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"get ready" Lance says glaring at his teammates raising his Bayard to the cellar door.

Hunk nods releasing the door from his grip and preparing himself for what lies ahead. The door slams open with a large blast and the galra begin to march in. Lance starts shooting the galra one by one, slowly but surely making a small clearing for the team to escape out the cellar door.

They break into a run without hesitation, turning left and right, down any corridor avoiding the guards at all times. Pidge's lungs scream for air as she follows her friends, she can't give up, not now, who knows what will happen to them if they get caught.

Her heart beats in her ears as her mind starts to wonder, will they every get out? faint yells and screams are heard, a hand tightly wraps around her wrist yanking her out of thought, she looks up to see who it is, finding Keith, breathing heavily and sweat smothered his forehead. they run faster, her lungs burn for air and her legs exhausted, she stops ripping her wrist from the red paladins grip.

"we need to keep moving Pidge" Keith scolds pulling her back into a run. She glances around at the other two, just like her, tired and struggling to keep up the fast pace, their breaths heavy as they take another turn down a corridor.

a single click of a trigger was heard echoing through the corridor, Pidge turns to see a guard about 30 meters with their gun barrel facing in their direction. "watch out!" Lance yells pushing Pidge to the floor, moments later his own body collapsing to the floor riddled in blood, Lance gaps in pain as his left hand shoots up to his right shoulder.

"Shit" Keith swears under his breath crouching down to the blue paladin, Hunk stood in front blasting the incoming galra guards and protecting his friends from the incoming blasts. Lance starts to cough brutally, wincing in pain immediately after.

Hunk sends a worried glance to the injured boy before sighing "get Lance and get yourselves out of here, I'll give you time" Hunk says focusing on keeping the galra distant.

Keith wraps Lance's good shoulder around his own pulling him onto his feet, "no" Lance whimpers leaning on Keith for support, "leave me and save yourselves" Lance says before coughing violently again.

"this is no time to be a hero, we are all going to get out of here" Keith yells trying to keep Lance steady.

Hunk's expression softens "leave him here" Hunk says gesturing to Lance, "I'll stay to protect him" he lets of a sad smile.

Pidge was frozen in place, this can't be happening "Hunk..." is the only word able to escape her mouth.

"go" He orders in a stern voice, Pidges eyes widen,

"we can't leave them" she pleads with Keith, hoping he will agree.

they both ignore her comment, Hunk glances at Keith "save her" was his only words. Keith nods before gently placing Lance down on the ground, leaning him against the wall for support.

Keith grabs Pidge's wrist without another word running in the opposite direction to where the Galra flood the hallway. Hesitant at first she finally starts to run alongside Keith, looking back she sees the lovable Hunk doing all he can to protect his fallen teammate. Tear prick her eyes as they turn another corridor, Hunk and Lance now out of view.

They run, with the constant fear of being captured or kill, time is irrelevant, they continue to run and Pidge's thoughts run through her head as if it was a rapid, why was it taking so long to get out? exactly how big was the ship they were on? her breath hitched as she thought of her other two teammates are they dead or alive? the tears finally started to flow down her cheeks, this was all too much, to think she would go from a cadet at the garrison to defender of the universe in a couple of years, it was unthinkable, and yet it was her reality. Her muscles screaming for oxygen and her lungs burning from shallow breathing, they finally stop just before rounding another corner.

"Keith" Pidge gasps for air.

He looks down at the girl panting "mmm?"

"we need to find Shiro" She says innocently.

Keith's stomach dropped, he hadn't yet told her what happened, he hadn't told her Shiro had betrayed the team, betrayed his friends to sell them out for the enemies of the universe, he hadn't told her what Shiro said, said they weren't good enough, said he was going to leave them to rot. The leader of Voltron, had sided with the Galra and Pidge didn't even know, all because he was afraid of what Pidge would think, the person she had grown to love more than a friend, more than a leader, had sold her and the rest of the team out like it was nothing, she will be crushed.

"we need to get out of here" Keith said bluntly.

"He would never give up on us, He would never just let us rot in the hands of the Galra, we need to find him Keith" Pidge protested, and Keith's heart dropped to his stomach, oh how she was wrong.

"when we get out..." Keith started

"if" she interrupted.

"when," Keith gave a cold glare at the girl "when we get out we can get reinforcements and come back, but in the meantime, it is dangerous for the galra to have all five lions" Keith said trying to avoid the subject of Shiro.

"but.." Pidge tried to protest.

Keith sighed placing both of his hands on her shoulders, "we can come back for Shiro, along with Hunk and Lance" he says with a fake smile.

Pidge noticed something, there was something in his eyes, guilt? shame? fear? she decided to shake it off, he was right, they'll have a better chance if they can get reinforcements.

Keith take his hands off of her shoulder before turning to peak around the corner. As soon as Keith turned his back to her, Pidge felt a pair of large hands wrap around her mouth and waist, restraining her from getting away or screaming.

"alright" Keith starts, oblivious to the situation that is unfolding behind his back "if we make a break for it..." he turns to see Pidge in the hands of a rather large galra guard, his jaw drops, where did they come from? he is about to activate his Bayard when another guard silently creeps up behind Keith.

Pidge's eyes widen as she attempts to scream to warn him, but its already too late. Keith's unconscious body falls to the floor, his Bayard clattering to the ground. the arm around her waist begin to loosen as they move to her arms, another guard comes along grabbing her other arm, She struggles to break free from their grip, tears stream down her face as she watches her unconscious teammate lay there, they are just too strong, she is useless, the fight is over.


wc: 1194

Hey Guys,
I apologise for the long wait, I should be back on my usual updating schedual by the time I upload this, schools been stressful and I haven't had very much time to write.

I cried, 19k views! wtf how is that even possible, thank you so much for your support, votes and comments, it has honestly helped so much that you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it.

until next week

- author chann

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