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quick authors note - updates every Monday!!!! just incase you were wondering when the next chapter is out :)

also sorry for any gramatical errors, I'll try and edit when I have time.


"Hunk" Keith yells clearly struggling with the amount of Galra ships coming his way "we have to leave, now!"

"not without Shiro and Pidge" Hunk said still waiting for the two paladins to return to his lion.

Keith grits his teeth "Hunk, we can't lose anyone else" he yelled.

"I'm not going anywhere" Hunk called back, not moving, not even budge.

Lance sighed "Keith's right" he admits.

Keith jaw drops "I am?" he asks totally shocked.

"yes" He sighed again "Shiro would want us to work as a team, so..."

Keith catches on before interrupting "we regroup back at the castle, and get both Shiro and Pidge back"

"As a team" Lance adds.

"I don't like the idea of leaving them" Hunk said clearly worried for his fellow paladins.

Lance frowns "neither do we"

"but what choice do we have" Keith joins.

Hunk jumps back into the controls of his lion before flying out of the Galra ship, leaving Pidge and Shiro behind. Lance and Keith do the same, all three of them returning to the castle with two men down.

They walk into the control room of the castle, not a single one talking nor smiling.

Allura notices their odd behavior "Wheres pidge and shiro?" they look down, none of them making eye contact with her "where are they!?" Allura demands.

the three boys look at each other before giving Allura a sorrowful look.

"I'm sorry Allura" Hunk said looking down towards his feet.

"they didn't make it out" Lance explained.

"they didn't what!" Coran practically yells butting into the convocation.

"we need to do something" Allura looks rattled as she paces back and forth.

"thats what we came here to do" Lance said Allura looking up at him with a questioning look.

"to find a way to get them back" Keith explained.

The system began to go static, as it was connecting to something interrupting their convocation. Coran starts vigorously typing until the static began to form words.

"anyone? hello?" a familiar voice rang through the castle. "guys? this is pidge!"

all their faces light up.

"Pidge! we read you" Allura responds. trying to get a better connection on the system

"where are you?" Keith asks.

"is Shiro with you?" Hunk adds.

"yes Shiro is here, and we are in some sort of lab" Pidge says as if she is running out of time.

"how is it possible that your speaking to us?" Lance speaks still surprised that they are talking to Pidge.

"I upgraded my helmet to communicate over a longer distance" Pidge said her voice indicating she is proud of herself "that doesn't matter, we need a way out" She urges.

"with the both of you, you should be able to find your way to a hanger where we can get to you" Allura suggests trying to pin point their signal.

"ahhh slight problem" Pidge replies.

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