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Shiro sits down and fiddles with his hands, as everything sinks in. all the trauma and bad times the team and especially Pidge have gone through these past few weeks, no one should go through such things. he feels anxious just sitting there dong nothing, so he get onto his feet and starts pacing back and forth across the room.

minutes felt like hours and hours felt like years, Shiro had concentrated all his thoughts on the steady sound of his foot steps stepping back and forth as he paced the room waiting for any information from the orange-haired Altean. Nothing, his breathing began to become heavier with each passing second having no idea what had happened and what is going to happen with the girl.

footsteps are heard coming from down the hallway into the room, Shiro look up from his pacing feet up to where Allura was standing in the middle of the doorway.

she walked over to both Coran and Shiro, "I checked the mainframe of the castle as well was the Lions and there is not virus detected, meaning what we said about the micro-venom, its impossible, it was extinct from existence millennia ago, so hows Pidge going?" Allura says walking up to the healing Pod and placing her hand on it staring at the coma induced Pidge.

"very good her heart rate has steadied and she should be awake in approximately 60 dervashes." Coran says looking towards the Paladin and Princess.

"Has anything changed with her blood?" Shiro asked his voice slightly shaking.

"ahhh no they ha.... wait" he says looking at Pidge's information, "by the looks of it her blood type has changed again, I'll have to run a diagnosis on it just to make sure" Coran says.

"what's going on with her" Allura says mainly to herself, tears pricked the edges of her eyes.

Shiro looked over towards Allura, to see pain within her eyes, she cared so much for the paladins, kind of like a space mum.

Shiro just looked down with his hands not knowing what to do with them.

Corals voice interrupted his thinking and Shiro shot his head up in anticipation.

"there must have been a malfunction in the system," Coran says stroking his mustache, "her blood type, her heart rate, everything is normal, she should wake up in a couple of dervashes" Allura sigh gratefully for the news.

as she did the healing pod let out a hiss, the door slowly opened to reveal a semi-conscious Pidge.

"I guess your calculations were wrong Coran" Shiro smiled seeing the girl stumble out of the healing pod.

Allura gasped as she sprinted to the aid of the smaller girl, "Pidge!!! Ohh my goodness!! you Okay!!" she laughed picking the girl up in a big bear hug and swinging her around in a circle. Pidge joined in giggling and laughing with the Altean, until Allura placed her back down into the ground.

Allura's smile was wiped off of her face as she punched Pidge in the arm, "don't do that again!" Pidge rubbed her arm from the impact and gave a small smile.

"do you remember what happened?" Shiro says walking up to the smaller girl, he felt tense, he could help but feel awkward around the girl since she caught him reading her diary. Shiro sheepishly smiles.

she scratches the back of her neck "not really" she smiles sheepishly.

"you passed out due to exhaustion" Coran interrupted walking and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"speaking of exhaustion" Allura chirps "you should get rest, the healing pod can only do so much" she gracefully smiles.

Pidge returns it "I guess your right, I'll catch up with you later then" she smiles before walking out the door.


wc: 657

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