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It almost felt surreal when, after a long day of carrying a whole ton of boxes back and forth, I was finally able to place the last box on the floor in my future living room. There was still a lot that needed to be done but the first step had been made.

I had moved into my first own apartment. Of course, it didn't look like an actual home yet. Boxes were spread in pretty much every room, Lily's future room being an exception and only the kitchen and bathroom were fully furnished.

I felt great now that the biggest part of today's work was done but I knew that the it would only get harder for now. Who knew how long it would take to unpack all these boxes and put everything in its new place. Let alone putting together my new furniture.

As nice as the apartment was, it looked far from an actual home yet but somehow, it already felt like it. This was our apartment now, mine and of course, Lily's. If everything went as expected, she would spend the first years of her life here.

It was a silly thought but imagining to fill these rooms with life and memories, made me feel all warm inside. I knew I was probably exaggerating, taking this whole thing a bit too serious but I couldn't stop myself either.

Somehow, having a child had changed my mentality a lot. I saw many things different ever since I had Lily. Rather than just nicely decorating my new home, I wanted to create a stable and safe environment. I wanted her to enjoy coming home, though it would take time until she fully understood.

I let out a relieved sigh when I finally sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen. Of course, I'd have given everything to throw myself on a soft, comfortable sofa right now but right now, I was just grateful for any opportunity to sit down.

I knew I would eventually have to get up again. After I had offered to take care of the last boxes, Jackson had announced that he would go to the next convenience store and get something to drink and snacks for us. He would probably be back soon.

Jackson, my parents, siblings and some other friends had helped me packing and carrying boxes and pieces of furniture up and down. They would also come over during the coming week to help me setting everything up. I couldn't be more grateful.

The front door of my apartment opened and I heard Jackson's steps in the hallway before he walked through the door, a bag in his right hand. Although we had done a similar amount of work today, he only seemed half as tired as I was.

"I hope it's ok that I only brought chips and some rice and kimchi to warm up. I considered getting ramyeon as well but I figured you wouldn't want to cook." He told me, placing the bag on the table before unpacking it.

True to his words, two bags of chips, a plastic bowl of rice and kimchi, followed by two bottles of water. It wasn't even anything special but right now, I was more than thankful for any kind of food and a cold drink.

"Honestly, you're an angel. You could've pretty much brought me anything as long as it's edible." I said and he gave me an amused smile. "Do you want me to warm up the rice?" I offered but he quickly declined by shaking his head.

"It's fine. I know how to use a microwave and I'm still standing anyway." Jackson said calmly and walked over to take care of our food. I grabbed one of the water bottles and drank a big gulp. I hadn't realized how thirsty I actually was.

Jackson leaned back against the counter. "So how does it feel? Finally living on your own, I mean." He asked. I closed the bottle and put it on the table again. "Still a bit surreal actually. But I'm happy." I told him and gave him a smile.

"I'm happy, too. And jealous. It has to be so nice to have your own home and basically be your own boss. I can't wait to go to college." He let out a short laugh and took the rice out of he microwave, bringing it over to the table.

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