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Keith was agile, yet powerful. his movement his attacks all seemed fluent, like an instinct. his sword skills were astonishing, it seemed his sword was an extension of his arm as he sliced and diced the training gladiators. sweat dripped down his forehead as he dodged another attack only to inhale the gladiator moments later.

heavy breaths escaped his mouth as he made his way back to the rest of the team.

"Sharp work samurai" Lance smirked.

Keith's face flustered, but that was just because he trained; right?

he shook it off

"Pidge, you're up," Coran said.

the little green paladin seemed to be caught up in her own world.

"Pidge?" Keith said trying to get her attention.

she snapped out of her daze "what? huh?" she asked.

"you're up" Keith informed.

"Ohh yeah," Pidge said scratching the back her neck.

Pidge makes her way to the middle of the training floor, Bayard in hand.

"activate training session level 4," Coran said over the speaker activating a gladiator.

Pidge looks over at Coran "Ohh come on Coran, Keith was doing level 7"

"it's just a precaution, you just came back from the Galra hands," Coran says twirling his mustache.

"Coran, it's fine I can handle myself," Pidge said.

Coran sighs "activate level 6"

"CORAN!" Pidge said slightly annoyed.

"sorry Pidge, Allura's orders" Coran replied.

she sighs "fine" before looking back up at the Gladiator "commence training"

the gladiator runs towards her, it swings its sword at her. she dodges wrapping her Bayard around its sword and pulling it away from the gladiator. Pidge dodges and flips over more attacks coming towards her. she smirks, wrapping her Bayard around it once more, sending electric shocks. the gladiator collapses to the ground, beaten and un-moving.

"how's that for level 6" she smirks turning around calling out to Coran, not knowing about the danger building up behind her.

she watches as Coran's facial expressions go from impressed to frightened. Pidge heard footsteps approaching from behind, but by this point, it was already too late.

Pidge was thrown across the room hitting the wall in the process.

her ears were ringing and she could see black creeping around the corner of her vision. she tries to get up but her arm is stuck.

she glances up her gaze landing on the Gladiator

Pidge's eyes flutter open, she tries to move her arms but they are strapped down to a metal table.

"Shiro...?" she grumbles trying to find a way out of... where ever she was.

"I'm here Pidge, where are you?" Shiro responds through the comm sounding frantic.

she glances up her gaze landing on the gladiator for a second it looked like Haggar. her eyes widen as she panics to get her arm free.

Pidge glances around the room laying her eyes on Haggar. Pidge's eyes widen as she tries to loosen the straps.

"No, not again, this can't be happening, not again" she grabs her head with her free arm, tears of fear roll down her cheeks.

the trauma just never seems to cease.

Haggar gives an eery smile as she fumbles with surgical tools and syringes.

Pidge can't move.

"Shiro," Pidge said a bit sterner afraid of what Haggar had installed for her.

Shiro starts to get confused "Pidge?" he asks.

Haggar finds a syringe with a purple fluid and walks closer to the paladin "you dear, are going to help Zarkon get what he wants" she says facing the syringe into the light and flicking the at the substance inside.

the gladiator makes there was slowing towards the helpless paladin, she panics "no no no no no"

Pidge struggles within the straps knowing that Haggar will inject her "No no no no no, SHIRO!" she calls out "Shiro, please help" she panics in between sobs tugging at the straps.

"NO, NO, NO!" Pidge scream pulling at her arm trying to free it.

"Pidge!!" Shiro yells.

Haggar just laughs "scream all you want little paladin, no-one is coming for you"

Haggar places a hand on Pidge's neck, she struggles against Haggar's touch.

"this is gonna hurt you much farther than you can imagine" Haggar smirks bringing the syringe closer Pidge's skin.

"No please don't no no no!" Pidge screams at one last attempt to escape.

"Pidge, I'm coming for you" Shiro frantically yells through the comm.

Haggar jabs the sharp syringe into the side of her neck plunging the liquid into her bloodstream.

the gladiator pulls its arm back ready to cut Pidge in half. Pidge screams.

an ear piercing scream full of pain and fear comes from Pidge's side of the line.

Shiro's heart drops into his stomach "KATIE!" tears sting his eyes and he runs to find her.

Pidge pulls her arm free, but alas it's already too late.


hey guys,
I originally started to write for my own benefits, I've had a lot of trouble with people recently and it had gotten to me, so that's why I started writing. I didn't think anyone would come across my Wattpad book, but as the story progressed more and more of you started reading, I might not be the best writer, heck, my spelling and punctuation are terrible, and the plot is argh, could be better. anyway, I am thrilled with all of your support and cannot express my happiness with reaching 1k reads. I am falling behind on my plot line but I will try my hardest to keep up with my weekly schedule, hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm always up for a chat if any of you wanna message me or not but yeah.
love you all xx
- author chann

wc: 802

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