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It was 11.30 pm on the last day of the year and nearly the whole advanced level of the school was invited to Youngjae's New Year's Party which we were celebrating the house of his uncle Seunghyun.

Jinyoung had told me to stay at home and relax but Youngjae had asked me so many times so I couldn't say no to him. At first, I hadn't been sure if I wanted to go to the party because my last party hadn't ended that well.

Luckily, I definitely wouldn't drink any alcohol this time and I couldn't get pregnant again either so actually there was nothing to worry about. I would probably just sit there and watch everyone else dance and drink.

Actually, I liked parties with friends but this time I felt a bit displaced. I couldn't drink anything and I also couldn't dance a lot because my back started to hurt after some time and I preferred to sit.

I was surprised that Youngjae had managed that so many seniors came to the party but I was sure that this was mainly on Jaebum's who was in touch with many former swim team members.

I drank a bit of my orange juice and watched my friends dancing. Jackson was one of them. Some girls were standing around him and giggled. They were probably talking about how "hot" he looked.

Honestly, I didn't care about his appearance at all. Of course, Jackson was good-looking and no one could deny that but I didn't like it to judge people on how they looked or dressed.

He obviously enjoyed the attention but I wasn't jealous. I liked him but in the end he had the choice and if he wanted one of his fangirls who hyped all of his actions, he should feel free to date her.

It would hurt me but I would never change my personality to impress him. And besides, I doubted that my crush on Jackson would last forever. I was a high school student. I would definitely fall in love again.

"Jin told me that you like him." I jumped a little when Namjoon suddenly sat down on the sofa next to me. He seemed surprisingly sober for someone who was at a party for nearly five hours.

I wasn't really surprised that Jin had told him about our conversation. They probably didn't have any secrets from each other. "I do yes. But why do you bring this up now?" I asked him looked at my juice.

"I've seen him with girls and I was worrying that you might get jealous." He said and I sighed and shook my head. "I'm not jealous. People who are jealous are insecure that they aren't enough for their crush or partner."

I emptied my glass and placed it on the table. "I might have feelings for him but I'm not insecure. I am who I am and that makes me proud. If he doesn't want me, I won't bother him." I continued my previous sentence.

Namjoon seemed to think about my words for a moment. "I'm sure he just needs time to realize what he wants." He told me and I just shrugged my shoulders. Jackson could be a complicated person sometimes.

"You're his best friend so I guess you know it better than I do." I answered and started to stroke my belly, my thumb rubbing small circles what made my little princess kicking me softly. She loved it when I did that.

The younger boy didn't say anything for a while. I decided to give him some time to think about whatever he wanted to say and looked through the room. Youngjae and some other were already giving drinks around.

The new year would start in less then 15 minutes and I kinda feared the coming months. I would become a parent during this year. My due date was at the end of March. Only three months more.

I got up and told Namjoon that I wanted to get myself a new glass of juice. Nearly everyone was in the living room now so the kitchen was empty. The music from the other room was only barely audible but I enjoyed the silence.

I felt a bit exhausted and my back hurt. I had eaten a lot during the last days and I still felt very heavy. Hopefully, that feeling would go away during the next days because it was already hard enough that my belly would grow bigger.

I slowly walked back to the living room. Unluckily, there wasn't much space to stand so I looked for a place to sit. I didn't want to end up between all the students who wanted to hug and talk to their friends.

Luckily one of the seniors, Lu Han, offered me his chair. I thanked him politely which he returned with a cute grin. I was very happy that at least some people were nice and didn't judge me.

I looked around and hoped to find some of my friends so I could wish them a happy new year without being bothered to walk through the crowd in the living room which was definitely overfilled.

Luckily, I spotted Jinyoung who did his best to come over to me without being squeezed to puree. I tried my best to hold back my laughed but I had to admit that the scene in front of me was pretty funny.

The ravenette came over to me and I could hear him mumble a little rant about the bad behaviour of the youth from today. I chuckled and let him talk to himself while I patiently waited for him.

"Hey Jinyoungie. Where have you been?" I asked him a looked on the clock. "I've been with Yoongi and the guys. And I guess you've just been here." The younger answered and kneed down next to my chair.

"I've watched the people dance and sometimes some sat down on the sofa and talked to me. I didn't even know them but they were pretty nice." I told him and chuckled at the memory of the slightly drunken people.

"That sounds better than sitting there alone." Jinyoung smiled a bit and I nodded. "It was pretty interesting. But I'm actually glad that at least you're here now. I've felt a bit lost." I admitted.

"I'm sorry that I left you alone. But now we can celebrate the new year together and hopefully we find the others later so don't have to make a two-people-party." He laughed a bit and looked to the other people.

"It's time." The black-haired male told me and I looked over to the radio clock which showed that the last seconds of this year were officially passing and the people started to count down from 10.

I took a deep breath and started to count down with the other people. Normally a new year had never been a big deal for me but it was different this time. The coming year would change everything. "3...2...1..."

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