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The day of the mission has come upon the paladins, Lance and Keith pilot their own red and blue lions whilst Shiro and Pidge are passengers in the yellow lion piloted by Hunk.

"so the plan is" Shiro speaks through the helmets Pidge recently upgraded "Keith and Lance, you two give us a clear path to the cargo ship," both blue and red paladins give a thumbs up "Hunk, you then fly us in while Keith and Lance can hold off any Galra fighting ships that may come our way"

"gotcha" Hunk replies

"when we get in there" Shiro continues "Hunk you hold off any soldiers trying to get into your lion, Pidge and I will find a vent where she can then climb through to the control room and get all the information we need" he explains "got that?"

"Rodger that," Lance said giving the all clear to go

"loud and clear" Keith replies

The cargo ship finally comes into sight "there it is" Coran exclaims through the communication system installed in each of their lions.

that's their cue to go.

"good luck, stay on task," Shiro said to all the paladins.

"will do" Keith replied before Lance and himself split from the group to clear a path.


"you ready?" Shiro questions talking to Pidge.

she takes in a deep breath "ready as I'll ever be" she says grabbing the hem of her suit to stop her hands from shaking

"you know I can still go in with you" Shiro suggests still not happy with the plan.

"It'll be fine, I've got this" Pidge said flashing him a smile

Shiro glances up at Hunk "alright, Hunk take us in"

Hunk looks back at the two paladins "you got it" he said charging his lion straight towards the cargo ship.

"heads up Keith" Lance yells over the system, shooting yet another Galra fighting ship.

"I had that" Keith yells back at Lance

Lance laughed "yep sure"

Keith and Lance were talking down the Galra fighting ships one by one opening up a clear pathway for the other three paladins to make their way through.

"Guys, brace for impact we are going in, " Hunk said firing a laser toward the cargo ship blowing a massive entrance in the side of it.

The Yellow Lion violently shakes as the shockwave pushes the lion back, but of cause, they kept on charging forward. Hunk flies the Lion into the gaping whole and lands it inside the cargo ship.

All three of the paladins jump up from the seats and exit the lion only to be confronted by guards.

"you take left I take right, we have to get a clear path for Pidge" Shiro looks over to hunk

"I'm on it" hunk replied with a nod

"Pidge," Shiro said grabbing both of her shoulders to face him.

"Yeah" she softly whispers, pink dusted across her cheeks

Shiro sighs "be careful"

Pidge nods "I'll keep in touch," she said pointing towards her communication system in her helmet before she makes a run for it heading towards the control room as the other 4 paladins fight off the Galra.

Shiro just stands there and watches Pidge run for the control room.

"Shiro," Hunk interrupts his thoughts "some help please" he yells shooting another Galra guard to the ground.

"huh?" Shiro looks around confused for a second before he releases what Hunk said; "yeah sure" he yells back making his fist glow.


Pidge runs down the nearest corridor trying to find a way into the ventilation system.

"so according to my calculations, the ventilation system should be right about... here" she stops and looks up from her screen to see an entrance. she grabs out her Bayard and attaches it to the roof, swinging herself into the ventilation system.

"good thing I'm small" she smiles to herself as she crawls her way through towards the control room.

As she gets to the control room she can hear voices so she stays hidden in the vents.

"the paladins are here, inform Haggar" she hears one guard say to the other.

"Haggar?" she questions to herself.

"with her new plan the paladins won't know what hit them, especially their leader, Shiro" they snicker.

"send the majority of the guards towards their location, they need to be distracted, so Haggar can have time to attack," one said before both guards leave the room.

Pidge drops out of the vents and walks up to the main circuit board, plugging herself in so she can download information.

"Ohh no" she breaths.

"Everything alright pidge?" Hunk asks.

Pidge starts rapidly typing "we have to get out of here" she informs.

"what are you talking about" Shiro questions giving Hunk a questioning look.

"they know your there" She replies almost instantly.

Hunk smirks "of course they do we blew a hole in the side of their ship," he said blasting another guard.

"you don't understand" Pidge practically yelled

"Pidge" Shiro breathed "get what you need then we can go"

Pidge starts rapidly typing trying to figure out a way for the download to go any faster. minutes pass and the download is almost complete.

"Pidge where are you? we're running out of time" Hunk said nearly worried

"coming just a minute longer" she adjusts her glasses and wipes the sweat off of her head.

'DOWNLOAD COMPLETE' the screen flashed, Pidge unplugged her suit and ran towards the vents until something caught her eye.

"Wait, just hold on I think I see something," she says slowly approaching the room the saw.

"Pidge," Shiro said trying to remind her not to look

"there are only a few guards," she said leaning against the wall so the guards don't see her, "I think I can take them down," she said grabbing out her Bayard and charging into the room

"PIDGE NO!! stay on task" Shiro orders

she drops her Bayard at the room before her, every wall was pure metal with claw marks all over them, surgical instruments littered the room with a metal bench with straps on the middle of the room. It was a torture chamber.

"ohh my...." she gets knocked down mid sentence but someone she didn't see.

she grunts in pain attempting to get up but is knocked back down to the hard cold metal floor. she looks up at the person who knocked her down.


"what a surprise" Haggar chuckled "the green paladin" she croaked before striking Pidge with a blow.

Everything for the Green Paladin went Black.


hey guys hope you enjoy, I was so close to forgetting to update.


holy crap 132 reads I'm so happy!!!!

if any of you would like to read an authors chapter just comment or something, I love the support <3

-author chan

wc: 1087

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