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Pidge silently curses under her breath. It wasn't out of the ordinary for the alarm to go off at any given time, but with the luck that Pidge has it always went off at the worst time possible.

Alarms still blaring Shiro sent a glance towards Pidge, he had an expression she had never seen before, the pure disappointment of their moment taken away from them by that stupid alarm, filled his eyes, and yet there was something more she couldn't see, something deeper than that.

she shakes the thought out of her head before racing to the hangar, Shiro right on her heals. Pidge gave herself a small smile, it had been a while since she felt the thrill of battle, since she piloted her Lion out of the hangar.

as they come to the entrance of the hangar Shiro grabs Pidge by the arm stopping her from getting to her Lion.

"Pidge, I need to tell you something" His voice determined yet shy.

Pidge felt a flood of panic wash over her, they had to help the other and have to do it now. "can it wait? the others are depending on—"

her sentence was cut off by Shiro crashing his lips with hers, her eyes widen in surprise at first, but she soon gives into the temptation and kisses back.

They pull apart, a deep red blush spread across both of their faces.

"stay safe" Shiro whispered only loud enough for her to hear, then ran up to the cockpit of his Lion.

Pidge just stood their, unable to speak, move or even process what just happened, she was pulled out of though by her Lion making a deep rumble.

"yeah yeah I'm coming" she smiles dreamily as she runs to the cockpit of her Lion.

Green darted out of the exit of the hangar, immediately having to dodge incoming shots from Galra fighter ship. Explosions and shots were going off in about every angle around her and her Lion.

"bout time you two showed up" Lance yells though the comm dodging an incoming beam from one of the battle cruiser and shooting a few of the fighter ships.

The sky was now flooded with various battle cruisers, coloring the sky with black and purple emblems representing the Galran empire.

Pidge gave a huff at Lances comment shooting down another ship. The interior of the green lion lit up with a warning of a heat seeking missile on her tail. Pidge curse under her breath, thoughts of how to get the missile off her tail floods her head, she smiles as she gets an idea. she pilots her lion straight for one of the larger ships, as the space between the green lion and the ship get smaller with each passing second, Pidge's gip on her controls get tighter. She pulls up meters from the exterior of the ship sending the missile directly into the side of the ship ripping a massive hole into the side. The shockwaves send Green flying backwards.

relief washes over her as she begins to shoot more fighter ships. "Lance, did you find Allura to tell her about the document" she asks maneuvering her Lion out of the way to an incoming missile.

Lance grunts as he takes a blast to the side of his Lion "no but I've told Keith and Hunk about it" Lance calls back.

Shiro's voice comes through the comm "is there something I should know?"

"we found a document with blueprints for the micro-venom" Keith blurs out saving Lance from a deadly blast from one of the Galra fighters. Lance give a nod to the red boy.

the line goes silent for a second before Shiro starts to speak "you mean that same thing we thought..."

"yes, so the Galra could possibly control our lions" Hunk yelled cutting of Shiro mid sentence. Hunk yells more as he bulldozes through the sides of two of the Galra cruises leaving a gaping hole right through the side of both of ships.

Poisonous - ShidgeWhere stories live. Discover now