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okay, hope you enjoy chapter 10 :)
"Pidge" there was a knock at her door, waking the green paladin from her slumber, she had been sleeping in a lot more lately and skipping out of training more. "you missed breakfast again, is everything alright?" the voice says from the other side of the door.

"hmmm... what?... yeah uhhhuh." she just mumbled half asleep rolling over to her side, cocooning herself in her blankets.

"can I come in" the voice asked again.

Pidge sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, placing the circular pair of specks on the bridge of her nose. "yeah"

the door opens ajar Shiro poking his head into the room, he glances over to Pidge's desk to see gadgets some completed, some not so much, he sighs. "Pidge, you know sleep is more important that anything else"

Pidge just lays back down in her blankets "says the one who usually has all nighters"

Shiro lowers his voice "Pidge.... its not like that"

Pidge rolls onto her back and stares at the ceiling "yeah I know, being captive by the Galra for a year can give you terrible night mares"

"how did you know?" Shiro obviously surprised.

"Shiro... I just figured, going through such trauma like that would leave you with nightmares" she said hopping out of her bed still in her pyjamas. "now if you wouldn't mind, I would like to get changed"

"ohh yeah right" Shiro blushed a little at the thought of Pidge getting changed "well if you need to talk to me about anything I'm always here" he says before leaving the room.

Pidge smiles to herself.


"activate level 3" Pidge said Bayard in hand ready to train.

"level 3 training commenced" a gladiator bot appears in front of her and activated.

it runs towards her with sword out ready to swing, Pidge wraps her Bayard around the sword and attempts to pull it out of the grip of the gladiator, but she's just not strong enough and it pull her over instead. she gets up looking for anything she can use against it, nothing.

the gladiator swings its sword at he and she barely dodges, swinging at her again she goes flying across the room by the impact. she has to find a way to beat it or she's dead meat.

Pidge runs directly at it again wrapping her Bayard around its sword but instead this time she slides between it's legs and entangles the gladiator in her lasso like Bayard. She activated the electrical current and the Gladiator fries and collapses to the ground.

"training complete"

Pidge lies down on the floor out of pure exhaustion and to try and catch her lost breath. foot steps are heard entering the room.

"Pidge!!" it's Keith, he runs over to her to see if she's alright.

"mhmm" she hums sitting up to reveal a worried expression on Keith's face.

he laughs a bit "well I was actually looking for you"

"what is it this time, Lance threw your Bayard in a wormhole?" Pidge smiled sitting up from her previous position.

"that was one time" he Laughs "well I was going to train with the level 8 gladiators if you wanna join" he says holing out his hand to the smaller girl.

Level 8, Pidge could barely make it through a level 3 at this stage and it was getting hard to do so with each passing day, how is she supposed to complete a level 8.

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