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Shiro leaves the dining hall in a rush, leaving the rest of the team confused at his behavior.

"what's up with him" Pidge asked as her eyes followed Shiro and he quickly but quietly darted out of the room.

Hunk and Lance sent a glare to each other, they glance at Pidge's directions and simultaneously shrug as they immediately get back to eating the green food goo.

other than the slurping coming from the two boys, an awkward silence settled among the paladins as Pidge just stirred her food goo round and round with her spork.

what seemed like hours but was only mere minutes that passed Pidge couldn't take the silence anymore. She got up from her spot at her table leaving the uneaten food goo in her place as she walked off to go find Shiro.

She slowly paced the halls searching for the whereabouts of Shiro. The castle was quiet, the only sounds was the echo of her own footsteps. It was peaceful - she could hear her own thoughts without disturbance with the abundance of silence.

Turning another corner the hangar door comes into view, this is the only place Pidge hasn't checked where Shiro is, if he is not here then who knows where he could be.

as Pidge strides towards the hangar, mumbling and talking is heard from inside, she smiles to herself, thats Shiro alright.

she pushes the door open and looks around the Hangar, the sight of the Black paladin made Pidge giggle, he was laying in the dead center of the hangar lying flat on his back, arms and legs headed in all different directions and was mumbling things to himself.

Pidge walks over to Shiro stopping right above his head and looking down grabbing his attention, "are you okay?" she asks tilting her head a little to her side like a lost puppy.

Shiro smiles at the girl looking down at him "of course, why do you ask?"

"your lying on the ground as if your dead and you were talking to yourself" Pidge giggles at his behavior.

"ohh yeah that, it just helps sometimes, just to take a step back and think aloud" Shiro sighs, relaxing all the muscles in his body and closing his eyes, still lying flat on his back.

"I know exactly what you mean" Pidge quietly mumbles lying down next to Shiro copying the position he was in.

He sighs "so how have you been holding up lately?"

"I'm getting there" she sighs.

"you know, you can come to any of us if you ever need" Shiro says.

Pidge smiles to herself at his comment "I know, but like you said it helps to think aloud rather than talking to other people"

"I did not say that" Shiro says promoting himself up a his elbow, staring right at the girl.

"you were implying it" she giggles.

his facial expressions soften "but seriously, don't be afraid to ask for help" he smiles.

"same goes for you too, you know" Pidge says taking her gaze of the roof onto Shiro.

Shiro flops back onto the ground yet again staring at the roof, "yeah I know, I know"

both paladins smiles to themselves as they lay there in the middle of the hangar in silence. for the first time in a while they both felt relaxed and at home with themselves.

Pidge sighs "I wonder how he does it?" she mumbles to herself.

"who?" Shiro questions, wondering what Pidge was on about.

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