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3rd POV:

The light in the room was bright, a little too bright for Mark's liking. He could only briefly understand what the doctor and nurses were saying, his mind still a little bit hazy from the anaesthetic a nurse had given him a few minutes ago.

They had told him beforehand that everything would be a bit blurry at the beginning but the effect would wear off enough for him to be mentally present when his daughter would be born.

Everything below his shoulders was completely numb and hidden behind a paper blind. Both, Jackson and his mother, both dressed in medical gowns, were on each side of him holding his hands.

He had talked to Jackson up right after ending the call with his mother. The younger boy had quickly dressed himself and gotten Mark's bag to make sure they would be ready to leave as soon as possible.

His mother had picked them up ten minutes later. At that point, the contractions had become more painful and Mark hoped they would reach the hospital soon. Luckily, there wasn't much traffic.

After the doctor had checked up on him and the baby and made sure that everything was alright, they had started the prepare him for the surgery. They were really going to get his daughter now.

It felt weird somehow. He was technically giving birth right now but instead of pain, he couldn't feel most of his body. He didn't even have to do anything, they were just going to get the baby for him.

Although Mark was relieved that he didn't have to through endless hours of pain, he couldn't help but feel a little useless. Males couldn't give birth naturally, it wasn't his fault but he hated that he couldn't help at all.

His mother's free hand carefully ran through his hair and he could see her smiling under her mask. Jackson looked down on him. "Are you ok?" He asked quietly. Mark nodded, his mind a little clearer now.

He briefly noticed a nurse checking his IV and vital functions before he saw her looking over to him. "We are going to start now. If anything is wrong, make sure to say something." She gave him an encouraging smile.

The room was mostly quiet aside from the beeping of the vital monitor and the doctor asking his assistant for different medical instruments. Mark could faintly hear the radio play a recent song.

It wouldn't take long now that they had actually started the surgery. Their daughter would be born within the next few minutes. Mark squeezed Jackson's hand. They were really going to be parents.

Mark was a little surprised when Jackson kneeled down next to him. "I know you feel bad because you can't do more but you're doing so well. Don't doubt yourself, ok? I'm so proud of you." He told him quietly.

Those words made him tear up. Jackson rarely got emotional and let through how much he really knew, how much he cared. But those small moments were enough to proof Mark that Jackson would be a great father.

It was quiet for some time until the room was suddenly filled with the loud crying of a newborn baby. It felt like time stopped for a short moment. Mark felt tears filling his eyes. She was finally there.

The room suddenly became livelier, the doctor kept on taking care of Mark while a nurse took the newborn baby in her arms and brought her over to her parents. The woman gave them a smile.

"Say hello to your daughter." She told them. Mark carefully stroked a finger over her small cheek. She was beautiful. "The pediatrician will check up on her while they stitch you up. You can see her right after."

She gave them a few more seconds to look at their child before handing the small bundle over to the pediatrician who took her with him. It felt a little weird, not being able to hold her right away but he knew it was necessary.

Jackson ran a hand through the older boy's hair. "You did amazing. She's perfect." He told him, his voice thick with emotions. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt as happy as in that moment.

"Mr. Wang, would you please come with me?" The nurse from before called his name. Jackson nodded, pressing a short kiss on Mark's forehead before following the woman out of the room.

He knew what was going to come now, they had told him. Since Mark wouldn't be able to hold her right away, they would give her to Jackson. Newborns needed physical contact after birth.

He was led back into the delivery room, the light had been dimmed and the rocking chair had been prepared for him. The nurse took the medical equipment from him and told him to remove his shirt.

"I will get her now. Just sit down, I won't need long." She left the room and Jackson followed her instructions, sitting down on the chair. He was so endlessly nervous. He would finally get to see his baby.

The following seconds and minutes felt unusually long. He wondered how it would feel, holding his daughter for the first time. He would surely feel happy and who knew, maybe he would even cry a little.

The door opened and the nurse from before entered the room, a small baby wrapped in a white blanket in her arms. She walked over to him and carefully placed the newborn on his chest. She was only wearing a diaper under the blanket but her skin was warm.

"Just lean back and hold her back. And make sure the blanket covers her to keep her warm. Congratulations to your beautiful daughter." The new father did as he was told and the nurse gave him a smile before leaving them alone.

Jackson looked down on his daughter. It felt like the time suddenly stopped. He couldn't remember that he had ever seen something that beautiful and he wasn't able to describe what he was feeling.

He knew it sounded so cliché but the sight of the little human on his chest made him forget everything what had happened before. His doubts, his worries and his fears. He only wanted to protect her.

While one of his hands was holding her on his chest, the other carefully caressed her small cheek. He knew he was being biased but she was the cutest baby in the world. And he already loved her so much.

He didn't know how much time had passed when the door opened again and Mark was brought inside, his mother right behind. He was a little pale and his eyes were tired but lit up when he spotted his daughter.

Jackson carefully stood up, walking over to the boy on the bed. "Say hi to your daughter." He said quietly and handed her over to Mark who immediately started to smile, his eyes filling with tears.

He could finally hold his daughter in his arms. She was small but healthy and that meant everything to him. He had never been happier than now and he knew this was only the beginning. "Welcome on this world my princess."

New chapter!

I'm sorry, it was super hard to write and I didn't feel well.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you for reading ♡

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