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Pidge decided to put all thoughts aside and try and think of a plan to get her teammates and herself out alive "we need a plan" she said glancing around at her team mates.

"we don't have much time" Hunk uttered, looking at Keith.

Keith sat there for a minute thinking of a logical plan "Alright" he finally says glancing up at his teammates "so knowing the Galra they would want something worthwhile to watch in the arena, meaning they won't just put a regular monster in the ring with us..."

"they'll most likely put Shiro in" Lance stated finishing the red paladins' sentence.

Pidges heart dropped as she released the full extent of the words that just came out of Lance's mouth. How could she face Shiro? after everything they had been through, and after all that he just turned his back on them, turned his back on her.

"what are we going to do?" Hunk says nervousness written across his face.

Keith glanced at everyone before speaking yet again "Alright here's the plan" He locks eyes with Lance "In the condition, Lance is in we cannot let him near Shiro"

Lance tries to pull himself into a comfortable sitting position but groans as the pain in his shoulder strikes him with pain "then what should I do?" he questions gritting through his teeth

"keep a distance, and when you have the opportunity, shoot to injure, not to kill" Keith ordered, Lance nodded.

Keith averts his gaze over to Pidge "Pidge, you're the smartest here; I'll keep Shiro distracted for as long as possible whilst you observe his attacks and manoeuvres for any weaknesses"

"Hunk, you are my backup, protect Lance and Pidge, And if anything goes wrong and you have an opportunity, take Shiro down" Hunk just gave a nod.

"this should distract the Galra long enough for Allura and Coran to find and infiltrate the base"

doubt flowed through Pidge's mind, How was Keith even sure than Allura and Coran would look for them, let alone find them.

"any questions?" Keith questioned looking at each of his teammates.

This was a lot to take in, everything had happened so quickly leaving Pidge with an abundance of questions, she opens her mouth to speak but the words won't come out the way she wanted it to. "what if it's not Shiro, fighting in the arena?" she doesn't dare take her gaze off of the ground.

"I have a feeling it will be"


Pidge is dumbfounded at her former leader, He hesitated, he never hesitates. Pidge looks closer, his purple eyes catching her brown ones. Purple eyes, his eyes we never purple before...

something is off about Shiro, something's wrong with him and Pidge has a pretty good idea of what it is.

"Hunk! did you see that?" Pidge says through her comm to the boy.

Hunk places back giving a firm nod "he hesitated"

"exactly" a glimmer of hope washes through her, there might still be a small chance to get bring Shiro back.

"and his eyes" she adds mumbling to herself

Lance catches the quiet words that come out of the girl's mouth and decides her question he about it "what about his eyes?"

The girl snaps out of her thoughts as she hears the boys words, she glances back over at Shiro, Keith had taken Shiro's hesitation to his advantage and gotten back up. Her brown eyes catching Shiro's purple ones confirming her suspicions, "they're purple" she states.

"but aren't they usually..."

"Grey? yes" She interrupts Hunk mid-sentence.

Lances breath hitches a bit "that's not possible" he breathes.

Time seems to slow as every little piece of information clicks together in Pidge's mind like a puzzle, "it's all coming together" she utters.

"what is?"

she perks up as everything starts to make more sense "that micro-venom thing I read in that file and the one Lance was on about, that's whats causing this"

"but how?"

"you said that it controls any technological weapon right"

"right" Lance nods

"so why didn't it affect the Lions or the castle?" the girl questions.

"they must have something protecting them from the virus" Hunk says deep in thought.

"and the next best thing for the micro-venom to take over is non Altean technology"

Realization washes over the two boys "like Shiro's arm" they say in unison.

Pidge nods "exactly like Shiro's arm"

silence washes over the three paladins as the thoughts sink in. "so you're saying that Shiro is being controlled" Lance asks finally breaking the silence.

Pidge nods confirming, "thats why he hesitated, he's fighting for control"

"how are we supposed to help him?" Hunk questions.

"off with his arm" Lance blankly says.

"he's right, if we cut off his arm it should interfere with the signal to from Shiro's arm to his brain" Pidge gives a small smile. they were going to get her Shiro back.

"Keith" Pidge calls through the comm grabbing the fighting boys attention.

Keith audibly grunts as he dodges another attack from Shiro "I'm a little busy at the moment" He pants into the comm.

Pidge sends a glance to Lance, sending back a small nod he starts to talk through the comm. "Keith get away from Shiro" Lances voice lanced with worry.


Lance interrupts "Keith, just listen" his voice stern "Pidge has a plan, and it doesn't involve you getting killed, get some distance between you and Shiro, we'll take it from here"

Keith doesn't even think twice about Lance's word before bolting away from his former leader find refuge being one of the many pillars stationed throughout the stadium.

"Running away huh? I always knew you were weak" Shiro's hysteric laughs filled the stadium sending shivers down all the Paladins spine.

This was it, the moment of truth, Pidge had to put all her trust in her teammates for this to work. She has one shot and one wrong move it will result in tragedy. She took in a shaky breath trying to calm herself, before stepping out into the open - Bayard in hand - facing the man she loves.

The moment of truth.


wc: 1028

two chapters in 5 days? woah.

I'm absolutely snowed under in school assignments ATM so I decided to finish this chapter. Procrastination is a Bitch.

hope you enjoy

- Author chann

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