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Pidge's line goes dead, and worry strikes Hunk and Shiro, the two paladins give each other a worried look.

"Pidge what do you see?" Shiro said hoping for a reply, but nothing.

"Pidge!!" Hunk yells taking out his worry on the attacking guards.

"Pidge come on" Shiro said.

"come back to the lion" Hunk suggested but still no reply.

shuffling was heard on the other side of the line.

"Pidge!" Shiro yelled hoping that she could hear him.

"Shiro...?" she grumbles.

"I'm here Pidge, where are you?" Shiro responds quickly.

"Shiro" she said in a more stern voice, like she was talking to someone else at the same time.

Shiro starts to get confused "Pidge?" he asks.

"No no no no no, SHIRO!" she calls out "Shiro, please help" she panics in between sobs.

Shiro's heart breaks when he hears her words "Pidge!!" Shiro yells

"No please don't no no no!" She said to God knows who.

"Pidge, Im coming for you" Shiro yells leaving Hunk to defend the Yellow lion on his own.

an ear piercing scream full of pain and fear comes from Pidge's side of the line.

Shiro's heart drops into his stomach "KATIE!" tears sting his eyes and he runs to find her.

Dozens of Galra guards came flooding down the corridors of the cargo ship to the location of Shiro, he turned looking for another way to the control room but just a he suspected he was surrounded, every possible way to the control room was blocked by guards.

He had no time for this, he had to go through them, he needed to find Pidge and he had to do it now. His right hand started to glow a fluorescent purple as he ran towards the guards, knocking them down individually but alas their were too many of them.

He copped a blow to his ribs leaving him out of breath and winded, another hit to the gut made him crumble to his knees crying out in pain, he had to keep fighting, for Pidge. He slowly got back onto his feet cradling his ribs with his left arm. He punches, knocking a few guards over which causes a domino effect clearing a path for him, he doges the remaining guards on their feet and sprints toward the control room.

the corridors seem to be getting longer as his breath is slowly being taken from him. He only proceeds to sprint faster, legs burning while his lungs feel like fire.

The Galra are right on his heels as he approaches the control room, as he enters he slams the doors closed and locks them. He leans against the wall to catch his breath, banging and shouting coming from the other side of the door.

"Pidge!" he calls out hoping for a response. Nothing.

He looks at the main control panel, "funny" Shiro says softly to himself "I would have though this room would be heavily....."

"Guarded?" someone crowed from behind him.

he turned, only to see the putrid Haggar.

"why you!" Shiro lunges at her only to be held back by two druids.

He yelled out in pain as the druids shocked him, he felt his body go limp and crumble to the floor, in his semi-conscious state he could do nothing, feel nothing or even say anything other than lay their and await Haggar's decision.

"put him with the girl" Haggar demanded.

"yes mistress" they obeyed orders.

they dragged Shiro along the ground like a rag doll, until the reached a room filled with surgical instruments with a metal bench in the middle, with a familiar green paladin strapped to it. the druids threw the black paladin in and he landed with a grunt, before they closed and locked the door behind them.

"Shiro" Pidge breathed, happy to see him.

"Katie" Shiro said in a mere whisper, prompting himself up on his Galra arm.

He looked up at the green paladin only to see her tear stained face and her red puffy eyes, she had been crying.

Shiro put aside his pain, and untied the straps that were restricting Pidge from getting off the table.

"Shiro" she crumbles into his arms "you came back"

"of course I did" Shiro assures cradling Pidge in his arms "I would never leave you"


wc: 717

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