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With no surprise Pidge found herself back in her lab working on yet another one of her projects, whilst the rest of the team was off probably training or doing some team building exercises.

This time Pidge was testing her abilities with her technological skills to try and find a way to communicate further distances with their helmets because as she and the rest of team were aware of, it can sometimes be a bit hard to communicate when they got separated.

Lance comes bursting into the room short of breath, he looks around the room only to hide behind the Green Lions leg.

Pidge mentally face palms at Lances behaviour "what are you doing?" she sighs

"Isn't it obvious?" Lance peeks out from behind the Green Lion's leg "I'm hiding" he whisper-shouts

not even bothering to answer Lance, Pidge gets stuck back into her work, before getting interrupted for the second time.

"Hey, Pidge, sorry to bother you but have you seen Lance?" Shiro asks walking into the Lab.

Pidge laughs "the guy about yai tall, tan skin, brown hair, blue eyes, yeah I've seen him around"

Shiro just crosses his arms and raises and eyebrow "Pidge!?"

swinging her legs back and forth on the chair, she replies "I may or may not have seen him earlier"

"Pidge seriously" Shiro chuckles

Ohh how she loved his laugh "okay okay," she laughs holding up her hands in defence "he's over there" pointing towards the Green Lions front leg.

"HEY!" yells Lance "that's so unfair, she ratted me out!" said to Shiro as he points towards the unfazed Pidge

"exactly, the sooner I get you out of my lab the sooner I can finish this" Pidge explains as she continues working on the helmet.

"what exactly are you working on?" Shiro questioned as Lance picked up the helmet.

Pidge panicked before trying to snatch the helmet back of Lance "give that back!"

Lance held the helmet above his head out of reach of the short paladin, "make me" Lance laughed.

Pidge smirked up at Lance before kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. A high pitched squeal comes out from Lance's mouth as he crumbles to the ground dropping the helmet.

"ouch," Shiro said while scrunching up his face in sympathy for the blue paladin.

"now Lance," Pidge said softly dusting off her helmet "get out of my lab now or suffer" she laughs.

"fine fine I'm going, but remember I'll get you back Pidge Gunderson" Lance jokes before walking out of the lab.

"like I was going to say," Pidge said turning around to face Shiro "I'm trying to upgrade our helmets so we can communicate with each other over a further distance just in case we get separated"

before Shiro can reply Allura interrupts "thats a fabulous idea" she beamed as she entered the room.

Pidge's face turned red out of frustration "does anyone on this ship know how to knock!" she throws her hands up in defeat.

Allure walks back to the entrance only to knock on the door frame "better?"

Shiro laughs

"I give up" Pidge slouches back into her chair and rests her head on the table. "wait, weren't you guys playing hide and seek?"

"Lance was whining that he needed a healing pod, so we stopped," Allura said scratching the back of her neck, "ohh that reminds me, we have a team meeting soon"

"we will be there, I just need to talk to Pidge" Shiro insists, Allura nods before walking back out of the lab.

Pidge sighs looking at Shiro watching Allura leave, of course he would like someone like Allura, who wouldn't like Allura

"I got to go, I'll see you later" Pidge lied trying to pack up her stuff to leave.

"what about the upgrade you were so eager to tell me about?" Shiro questions confused on why the green paladin has to leave.

Pidge grabs her stuff and starts to leave "there is nothing to say" she calls back to the black paladin before she leaves the room.

why must it be so hard for her to talk to him? its not that she likes him or anything....right?


wc: 697

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