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Pidge braces herself, but it never comes, she opens her eyes to Shiro standing in-front of her with a batted gladiator laying on the ground.

Shiro just glares at her, fear striking her heart.

a deep rumble comes out of Shiro's mouth "what was that?"

Pidge's breathe hitched "I-I..."

"what were you thinking!!" Shiro yelled interrupting her.

"..." she couldn't find the words.

Shiro stood front on crossing his arms "this isn't a game Pidge"

"I know" Pidge replied not daring to look up at Shiro.

Shiro sighed "what happened?" his voice softens

"I... don't know" she said in a mere whisper

"you don't know!? Pidge you were almost killed!!" Shiro snapped back.

tears were threatening to spill out of the green paladins eyes "and you don't think I know that, I know how to handle myself Shiro" she yells back wiping away her tears.

"yeah cause you getting captured by the galra was you way of handling it"

Pidge froze at his words, maybe he was right, maybe she couldn't handle being a paladin, but she was chosen for a reason... right?

Shiro realized what he had just said.

"katie I..." he said reaching out towards the smaller paladin.

Pidge steps back from Shiro "don't you dare call me that! ever!" she screamed at him before storming out of the training room.

"wait..." Shiro's voice trails off as the Pidge vanishes out of the room.

"Shiro just give her some space" Keith says placing a hand on his shoulder.

Shiro doesn't acknowledge what Keith says the only thing he is thinking is "what have I done"


Pidge sat at her desk, locked in her room, scribbling designs and inventions she had ideas on on a scrap piece of paper, she heard the accessional footsteps walking down the hallway and distant laughter, but no one had come see her since the training session.

"they probably want to give me some space" Pidge said to herself scribbling some more.

there was a knock at the door.

"spoke too soon" she laughed to herself.

"Pidge you in there?" Shiro voice rang from the other side of the door.

her heart dropped, Shiro was the last person she wanted to talk to, she felt so guilty for what she said to him.

"Pidge?" Shiro said unsure whether the green paladin was in her room or not.

"no" she says immediately regretting it.

A sigh comes from the other side if the door "Pidge, can I come in?"

"no" she says almost immediately

Shiro's voice gets sterner "Pidge"

"go away" she calls back.

another sigh came from Shiro's side of the door "I just came to talk, but if you want me to leave..." he trails off his sentence.

"...wait" Pidge breathed, unlocking her dorm door revealing Shiro.

"what are you doing here?" she asks simply leaning against her door.

Shiro's voice lowered "I just wanted to apologize"

Pidge's breath hitched, he wanted to apologize; why, she was the one out of line, she was the one to make the mistake, why was HE the one apologizing?

Pidge narrowed her eyebrows "why?"

"for one, I was being unreasonable," he said looking down towards the ground.

Pidge steps back from her door, signaling for Shiro to enter. "continue"

he excepts and walks into her room "I know that you can handle yourself, I know how capable you are" he sits on the edge of the bed. "I'm sor..."

"now stop right there" Pidge said interrupting shiro mid sentence taking a seat next to him.

"huh" he looks confused at her sudden interruption.

"you shouldn't be the one apologizing" Pidge shyly says placing Shiro's hands in hers "I should" she meets his gaze.

"Pidge" Shiro's expressions soften as he reassuringly squeezes her hands.

"I messed up... really bad... and I know you were only trying to protect me, but I shouldn't have blown up like that."

"Pidge" Shiro's facial expressions soften "well all make mistakes"

"yeah, well nothing as big as mine" Pidge says looking down at the floor.

"Pidge" Shiro played his hand on her shoulder.

Pidge looks up at the taller paladin and squishes up her nose "I'm serious"

"I know you are" Shiro chuckles ruffling up Pidge's brown locks.

screaming from the Red and Blue were heard coming down the hallway.

Shiro sighed before looking down at Pidge "uhh sorry... I uhh probably have to... you know..." he says pointing towards the door.

Pidge just nodded, Lance and Keith always do seem to argue and Shiro's the only one who can get them to stop.

Shiro gets up from the edge of the bed and makes his way towards the door, Pidge sighs as her eyes follow his movements.

Shiro grabs the door handle but stops before he is able to open it "can you promise me something Pidge?" he questions looking at the small girl.

"mhmm" she mumbles

"please don't be so hard on yourself, It wasn't your fault" He gives off a warm smile before turning about to leave.

"Shiro" Pidge calls out before he leaves the room.

He turns back around "yea..." he is stopped mid sentence but small arms wrapped around his waist, his cheeks heat up at the sudden hug before wrapping his own hands around the girl.

"thank you" She says, her words muffled by the way she had nuzzled her head into Shiro's chest.

"what for?" He asked, Pidge feeling his chest rising and falling with each and every breath .

"you know... for being Shiro" She hugs a bit tighter trying to hide her embarrassment.

Shiro smiles "always" he says as he places his lips to the green paladins forehead.

Pidge just stands there in shock. His lips, on her head, was she dreaming? her thoughts were interrupted by Shiro's voice.

"now you should get some rest, you've had a big day" he says before finally leaving the room.

Pidge just stood there in shock unable to contemplate anything with a blush creeping up her cheeks.



okay I know I said that I would update like 2 weeks ago but I can explain... I have been working hard writing - 11 chapters in the past week or two (I'm a really slow writer) - but the thing is that they aren't for this book, its for a new fiction that I might be releasing relatively soon. *cough* Klance *cough* but as a author I do feel bad for not updating in a while and I don't think I can go back to my weekly schedule. with my next book yes weekly schedule but this book.... ill update when I can.

thanks so much for 2.5k reads I love the support and comments.

-author chann

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