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It was still deep in the night when I woke up. My room was completely dark and my phone told me that it was only 2:15 in the morning. It was definitely too early to get up. Actually, I should just go back to sleep.

Two waves of pain had woken me up. They were strong and painful. I had tried to ignore the first and continue sleeping but the second had followed after some seconds leaving a light pain in my back and legs.

I took a shaky breath and sat up. I knew that this pain were just contractions but they had been unusually painful. To my luck, the pain was fading away now and I could try to sleep again.

But unluckily, I felt surprisingly awake although I had only slept for about four hours. Actually, it wouldn't even matter if I stayed awake now. I didn't have to go to school anyway so I could sleep how long I wanted.

Deciding that I wouldn't go back to sleep now I turned the nightstand lamp on and pushed my blanket aside. I carefully got up from my bed and walked through the room to open the window.

The cold air felt refreshing and I took a few deep breathes. My body relaxed slowly although I could still feel the muscles at my belly and lower back tensing. It was uncomfortable but bearable.

Sighing, I sat down at the edge of my bed and looked through the room. The crib for my daughter was standing at the wall on the opposite of my bed and some plush toys were still laying on my desk in the corner.

And others were also laying in the crib but I would have to take them out when the baby was born so they would be placed in my bed because I didn't want to put them on the floor either.

Some shirts were placed on the chair in front of my desk. I had taken them out of my closet because I needed space for the baby's clothes. This wasn't the best solution but it was enough for now.

I opened the drawer of my bedside table and grabbed the picture of my last ultrasound. A smile grew on my face. I couldn't clearly see how she looked like but I was sure she would be beautiful.

I still remembered my first ultrasound and how the picture looked like. My princess had just been a little, unrecognisable thing which had looked more like a peanut rather than a baby.

She had grown with every appointment and now I could easily recognize the shape of an unborn child and I also knew that this small thing would be a girl. My cute little princess.

I had already thought about a name for her and I also had some in mind. But I wanted to wait until my little girl was born. I wanted to see her and then I would decide which name I would give her.

I smiled softly when I remembered the past months and how everything had started. The positive pregnancy test had turned my life into a complete mess at first. I hadn't known what to do.

But now everything was different. I had learned to love my baby and I was happy that she would be there sooner or later and that I would be able to hold her in my arms and show her my love.

Sometimes I still feared that I wouldn't be a good father because of my young age or that something would go wrong or that I made a mistake. But I knew that those fears were normal.

Even Tammy had told me that she was also very nervous and felt insecure before Kylie was born. But she always said that those feelings would disappear when my baby was born.

I got up from my bed and walked back to the window to look outside. The night sky had a beautiful blue color and I even could even see some silver shining stars. Everything was so calm and silent.

I watched the leaves of the trees moving with the light breeze and listened to the sounds of the nature, like owls and crickets. The atmosphere was beautiful and nearly made tired again.

But then I felt another strong wave of pain running through my whole body making my knees go weak and nearly give out. I tried to calm down and took some deep breathes and slowly walked over to my bed.

My legs were shaking with every step and my belly and lower back still hurt when more pain shot through my body like a lightning. Luckily, I was able to get my body on the bed before my knees gave out completely.

I laid down on my back and tried to find a comfortable position. My body was shaking lightly and it felt like every part of me was hurting. I gave my best to stay calm although I felt like panicking.

My lower back and especially my belly hurt terribly and I felt my muscles tensing although I tried everything to relax. I closed my eyes and started to take long deep breathes hoping it would help.

But then the next wave shot through me. It was extremely strong and nearly made me scream in pain but luckily I was fast enough to cover my mouth with my hand. I didn't want to wake anyone up.

The contractions in the last weeks had been painful sometimes but never that strong and intense. It felt like my complete body was tensing up. It really seemed like I was going into labour.

My heart was beating fast and at first I didn't know what to do. I was so overwhelmed. One of my hands grabbed my phone from the bedside table and I did the first thing that came in my mind. I called my mom.

It didn't take her long to pick up and I sighed in relief when I heard her tired voice. "Mark? Are you ok? Why are you calling at this time?" She asked my worried and I needed some moments to answer her.

The pain had faded a bit but then I had started to cry. I was so scared. "Mom... the baby..." I said between my sobs. I could hear that she was moving and guessed she was getting up.

"Calm down Markie and take deep breathes. You have contractions, right? How often do they come?" Her voice sounded a bit calmer now and I tried to concentrate and give her clear answers.

"I don't know. The first came when I woke up and the others some moments ago. I think every ten minutes or something." I explained nervously and hoped that my mom knew what to do.

She sighed in relief. "Good. That means we still have time to get you to hospital." My mother said. "Wake Jackson up if he wants to come with you. I'm on my way, so don't worry." Then she ended the call.

I felt relieved that my mom was coming because I knew I wouldn't be able to do this without her. God, I couldn't believe it. My baby was finally coming. Hopefully, everything would go well.

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