birthday boy with a group of boys and girls I didn't know. All of them were holding plastic cups or glass bottles with most likely alcoholic drinks.

I smiled a bit and decided to go outside again. Of course, it would also be nice to talk to Jackson but I didn't want to interrupt his conversation and I was living with him anyway so we could talk everyday.

I had also congratulated him this morning. My present for him had been a chocolate cake which I had made this morning. I knew it wasn't the most creative idea but it was the best I could think of.

I didn't have that much money to buy a proper present for Jackson and I didn't want to buy him any cheap stuff either and I also felt that a homemade cake was something special.

Luckily, he had been very happy about the cake and we had eaten it together with his family when Jackson had come back from school earlier. I was glad that I had made the right choice.

Some people bumped into me before I finally reached my seat in the backyard. Some more people had come outside while I had been in the house. The music had gotten louder, too.

I partly hoped that the party would be over soon but I knew Jackson and so I could say that this would be a very long night. I most likely wouldn't stay at the party the whole time and go to my room instead.

It was too early to go upstairs now. I didn't want to give Jackson the feeling that I didn't enjoy his party. I actually didn't like parties but looking on the situation objectivly I had to admit that it was great party.

A familiar voice calling my name made me flinch lightly. I hadn't noticed that I had gotten company. A blonde-haired male looked down at me with a small grin on his lips and a bottle in his right hand.

"What are doing here so alone?" Jackson asked me with small hint of concern in his voice. "I'm just enjoying the nice weather." I answered giving him a smile to show him that I was fine.

"Jin or Youngjae are inside if you want to talk to someone." He told me obviously thinking that I wished for some company what was partly true. I really enjoyed the time for myself but I wouldn't mind someone with me either.

"You don't have to worry, Jackson. I'm completely fine." I said looking up to him but he didn't seem really satisfied with that. His eyebrows were raised and I could see a mixture of worry and scepticism in his eyes.

"Maybe you are but I would prefer it if you were inside with someone we know. Some people here get a little weird and touchy when they are drunk. So please, come in." The younger said to me.

I understood that he was little worried about me and I had to admit that I wasn't really pleased by the thought of a completely drunk weirdo coming over and touching me on places where I didn't want to be touched.

I got up and followed the blonde male inside of the house. It was still full of people but he easily made his way through the crowd holding my wrist in a firm grip to make sure I was definitely behind him.

Our group of friends was sitting on one of the sofas in the living room which was also the fullest room in the whole house. I sighed, not being happy about that but I knew it was much safer here.

Jackson seemed to notice that I was a little uncomfortable with the situation. He stopped walking some steps away from the sofa and turned around to face me while he still held my wrist.

"I know that you don't feel comfortable here but it makes me feel better when I know you're safe. Believe me, I only want the best for you. So please stay." The blonde male said with a small smile.

Thank you for reading ♡

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