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- hey, quick authors note, im falling a bit behind on my writing recently because of personal issues so if i dont update, next monday theres a good reason, ill try my hardest.

thank you so much i love you all

-author chan -


"Keith" Shiro breathed a smile across his face as he limped towards the red paladin.

"Keith! where are all the Galra guards?" Pidge questioned confused at the suddenly empty ship.

"that doesn't matter, lets get out of here" Keith said gesturing towards the Green Lion

Pidge squealed "green!" before running to the mechanical Lion.

Keith noticed Shiro's limp and helped him into the Lion.

"thanks Keith" Shiro said.

Keith smiled to himself "take it easy okay," he said resting Shiro down against a wall "Pidge you right to get us back?" he asked grabbing onto the back of the pilots chair.

"sure am" She said putting her hands on the controls.

They departed from the Hanger and flew towards the Castle of Lions

Keith tapped into the Castle's communication system using the comm in the Lion "Allura I have Pidge and Shiro, prepare the healing pods..."

"Keith..." Shiro lightly breathed.

Keith raced to Shiro "Shiro, your bleeding"

"it's nothing, I'm fine" Shiro said trying not to show his pain.

"no your not fine" Keith said no knowing what to do with himself.

"its just a graze" He reassured Keith

"A GRAZE, your kidding, there is a gaping hole in the side of you and you call that a graze" Keith was getting frustrated at Shiro for saying it was nothing.

Shiro chuckled before erupting into another one of his painful coughing fits. pain displayed all over his face.

"hang on we're almost there" Pidge yelled back from the front as she started to pull into the hanger of the Castle.

At this stage Shiro was slipping in and out of consciousness as the pain in his side grew.

The Entrance to the Green Lion opened letting in the rest of team Voltron. Keith acted immediately.

"Hunk, grab Shiro and take him to the healing pod Allura is preparing" he said towards the yellow paladin.

"oh yeah sure" Hunk smiled before picking up the limp Shiro, Shiro groaned in pain "sorry" Hunk apologized heading towards the healing pods with Shiro in his arms.

the rest of the Paladins followed after Hunk towards the area of the healing pods. Hunk paced Shiro into a healing pod, it sealed Shiro inside beginning the process of healing.

Allura turned around to see Pidge standing in the doorway.

"Pidge!" Allura squealed. engulfing Pidge in a huge hug, she hugged back.

"here let me help you into your healing pod" Allura assisted.

Pidge put her arms up in defense and backed away from the pod almost as if she was scared, "what!? I mean I don't need one" she played off.

"Pidge don't be silly" Lance said

"I'm not, I just don't need one I didn't get hurt" she said to the others but she was thinking to herself "severely"

"are you sure?" Allura insisted again.

"Allura its fine" Pidge gave her a reassuring smile.

"I was just worried sick" Allura said giving Pidge another hug, Allura the let her hands rest on Pidge's shoulders "you can't do that to me, you can't leave me to deal with these boys all

by my self" she smiled

"never" Pidge smiled back.

They both laughed at the comment.

"you should get some rest" Hunk said placing his hand on Pidge'd shoulder.

"agreed" Keith continued.

Pidge sighs before walking back to her room, she wanted to stay to see if Shiro was alright and be there for him when he wakes up but they were right, she does need to rest.

she stumbles into her room locking the door behind her, she then continues to lay on her bed, breathing slowing down and her consciousness slipping away drifting towards sleep.


Pidge wakes up the next morning and walks down the hallway towards the kitchen, she is distracted from her thought by someone in the corner of her eye.

"Shiro! your awake" Pidge smiled embracing Shiro in a hug. "how are you feeling?" she pulls back looking up at him.

"better" he smiles back "but you on the other hand how are you?" he questioned.

"uhh not so good" she scratches the back of her neck in discomfort.

Shiro gives her a questioning look.

"in the ship, Haggar she experimented on me" Pidge's voice getting quieter.

"how, are you alright" Shiro places a hand on her shoulder.

she brushes it off "she injected me with something, I don't know what it is but I haven't been feeling the same since" she looks down at her feet.

"Pidge" Shiro whispers embracing the short paladin.

"i just.. didn't know who to tell" she said nuzzling her head into Shiro's chest.

Shiro's breath hitches "pidge..."

she looks up towards the black paladin to see blood dripping out of the corners of his mouth and a dagger sticking out of him.

"Shiro!" she screams

he collapses onto the ground.

Pidge panics "no no no stay with me, you need to get to a healing pod stat"

"Pidge" he said in a mere whisper placing his hand on her cheek "this is all your fault"

Pidge is surprised at his sudden change in attitude "what no Shiro..."

"if you didn't tell me what happened inside that ship.... I would still be alive" he hissed before going limp.

"Shiro!" Pidge shook him tears forming in her eyes

"TAKASHI!" she screamed sobbing into his chest.

"so little paladin" Pidge heard a croaky voice say from infant of her, she looks up tears blocking her line of vision "lost your beloved have we!"

her vision clears long enough to see Haggar "you monster" Pidge screamed at her.

Haggar laughs "I'm not the monster here, you are"

Pidge looks down at her hands, Blood stained all over them and she was holding the same dagger that was inside Shiro a moment ago.

She looks back up to see her team mates lying limp on the floor.

"you did this to them!" Haggar screamed at Pidge.

"NO!" she screamed back tears streaming down her face.


"NO! NO! NO!" she repeated to herself.

"all because you couldn't keep to yourself"



wc: 1067

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