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Just sitting there, begging to be read by Shiro was Pidge's diary, the plain leather book just sat there and called out his name, he knew it was a bad idea, but he gave into temptation and curiosity. He picks up the book and felt the rough leather on the spine of the book as he opened it and turned to the first page.

Dear Diary,

that sounds stupid, stupid Matt and his stupid ideas. Well, I guess this is the first entry to my Diary that hopefully no one other than me will read or write in. Matt my older brother is making me do this, he said it would be good to write down all my thoughts in a book, but I think he wants me to do it so he can steal this book when it's done so he can blackmail me with all of my deepest darkest secrets, I did that to him about 2 years ago, haha I'm such a gremlin child - he loves me though (hopefully) but yeah, I guess I'll tell you all my feelings like I would do with a therapist.


Shiro smiles at this first entry, it was always intriguing to see the relationship between the two Holt siblings when he had come over for dinner, and to hear what Pidge though about him made him laugh a bit, she hasn't changed one bit.

He skips through 3/4 of the book until a certain page catches his eye, it was a drawing of a gigantic alien robot with flames coming out of its sword with the word Voltron scribbled in red across the page

He skips through 3/4 of the book until a certain page catches his eye, it was a drawing of a gigantic alien robot with flames coming out of its sword with the word Voltron scribbled in red across the page

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he turned to the next page after that.

Dear Diary,

you will never believe me when I say this but, Shiro the same Shiro from the Kerberos mission crash landed back on earth in an alien rocket ship, long story short we found this giant Blue lion which is actually an alien warship with incredible technology, and now I am a Paladin of Voltron and pilot of the green lion (the left arm) I think, well that's what I got told cause we haven't actually formed Voltron yet but we are working on it. I am one step closer to finding Matt and Dad.


Shiro smiled at this, as Voltron was formed it gave people hope, hope that they will not be controlled by the Galra anymore and they didn't have to live in fear any longer, it also gave each of the paladin's hope, and that hope was Pidge finding her family.

he turned to the next page finding entries about everyone.

Dear Diary,

I need to tell you about all my friends, old and new!!

Shiro smiled at this, Pidge was always so happy making new friends.

so there is Hunk, I met him at the Garrison, he is the kindest, sweetest person and a phenomenal cook, he can interpret all the different space ingredients to mimic earth food it's amazing, oh and I should forget he always helps me with upgrading the Lions or creating a new project because on top of his fantastic cooking he is really good at engineering and designing useful equipment.

Shiro couldn't lie, Hunk is brilliant at engineering and even better at cooking.

there is Lance, I also met him at the Garrison, he is a goofball not gonna argue but there is something about him that's interesting, he is quite a bright person not gonna lie, I don't know him extremely well, but I know him well enough to know he is a great attribute to the team. other than his flirting and always making an argument with Keith, he's a really nice guy to have around (I only think he argues with Keith so much cause he likes him - I'm calling it now the Klance ship will sail).

right Keith, the other half to make Klance. well, he's basically always angry, and oml is the 'emo'est person to ever live, like who still purposefully has a mullet (I can't talk but still) he is so retro. he makes it out that he is a lone wolf and has lots of walls up, but once he trusts me enough to let me get to know him, he'll be a completely different person. I can just feel it.

He smiled at these two entries, Pidge was right about Keith he did have some walls up and still does, and him meeting a group of people he trusts it really shows how much it changes someone's life around

Princess Allura, she's no princess of ours but, she's alright, I get where she is coming from, losing your whole race and father while you were sleeping in a pod for 10,000 years, that could be disheartening, but losing what she has and going through all that pain, takes someone special, and I think Allura might just be that person to help us defeat Zarkon.

Coran, oh man he cracks me up, it's just like a space uncle only better, he can have his moments but he is actually very wise and is helping me understand the lateen technology, it's so fascinating and sophisticated, it never ceases to amaze me.

he smiles to himself, Pidge is an excellent observer, and knowing her honest opinions about the paladins will help them grow and develop into a bigger and better team.

the entries reach the end of the page, a bit of sadness hits him as he see's Pidge never wrote about him, he turns the page again to see his name.

last but not least, Shiro.

he continues to read.

The third man on the Kerberos mission, the other two were Matt and Dad. I hate the fact that whatever happened between the Kerberos mission and now Shiro can't remember, he can't remember if my family were alive or if not what happened to them, I just want them back or at least some closure, it's a real shame.

sadness overwhelms the black paladin, it breaks his heart knowing that before his memory loss he knew something about her family that could potentially find them or give closure.

But on the bright side he's a really nice guy, like really nice, and good looking too. not that I like him or anything, alright maybe just a little crush but that's all it is. a little tiny crush. why am I even writing this argh?

Shiro blushes madly at this, is that what Pidge really thought of him, did she actually like him? in that way too? he continues reading.

yeah, my thoughts on my new friends who I know I'm going to be with for a very long time.Pidge

The entries go on about all the missions they have been on since, even a rant about lance's and Keith's 'bonding moment'. He laughs a little at all the inside jokes Pidge had added into the diary, he was about to turn another page until he was interrupted.

The door swung open revealing Pidge staring wide-eyed at Shiro reading the most personal and private thing she owns.

Shiro looks at Pidge and gulped.



wc: 1279

hey guys I hope you enjoy the chapter, one quick reminder I update weekly and if there is any change in that scedual I will let you guys know about it.

love all your comments and support!
- author chann

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