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Laughter rang through the hallways of the castle, reverberating off the walls as Pidge bolted through the corridors. A wide smile pinned on her face as excitement rushed through her. It had been a few weeks since the unfortunate event with Voltron occurred, although the physical and mental wounds ran deep, the team slowly got their composure back well and truly falling back into routine on the castle.

A weight had recently been taken off of Pidge's shoulders following the event, causing her to fall back into the habit of inventing and upgrading. She finally got around to upgrading everyone communication through their armour helmets, Helping Lance build his own rover and finally finished the project her and Coran had been working on for weeks, building Shiro a new arm.

it was about time too. Lance had started buying those sticky hand toys from the Earth shop at the space mall and attaching them to where Shiro's arm used to be. It was humorous at first, even Shiro got a kick out of it, but everything wears out of humour eventually.

By the time Pidge caught sight of Shiro she was already trying to catch her breath, her lungs called for air and her legs felt like jelly. Pushing those thoughts aside she kept on running as the excitement was too suspenseful.

She let out a laugh "Shiro!" she called tackling the man in an embrace.

a warm smile spread across Shiro's face "Slow down Tiger" he let out a chuckle raising an eyebrow at her behaviour "What's got you so hyped up?"

Pidge smiles graciously as she holds out Shiro's newly built arm in front of herself. His smile immediately fades, shock covering his features. He reaches out for the arm softly tracing his fingers across all the nooks and crannies.

He stares up from the arm in disbelief "is that...?"

"It's a new arm" Pidge smiles widely "Coran and I have been working on it for weeks. we used some Altean technology so it is not susceptible to viruses like the micro-venom and it has some nifty tricks..."

Her ramble was interrupted as a soft pair of lips crashed against her own, she smiles against the kiss before kissing back, pink lightly dusted across her cheeks

"what was that for?" Pidge asks gazing up into Shiro's eyes.

"it's a thank-you" he smiles leaning his forehead against hers.

"can you two get a room"

"Lance" Shiro's voice was stern.

he throws his arms up in defence before speaking "alright, alright I'm going"

Pidge rolls her eyes at his comment before giving Shiro a quick peck. He smiles before wrapping his arm around the girl. His sweet aroma filling the girl's nostrils as she excepted the embrace. She felt as if she was safe, safe from all that has happened and safe as if she were at home.

"I'm so glad we go through all of this" Pidge smiled softly into Shiro's chest.

He softly placed a kiss on her forehead and smiled.

"me too Katie, me too"


wc: 520

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