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This is it. This is the end. All the blood, sweat, tears and pure determination that was conducted into the team is all for nothing. The Galra now have control over all five lions, the only weapons in the universe that stopped them from completely ruling for thousands of years. they were only teenagers ~ yes ~ but they were the key to downfall of the Galran Empire, and yet they themselves have fallen.

Zarkon smirked, pride swirled around him as he glared at the unconscious paladins laying before him. After all the years of his plans on taking down Voltron failed, finally, finally, one plan has succeeded.

"after all this time, I finally have all five of the paladins, and more importantly all the Lions of Voltron" his deep voice send fear to anyone who listened.

Zarkon glared over at the newly recruited general "your loyalty has been proven exceptional"

The General stood and gave a small nod, he mimicked Zarkon's actions and glared down at the unconscious former teammates, a smile that was not his own plastered across his face.

"yes indeed it has" Haggar's crusty voice croaked from beside Zarkon's throne.

Zarkon slams his fist down on the arm of his throne "now take them to their cells" he demands his soldiers, pointing his finger to the exit.

"not yet sire" the general spoke up, getting piercing glares from Haggar herself.

"are you challenging Zarkon's decision" Haggar croaked not pleases with the General's words.

"Indeed I am, but for very good reasons" the General spoke, he knew Voltron, way better than any other being in the Empire, given the exception he was the leader of Voltron up until he turned to the side of the Galra.

"speak" Zarkon commanded

"Keith, the red paladin, was chosen to be the next leader of Voltron. if you take his aspiration and snap it in half, the others hope will soon diminish not long after"

Zarkon laughed at the Generals stupidity. "and how do you suggest we do that" he chuckled.

"leave it to me"


"Keith, wake up" Shiro shook the boy until he regained consciousness.

he groaned, the floor was cold and shivers were sent up his spine, his mind was foggy and yearning for rest, he fought the temptation to let his mind wonder, what had happened? last thing he remembers is being in his lion. He shrugs it off, he is probably just dreaming.

"Keith" A sharp voice pierced through his thoughts.

certainly not a dream.

Keith's eyes slowly but surely fluttered open, his words slurring. He glanced up at the familiar face, his face only visible under the purple hew of the dimly lit cell. His eyes glancing down at Shiro's armour, it wasn't the Black Paladin armour anymore - it was the armour of a Galran general. Panic washes through his as he attempts to move, his arms restricted to the wall by a pair of shackles.

Keith looks back up at Shiro's dull eye's "Shiro?" he questions wanting to know the answers trying to free himself from the shackles.

"don't even try, it's useless" Shiro's tone cold and blunt.

He was speechless, unable to free himself from his restraints he looked up at Shiro, wondering why his teammate wasn't doing a thing to help.

then it clicked... Shiro sided with the Galra.

"get me out of these" Keith says through clenched teeth trying to break free from the restraints.

the sounds of Shiro's chuckles filled the cell "and why would I do that"

Keith was about to snap back when Hunk began to stir. Hunk glanced around the room examining his surroundings, his gaze landing on both Shiro and Keith and instant panic was washed over his face.

Confused on what is going on her decides to question "what is going on? Shiro?"

Shiro stands up straight, a smug smile on his face, "Voltron has fallen" he says with a hint of cheer in his voice.

"you" Keith narrowed his eyes at the former leader, anger starting to boil up inside of him "this is all your fault" he yells, trying to lunge at the man but is restricted by the cold metal restraints.

Shiro laughed at his pathetic attempts "I wouldn't say its my fault, you just weren't good enough, the galra empire are just too good" he gruffly smiles.

"whats going to happen to us, then - are you just going to let us rot" Hunk snarls trying hard to keep his composure.

Shiro taps his chin before speaking "that doesn't sound to bad, but your fate has already been sealed"

"why are you doing this! we trusted you" Hunk snapped yelling at Shiro.

Shiro's smug grin didn't fade as he laughed hysterically "in time you will see" He glanced over at the remaining two unconscious Paladins, "well maybe not all of you" he corrected himself with a slight chuckle.

Keith heart started to beat faster as panic washed over him "what the hell are you talking about!" he yells at the insane man.

Shiro just stares blankly into Keith's eyes. It was different, something in his eyes screamed evil, Keith couldn't wrap his mind around knowing those eye belonged to someone he trusted with his life. Keith breath hitched. It was like Shiro was staring right into his soul, it was making him feel small and weak, and for once in his life, he feared someone, He actually feared Shiro.

Shiro broke eye contact with Keith staring at Hunk "you, Hunk and Lance have been sentenced to fight in the gladiator ring" he slowly paces in the direction of Hunk.

Hunk spat on Shiro's shoes "that's sick, we will never fight for your sick entertainment"

"whether you fight or not is up to you, your fighting is just a lead up to the execution"

Keith and Hunk gave each other a worried glance as their hearts sank into their stomach.

Keith's chest tightened making it hard for him to breathe, Shiro glared daggers at him, making him feel sick in the stomach, "execution?" he tried to question but it only came out as a soft breath.

"ohh thats right I haven't told you what your precious Pidge's fate it yet" Shiro grinned.

"she has been sentenced to be executed"

The door of the cell slams leaving the Paladins in the dull luminescence glow of the cell waiting for their fate.


wc: 1056

15 votes for an Update next Monday!

so if you guys have any questions, suggestions. if any of you want to make a book cover for this book or even just had a chat you can always email me @ authorchannn@gmail.com

thank you for all the support, comments and votes and helping this book reach 15k reads!!!!

love you guys so much

- author chann

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