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It has been a deca-phoeb since Zarkon's death grip of a rein over the universe had finally been stripped away from his by the paladins of Voltron. His hatred towards the Paladins grew greater as frustration and envy flowed through his thick blood, and with each passing day as his name stopped bringing terror and power over thousands of civilizations, that envy and frustration grew from within.

Voice booming throughout the room as Zarkon demanded for the witch. The guard's eyes widened at their sires' sudden outburst. They glanced a gaze of worry towards one another as the first guard began to speak up.

"but Sire..."

Zarkon's fist slammed against the arm of his throne startling the guard into silence. "Now!" He yelled, with no patience left. It had been bad enough being defeated by the Paladins, but every little thing they were doing was slowing undoing the empire he built over ten thousand deca-phoebs, and quite frankly it was starting to piss him off.

"Sire" a scratchy voice interrupted him from his fit of frustration, "I believe I was beckoned", Zarkon sent a cold star towards the witch as she knelt before him.

Almost monotonously Zarkon began speaking, "Any updates on the location of Voltron?"

A devious smile spreads across Haggar's face "We have a location from a few vargas ago, a cargo ship is expected to pass that location in a few quintants, sire"

His leans back in his chair and hums, his rattled nerves starting to calm as a sly grin began to settle on his lips. "Good" a low chuckle escapes from his mouth, "Everything is going according to plan"

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