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I felt a bit better after I had talked to Jackson. Talking with him had helped me to calm down and think about the situation clearly. I had never expected him to be able to calm me down.

I was happy that we at least made a little plan in case someone asked me about it. Now I was the one who would ask someone about it. I had decided to talk to Kai. Just talk, nothing more.

It was lunchtime and I knew that he normally spent that time with his group of friends who were luckily pretty nice guys so I didn't have to be afraid to go their table to get Kai alone.

When I arrived at their table nine boys looked at me which made me a little bit uncomfortable. I decided to focus on the guy I was looking for. "Kai? Can we talk for moment please?" I asked him.

He didn't even seem really confused while he got up from his seat and followed me some steps from their table away. He probably knew what I wanted to talk about and I was happy that he had agreed.

"So, why did you spread this rumor about me?" I asked him after I made sure that no one would overhear our conversation. The taller boy sighed a bit and I got the feeling that he felt sorry about it.

"I'm really sorry. I've never wanted this to happen." He said and titled my head in confusion. So, he didn't want to spread a rumor? But why did he tell everyone about it then? That didn't make sense.

"What do you mean? I thought you were the one who has seen us?" I asked and crossed my arms. Kai nodded. "Yes, I've seen you but I've never spread it in school." He defended himself.

I didn't know if I should believe him. He was the one who had seen us so who else should know about it? "Have you told anyone?" That was the only explanation I had for a situation like this.

The younger nodded. "I've told Suho." He answered. Well, then Suho had to be the one who had told everyone. "But he would never tell anyone. I trust him with no doubt." Kai added a moment later.

I believed him if he said that Suho wouldn't do that but I was slowly getting frustrated. "But why does the whole school know about it now? Is it possible that someone heard you?" I took a deep breath.

"Actually not. We were behind the school and I had made sure that no one else was there. But we... we... got distracted so I don't know if someone came and heard me telling him about it." He sighed and bit his lip.

I nodded a bit and decided that this was enough. I really appreciated what he had told me because I knew that it hadn't been easy for him. But he had decided that he trusted me so I would trust him, too.

"Ok. Thank you for being so honest and don't worry. You can trust me." I said and Kai smiled for a moment. "Thank you." He placed his hand on my shoulder for moment before he went back to his table.

I was about to leave the cafeteria when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to a table. I was a bit shocked for a moment but that quickly got replaced with discomfort when I saw on whose table I was now.

Minji was one of the many girls who had a crush on Jackson and unluckily she was one of the bitchy kind. Her long fingernails would probably leave scratch marks on my arms and her perfume made me want to throw up.

She gave me a bright but definitely faked smile but didn't let go of my arm. "So Markie... it's ok that I call you Markie, right? Someone has told me you're in certain circumstances." She began.

"And? People say a lot when they have nothing to do." I answered casually. Of course, I could tell her but she was the last one I wanted to know about it. "Maybe, but they also say you've done it with Jackson." The girl continued.

"And I really hope you didn't. Because if you did, we'd have a huge problem." She said with a sweet smile and I tried my best not to gulp in fear. I knew she could be mean and I didn't want that to happen.

I wanted to pull my arm away and go but her grip just tightened. "Oh, why do you try to get away from me Markie? Am I right?" Minji grinned. Her voice sounded so awfully sweet and fake.

"No, you're not. I don't know if you're just frustrated because Jackson isn't interested in you but I would be very thankful if you let me go now." I said and tried to sound as casual as possible.

The brown-haired girl looked at me with anger in her eyes and I felt her fingernails burying in my skin. It hurt a lot and it took all my strength to stop myself from making any noises.

"Listen carefully, idiot. I don't know if you're lying to me or not but I swear to God that I make your life a living hell if you're really pregnant with Jackson's child." She whispered through clenched teeth.

I gulped and couldn't hide my fear anymore. She was completely crazy and I was afraid that she would hurt my baby. A moment of silence passed and Minji had probably studied my reaction during that time.

"I can just advise you to get an abortion before I'm going to make sure you're not having this..." I waited for her to go on but she got interrupted by a deep male voice which made me look up.

"It's enough." Minji let go of my arm and I quickly made some steps back. The girl just crossed her arms and left with her group of friends. I sighed in relief and turned to my saviour who was surprisingly familiar.

He was extremely tall, had orangish-blonde hair and was one of the most popular guys in school. I had never expected someone like him to help someone me. Actually I didn't expect him to help anyone.

He was known for being a bit cold outside and he rarely talked to anyone except of his closest friends. I was happy that he had helped me out of this situation although it confused me a little bit.

"Thank you for helping me." I said to break the silence. The taller boy just nodded with a hardly noticeable smile on his face and walked back to his table. I smiled to myself for a moment before I left to room.

I was going to look for Jackson now who was probably still outside. This incident had shown me that I couldn't just leave these rumors and hope they would fade away. I had to do something. And I would.

And welcome back to another chapter! And it's half-time!

So yeah, Kai's not the bad guy. I don't even know if it's ever revealed who it was.

But the main point isn't who spread the rumor anyway, it's more about the fact that everyone knows now.

Well, now I have to ask a (possibly annoying) thing I've always wanted to ask people and I'll do it here because I've got no one else to ask.

What would you think is my Hogwarts house?

I really love Harry Potter and this whole house thing and I've always wanted to know what people would think about me. So, you don't necessarily have to answer. I'm just curious and thought it wouldn't hurt to try.

Next chapter will be up soon!

Thank you for reading 💙

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