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- omfg, season 6 hit me right in the feelings -

The moment of truth.

Pidge stood her ground, as the crowd's raws silenced from the pure suspension. It was a standoff between the former leader of Voltron and a Paladin. Pidge clutched her Bayard harder in her hand. Her knuckles turning white under the pressure, she can't wither up and cry now, she had come so far, and she has to be strong; for herself, for her team, and for the hope of Shiro.

Shiro smirked smugly at the girl slowly taking strides towards her.

Her mouth was dry, lips were parched. nervousness hit her like a truck as she searched her head for words. "Shiro stop this" she called her voice laced with guilt. If she had taken better notice back on the castle if she has been more careful on that mission none of this would be happening right now. It was all her fault and she knew it.

He stopped for a moment, his eyes ever so slightly twitched from purple to grey

"this is not you" she calls out again

Shiro laughs sending cold shivers that made her hair stand on end. "This is me Pidge, embrace it" he stretched his arms out earning a loud roar from the crowd.

Pidge's heart dropped into her stomach, her hope retreating from view. Small tears pricked the sides of her eyes as she felt a wave of hopelessness wash over her. "This is not the Shiro I know," her voice audibly shaky as she searched her head for the right words. "You are not the Shiro that spends night after night eating Hunks cookies once everyone is sleeping," Pidge inhaled a big breath as confidence slowly began flowing through her veins once again "the Shiro that uses his space dad senses so he can tell when Lance and Keith are fighting," she unconsciously clutches her fists at her side "the Shiro that would do anything to protect Voltron, his team, his family." She practically yelled out.

Her eyes met his, he was visibly shocked, the smug grin that was once plastered on his face was now gone replaced with a totally shocked expression

His eyes twitch purple to grey. His face showing many emotions.

He let out a rather raspy "Katie" Before falling to his knees. His arms shot up to his forehead as he crouched over fighting for control.

Pidge doesn't hesitate, she glances over towards the red boy giving the signal.

He nods in response sprinting from behind a pillar towards the two. Lifting his sword above his head, Keith hesitated ever so slightly before using all his force to move his sword in a downward motion towards the slouched over Shiro.

the sounds of metal clattering to the ground echoes in the large area as the audience goes dead silent. Time seems to move slower as beats of sweat are visibly rolling down Shiro's forehead.

"Shiro?" Pidge cautiously approaches the man crouched to the ground, wary of any sudden movement.

His chest rising and falling heavily as he heaves for a breath, his body becoming more weak and vulnerable. Pidge's eyes lock with his gaze, tears distinctly flowing down his cheeks.

"Katie" his voice was soft as he breathed out her name.

Emotions crashed through her like a wave, no more like a tsunami. His voice was calm and placid like it was before everything got so damn complicated with the Galra. All the hatred and loathing that laced his voice and innermost thoughts now demised as if it was never there.

Her chest tightened at the thought, this had to be her Shiro. Her head was telling her to be cautious, but her heart, her heart was telling her this was the real Shiro, not the once controlled by the Galra, not the one who did all those things against Voltron, but the one she loved very dearly.

She didn't even realize she was running towards him until she felt herself engulfing the man in a hug. "Shiro" Pidge whimpered out, tears streaming down her face as she nuzzling her head into his chest smelling his sweet aroma. She slowly felt his strong arm snake around her torso returning the warm embrace.

She pulled back from the embrace fixing her eyes with his. His grey eyes looked at her longingly as her brown orbs stared back. She couldn't help herself but lean forward connecting her lips with Shiro's.

The crowds horrendous 'boos' were drowned out as all she was focused on was the feeling of Shiro kissing back.

Shiro pulled back from the kiss after what seemed like an eternity before engulfing her in another one-armed embrace.

His heartbeat was steady and Pidge rested her head on Shiro's well-toned chest, "it's good to have you back" her voice muffled as she nuzzled into his chest.

A small smile formed on his face as her words echoed in his ears, "its good to be back"

The sound of a deep rumble erupted from nowhere violently shaking the arena. All five of the Paladins were now trying to steady their feet as the ground shook beneath them. The roof suddenly gave way dropping large pieces of rubble throughout the stadium some of the debris landing close to them.

Pidge glared up at the gaping hole in the roof finding a familiar looking castle of lions shooting away Galran fighter ships. Relief washed over her, it was about time Allura and Coran came for backup.

The rest of the team slowly caught on as they sore the, oh so familiar ship knowing what they had to do.

Each of the five Paladins took fighting stance preparing themselves for the long battle ahead. the Battle to freedom. This was it, the final battle, they had to fight - not just for themselves or their teammates, but for the freedom of Voltron, the glory of the universe.

It was time to get out of the hellish custody of the Galra, and back home to the castle. It was time to take back their lions and bring back Voltron.

And nothing is going to stop them this time.


wc: 1022

hey guys,
hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry, it took so long.
make sure to vote and comment (ohh how I love reading your comments <3)
love your support.

-Author chann

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