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"Pidge, the galra are going to win this war"

Pidge's heart drops into her stomach, if she didn't get captured or even gotten out of the grips of the Galra, none of this would be happening, Voltron would have been fine. sobs come out of Pidges mouth.

"Lance this is all my fault" she cry's trying to hide her face with her hands.

"no it's not, it could have happened to any of us" Lance says embracing the girl within his arms.

"I should have known" she sobs into his chest.

his heartbeat was sturdy, almost calming. he tightened the embrace.

"Pidge it's not your fault" he says softly.

"I feel like it is" Pidge's voice cracks.

They stand there within each other's arms until Pidge is able to calm down her shaky body.

Greens particle barrier deteriorates.

"now come on, let's go find Allura" Lance smiles softly at the girl.

she slowly nods in agreement. following the boy out of the hangar.

both Paladins strut through the maze they call the castle corridors looking for a certain princess.

it had almost been an hour since they left the hangar and yet Allura was nowhere to be seen, not the training room, not the control room, not even her quarters; nowhere.

they turn another corner, hoping Allura would be there, she wasn't. but instead a tall muscular figure stood at the end of the corridor.

Lance recognised him first sending a smirk towards Pidge, "hey Shiro!!!" Lance yelled waving his arms in the air grabbing Shiro's attention.

Shiro turns around, and his grey eyes lock with Pidge's Hazel ones. Pidge feels all her joints and muscles lock up and the nerves send butterflies into her stomach as she looks back at Shiro.

he sends a warm smile her way, blood rushes to Pidges cheeks making her cheeks flush a bright red, she glanced at the floor in embarrassment and as she does so Shiro speaks up.

"What's up?" he questions glancing at Lance.

"have you seen Allura?"

"no I haven't, sorry Lance" Shiro apologises to the boy before looking back at Pidge.

"hey Pidge can I talk to you in private" Shiro says scratching the back of his neck.

Pidge heart begins to flutter as she makes eye contact with Shiro, "I-I uhhh" she stampers looking at Lance for help.

"I'm gonna go find Hunk to help me find Allura" he smirks at the girl before walking off leaving Pidge and Shiro alone in each others company.

Pidge sends a glare towards Lance, he just smiles and waves with a mischievous grin plastered on his face. Down get her wrong, she would kill for alone time with Shiro, but the thing was that around Shiro her body had a mind of its own, and who knows what could happen.

They both stand their in awkward silence and they watch Lances figure turn down another corridor "yeah sooo what is it you need" Pidge says trying not to make the situation less awkward than it should be.

Shiro's face lights up with a bright smile. "come on, I want to show you something" he says grabbing Pidge's hand. their finger interlock and the blush returns to Pidge's face, his hand was warm and it cradled her's like it was the perfect fit.

Pidge was pulled out of though by Shiro leading her down the corridors of the castles still hand in hand. Corridor after corridor Shiro guided the girl through the halls until they reached a large window facing out into the abyss of space.

Pidge found herself breathless. The view was different that it would be in another window, normally space was the same, an endless void of blackness with the occasional star or two. but this view was different, although it was the same endless blackness the sky was littered in thousands - no - millions of bright stars, many moons orbited a bright colored planet with many rings around it off in the distance. it was a sight that took Pidge's breath away.

"you know your father and your brother always talked about you on the kerberos mission" Shiro spoke facing looking out to the stars.

Pidge looked up at him to see a small smile on his face. she smiled to herself, seeing Shiro happy was a rare occasion, especially in the midst of war.

"is that right" Pidge giggled.

"yeah matt was always saying if we got abducted by aliens, you would come up to space and kick some serious alien butt" Shiro laughed t the irony of the comment.

she smiles sadly, ohh how she missed her brother and father, "he's not wrong" tears threatened to spill out of her eyes, it had been so long since she last saw them, for all she could know they could be dead.

Shiro turns facing the girl placing her small hands in his, "they would be proud of you, Katie" he says softly wiping the tear away from her eye.

"Katie?" Pidge questioned, her voice was soft. no one ever used her real name anymore, well rarely, it never felt right when people called her Katie, but hearing her name come out of Shiro's mouth it just felt so right.

"ohh I'm sorry I just..." Shiro panicked trying to find the right words.

"I like it"

Shiro's expressions softened "it's suits you" he smiles making Pidge blush.

her eyes were once again locked with his, you can always tell a lot about someone looking into their eyes, usually it was the traumatic past of Shiro's life that Pidge saw, but now it seemed different, different in a way that made her heart flutter in excitement.

she saw awe in his eyes.

"Shiro, can I ask you something?" Pidge asks.

"yeah go ahead" he smiles.

"why do you care so much, why do you always jump in to protect me"

Shirts muscles tense up at the question "I must unconsciously do it" Shiro sheepishly smiles trying to avoid the question.

Pidge just giggles and shakes her head, "you're a terrible liar Shiro"

"you want the truth huh?" He slightly laughs, and Pidge nods "well the truth is... I-I've fallen for yo-"

the alarms of the castle sound "Paladins get your lions, we are under attack"


wc: 1048

20 votes for an update next mondayj

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