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My parents and I were sitting in our living room. I had asked them if we could talk because I had something "very important" to tell them. And of course, they wanted to know what I meant.

After Jin had picked Namjoon up, I had gone home while I thought about how to tell my parents. It had to sound like it was really serious to me as if it was my main reason to stay.

I didn't prepare what I was going to say because I thought it would be better to do it spontaneously. It would sound more realistic. And hopefully my plan would work and I could keep on living my life.

Of course, I knew that my parents could want me to take care of the baby but that was a risk I was willing to take. Nothing was more important than my life here and I would do everything for it.

"I know you might wonder what I want to tell you now. It's something very important and I think it's time to let you know." I began and looked at my parents with a serious expression. They nodded.

My mom gave me a small smile. "Well, then tell us. You know you can tell us everything." She said softly and I smiled a bit. I knew she was a bit worried about me and I guessed she expected the worst.

"I know you think it would be good if we moved but my friends here have nothing to do with my behaviour. I'm the one who acts bad. They even try to hold back a bit. But that's not everything." I sighed.

"There's something else." I paused for a moment before I took a deep breath. "Did you get caught while dealing with drugs? I've told you to be careful." My father said and my mom hit his arm.

"No, I didn't dad." I laughed a bit at my dad's idea. Of course, he was just joking but I knew that my mom had partly believed it at first because she knew me for doing all kind of stupid things.

"Ok. Then tell us what the problem is." Dad said and got serious again. My parents waited for me to speak. "I'm going to be a father." I finally announced. Silence filled the living room.

My dad seemed to be a bit shocked about my news and my mom looked surprised. "You got someone pregnant?" My father asked me again to make sure he understood me right and I nodded in response.

My mother spoke up next. "Is it Namjoon?" She asked and I quickly shook my head. "Oh my God, no." I said and my mom started to laugh. How could she ever think that? Me and Namjoon? Eww.

I mean, he was good-looking and also very attractive and in other cases he would be my type but he was my best friend and I knew things about him which made it impossible for me to ever have sex with him.

Mom finally calmed down a bit but she still grinned at me. "I'm sorry honey. So who is it then? A girl or a boy?" She asked and I leaned back and looked at the ceiling. But I looked back at her after a second.

"It's a boy. His name his Mark. He's from my school." I explained the necessary things. They didn't need to know more about him or about what had happened between us and especially not about how I treated him.

"Is he a nice guy?" Mpm asked and I could see a small smirk forming on her lips. Oh please, no. Why did she have to think like this now? Me and Mark was even more unrealistic than me and Namjoon.

"He most likely is. I don't know to be honest. We aren't really close." I admitted. My parents should actually know that there was nothing between me and Mark and that everything had been an accident.

"I hope he has no diseases." Dad said and my mother hit his arm. "Ricky, please." She said and my father grinned. "Ok ok  I'm sorry." He defended himself and I tried to hide my wide grin.

Although my dad's question was understandable, I was extremely sure that Mark didn't have any diseases. He had been a virgin before me. That was one of the few things about him I knew for sure.

Speaking of Mark, I had to tell him that I had talked to my parents. Not that it was very important for him but I thought it was good to tell him because he had to know if someone knew about his pregnancy.

"So..." My mom spoke up again what made me look at her. A smile was placed on her lips "When are we going to meet him?" She asked. What? My mother wanted to meet Mark?! No way!

Welcome back my friends!

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!

It's pretty late so I don't know if I will upload another chapter today or if I'll post in the morning.

But I can promise a new chapter is coming!

Thank you for reading 💙

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