Author's note

1.6K 28 23

Word Count: 33,211
Pages: 101
Chapters: 32

Started: 3rd July 2017
Finished: 11th July 2018

Hey Guys,

Just another authors note - don't have to read if you don't want to.

WOW its taken just over a year to publish and write this book!! Thank you so much for all of your support, it means a lot to me. it made this experience of writing a whole lot more fun.

I am currently working on a few other projects but I honestly don't know if I will get around to publishing them because they are from different fandoms. (Voltron, miraculous and SnK/aot).

if you guys have any requests or ideas (different ships etc. doesn't really matter what fandom) for a book I could write I'm always opened for suggestions.

And if you have any questions don't be afraid to send me a message. I've had plenty of you do so already and it has made my day to hear feedback from you guys. and I am always up for a good convo if you guys are bored.

The best advice I could give you guys is probably if you want to write a book and publish it, Go for it. even though it sometimes can be hard it's a good experience. don't be afraid to put yourselves out there. Plus if you do end up writing a book post on my notice board or pm me because I would 100% read it!

thank you again so much, you guys have put a smile on my face more times than I could count!

one last question...

should I make a sequel to this book or no?

- Author chann

if you want to check me out on other social media add me on insta @ kayrartie ^-^

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