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before you read this chapter I would like to say:
you guys are so precious, I'm loving the #notmypidge and #cloneshiroconsipiracy, and the bloody type chain - I absolutely love you guys so much!
Hope you enjoy the chapter


Coran looks up at Shiro, his eyes filled with sorrow and dread "whoever's in there" he points over to the pod his hand clearly shaking "she's not our Pidge"

"not OUR Pidge! that's our Pidge, I know it" Shiro said throwing up his hands in defence, it's Pidge he can feel it.

"not our Pidge? What's going on here?" Lance asks walking into the room with Keith, Hunk and Allura right by his side.

hunk just gave a worried look "yeah, is everything alright?" he asked.

Coran just sent Allura a worried glance before explaining, "well while I was running a diagnosis on Pidge, there was something about her blood type, it didn't match her blood in previous occasions and its inhumane"

"inhumane?" Keith asked.

"there is a remanence of an Altean royal bloodline" Coran replied still with a worried look upon his face.

"meaning she's Altean?" Keith questions.

"no, if she was it would have come up in previous scans" Coran informs.

Hunk scratches his head, confused at what is going on, "then what are you saying?"

"there isn't anyway that someone could change their blood type anymore, so it is highly likely that she is not our Pidge" Allura joins in.

"highly likely? so there is a chance that she is our Pidge" Shiro says desperately trying to find an answer.

"it's impossible" Allura looks down at the ground.

"what is?"

"that Pidge being our Pidge - there was an ancient Altean venom micro-venom, it would be injected into the blood stream of a victim and weaken them but keep them alive just enough to do it's job..." Allura says before being interrupted by Coran.

"the venom was basically a high tech fluid filled with microscopic nano bots that would take control of any and every technological weapon, and could then be remotely controlled from the outside, the only way to detect micro-venom was that it slightly altered peoples blood-type and fed off the hosts nutrition to keep itself alive" he says.

"that must be why Pidge's blood-type has changed, she has probably been exposed to this 'micro-venom'." all of the four paladins look at each other, before Lance speaks up.

both Coran and Allura look at each other with expressions of despair.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, only the Altean's with the power of the ancient one could get access to this warfare weapon," Allura says.

"and many generations before my own, the leaders of Altea decided to destroy the last of the vials containing the venom, this micro-venom hasn't been seen in hundreds of millennia, there is no possible way that Pidge could have it in her system" Coran said crossing his arms.

"what about Haggar, she's Altean isn't she" Hunk Questions thinking back to when Voltron discovered the true race of the witch.

"and she was on that cargo ship we boarded weeks ago, where Pidge was you know captured" Lance joins.

Keith just gives a worried expression "do you think...."

"no way, she would have told us if something happened" Shiro interrupts.

"Coran take a blood sample from Pidge, even if the micro-venom has been extinct for thousands of years we have to be certain, there is a small change Haggar could have brought it back to life" Allura says walking over to the healing pod and typing codes and information into it.

"on it" Coran says grabbing some utensils.

Allura looks up the the paladins "while coran and I are doing that you four paladins should get some team building exercises in"

"you three go ill stay here with coran and allura to look after Pidge" Shiro says not wanting to leave the girl in the healing pod.

"but Shiro" Keith started.

"no buts that decision is final" Shiro snapped.

all three paladins looked at each other before shrugging it off and walking out of the room leaving the two Alteans and Shiro.

"well in that case Shiro if you wouldn't mind staying here with Coran, if your right about this micro-venom I got to go check the system to see if anything is out of the ordinary" Allura says before walking out just after the other paladins.

Shiro watches Allura leave and as soon as she is out of sight he turns back to Coran "anything yet?" he asks.

"no not yet, we will know soon enough" Coran replies not looking up from the keyboard he is typing at.


short chapter I know but its all because of SUSPENCE
hope you enjoyed!

I apologise for making that authors note, I didn't mean to be grumpy. I get that people forget to vote and that's totally fine. i love you all for your support!!

15 votes and next chapter next week!!

wc: 740

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