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Pidge squirms as the galra drag her away from the unconscious Keith, no daring to take her eyes off him she sees some other guards go up to the boy and grab him by the wrists, his head hangs as they drag his unconscious body away. Pidge scream out his name, earning a kick in the side from one of the guards. she grunts in pain.

"where are you taking me!?" Pidge yells squirming even more, No response. she kicks on of the guards in the shin, they let go grunting in pain, Pidge takes this as an advantage as she kicks the other Guard, she's free. she makes a break for it down the hallway, not knowing where to go.

calls and yells are heard from the direction she is running from and she runs faster, she turns a corner to see two guards standing there preparing to grab the girl, she smirks as she runs directly towards them. They hesitate before reaching out for the girl, their arms swooping over her head as she slides between their legs, she grabs a leg knocking the guards off balance causing a domino effect. she smiles to herself before running. she feels the energy of her lion getting stronger as she ran further.

she runs through what she presumes is the hangar door to see it, her Lion. A wide smile comes across her face as she sees her, she looks at around green to see guards, dozens of them. her smile is wiped off of her face, she can do this, they sacrificed themselves to get her out, they kept on saying they needed her out of here at all costs, but why. well either way she was going to get out, just for them. she can't give up, not now, not ever, she had already come this far, and to give up that's pathetic, she will do it for her team, for Shiro.

She charges towards them dodging arms and attacks, but there are just too many, they tackle her to the ground cuffing her and once again dragging her away.


Pidge squirms, she can't give up, she was so close. "tell me where you are taking me!" she demands squirming and wriggling.

"you put up a mean fight" one of the guards grumbled.

Pidge leans her head over to the guards arm before biting down as hard as she can, a hot pains washes over her face as she releases one of the guards slapped her "bitch" he muttered gripping her arm tighter so it would hurt.

Pidge grits her teeth, if she can't escape she certainly won't make this easy for them "tell me" she screams.

"well we were going to go to the execution chamber" one grouches.

Pidge's heart drops to her stomach, EXECUTION! her heart quickens so does her breathing, she frantically pulls and tugs trying to get away, she cant be executed, she's got too much to live for.

"calm down your going to the arena instead" the other guard hissed.

"the arena?" Pidge questioned, like the arena was any better than an execution.

"to fight to the death" the guard snickered, Pidge gulped, she was dead meat either way.


Pidge grunts in pain as her small agile body slams to the ground of the cells, she glances around to see 3 other familiar figures sitting around the edge of the cell, she sighs as she realizes her friends are alive, well barely.

Hunk was well, a bit battered and bruised here and their, bloody stained parts of his head band but nothing too serious. not as serious as the other two.

Keith laid in a sitting position up against the corner of the room, the unconscious boy looked so peaceful just like he would if he slept, his chest rising and falling so calmly and ever so slowly, if you didn't look close enough, you'll probably take him for dead.

Lance, Lance was the worst, his wounded shoulder was covered in blood soaked bandages, and his face screwed up every time he took in a deep breath or coughed, which was quite often. he groaned pulling himself up into a sitting position up against the wall, "Pidge" he winced barely audible.

voices of the guards were heard from outside the cell "so these four are going into the arena with the new monster huh" on said, you could basically hear the smugness in his voice.

"yeah, I hear this new monster is better than all previous ones" The second one beams.

"I hear it will tear them to pieces before they can even blink" the first one taunts.

the both of them chuckle, sending chills up Pidge's spine. this new monster is probably going to be the end of the universes only hope.

"Don't listen to them Pidge, they are only trying to break our spirit" Hunk says trying to brighten the extremely dark mood.

"I'll stab that monster" Keith coughs trying to regain his composure.

Hunks face brightens "Keith, you're awake"

he rubs the back of his neck and winces a bit "so I'm guessing we didn't make it out" he says sheepishly.

Pidge sits up cross-legged "we need another plan, we can't go out like this" she says trying to come up with a plan in her head.

"there is no hope" Lance bluntly says

"don't say that" Pidge insists.

"Pidge" Keith says softly.

"we still have Shiro" She beams, grabbing onto all of the leftover hope she has.

Lance looks down at the ground avoiding having to make eye contact "Pidge, Hunk told me about Shiro" he says softly.

"what are you talking about?" she could already feel the tears prick her eyes.

"I'm sorry Pidge" Lance comments.

"Lance, you're making sound like he's dead" Keith scolds.

"he might as well be" Lance replies bluntly

"whats going on?" Pidge questions at the vivid information.

Keith and Hunk give each other a worried glance, and the blood within Pidge boiled.

"stop with those looks, you've been doing it ever since we've been stuck in here, I'm not a child anymore" Pidge roars.

Lance sighs, "Shiro betrayed us, that battle in the Lions was a set up to get closer to the galra, Shiro set us up because he has been working with them all along"

Ridges eyes widen in shock "how? why? I can't believe this" she says dumbfounded.

"Shiro is the one who ordered for you to be executed" Keith continued.

tears start rolling down everyone's cheeks "you're lying" Pidge sobs

"I wish we were"



the cell door suddenly slams open and a dozen or so guards flow in, all four paladins stiffen as they observe each of them. "ahh good you're all awake, I guess its time for you to battle in the arena" one laughs, the rest of the guards move and grab each of the paladins, dragging them out the cell towards the arena.

no one fights, they have all excepted their fate, the fate of whether they live or they die. The fate that awaits them in the arena.


wc: 1203

hey guys,
hope you enjoyed this chapter ^-^
i'm starting to get emotional, there's only like 4 more chapters to this book 😭😭

-author chann

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