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"alright girl" Pidge clenches her jaw as she brings her fingers hesitantly over the keyboard to the mainframe of the green lion.

"open the document" she gulps commanding her lion.

nerves surge through every inch of her body as the document opens on the screen right in front of her eyes.

this document could change everything. change the way she thinks, change the way the war is fought. this document has the answers for all of Voltron's questions.

Pidge scans the screen as files apon files load onto the screen. her eyes dart to the bottom corner of the screen to read the number of files on the document.

her jaw drops to the ground as she gapes at the number: 3,589,162 files.

her heart feels like it weighs a tonne as it sinks leaving her with a feeling of emptiness. by the time she finds the right file it could already be too late.

she slams her fists down in frustration making a loud bang "3 and a half million freaking files" she screams as the anger flows through her veins.

"woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" a familiar voice stated from the entrance of the cockpit startling Pidge a bit.

she swings round to look at the boy "not now Lance" she rolls her eyes.

he adjusts his position crossing his arms across his crest with a smug grin plastered on his face "what? I came to hang with my unrelated sister, is that such a problem?" he raised an eyebrow.

Pidges expressions soften "go hang with Hunk"

"not to be a Debby downer, Hunk is a good cook - scratch that - a fantastic cook, but let's say his space cookies don't live up to his ability" he innocently smiles moving closer to Pidges workspace.

Lance looks around then starts the whisper "don't tell hunk but i don't want to be around to taste test" Lance shivers at the thought of the bitter and almost sour tasting cookies.

This comment earns a small giggle from the girl "what about about the others?" she questions.

"well, Coran and Allura are negotiating with Kaltenecker, Keith is being an angsty teen and won't come out of his room and Shiro..... umm I didn't want to disturb him" Lance says colliding both of his pointer fingers together again and again.

Pidge raises an eyebrow "and why not?"

"wouldn't you like to know" Lance slyly smirks.

"Lance" Pidge scolded, her face blank from expression.

"Okay, but get this, he was lying on the floor like a starfish talking to himself" Lance says scratching the back of his neck.

"seriously" a bit of concern riddled Pidges voice, Shiro wasn't acting like himself recently, and it's getting worse.

Lance interrupts Pidges thoughts "so I came to spend some quality time with my favourite green paladin"

"i'm the only green paladin" Pidge laughs.

"more of a reason to help with whatever your doing" Lance smiles.

Pidge lets out a long dramatic sigh "fine"

"and what are you doing?" Lance questions looking at the screen.

Pidge turns her attention to the screen "well you remember that cargo ship we boarded a few weeks ago" she questions the curious boy.

the boy slowly nods remembering that mission "that's the document you downloaded from the ship isn't it" Lance practically screams in realisation.

"yes but there is a slight problem" she looks at Lance

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