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Shiro found himself in a hallway illuminated by a dark purple glow, purple Galran writing covered the walls of the vessel corridors. He swiftly made his way through the hallways towards the sound of the voice of Zarkon himself, on the way catching a glimpse of himself, he didn't find himself in his usual black paladin armour but the armour of a Galra general. He decides to shake it off and keep manoeuvring towards the voices.

(a/n I smell muffins, and I'm really hungry and its distracting me right now)

soon enough he finds himself crouched on the edge of the open doorway leading into the control room, he tilts his head to the side and listens immensely to the conversation going on.

A general was standing in front a screen hand over heart talking to the leader of the repulsive race "my lord stage 5 of operation venom was a success" he says formally to the leader, "Voltron is now ours" both Zarkon and himself give a sinister grin.

"and the Paladins?" the deep malevolent voice projected itself from the screen.

"we've scheduled the yellow, red and blue paladins to fight in the arena" the Galra general replies.

footsteps are heard coming down the hallway towards Shiro, he quickly looks around before slyly ducking into the control room - out of site - away from the Galran general and the hologram of Zarkon.

"very good," he smiles in an evil way "what about the girl?" Zarkon continues.

"waiting for your orders" the general bows to Zarkon.

"bring in the girl" Zarkon says.

Two guards walk in dragging a small girl with green paladin armor along with them.

Shiro's blood boiled at the sight of the girl, but why "Pidge" he said quietly hate filled his voice.

"let go of me!" She screamed thrashing around in the guards arms trying to find a way to escape.

"stop squirming you brat" on of the guards hissed kicking her in the side.

she groaned in pain "what do you want from me" tears stained her eyes.

"awaiting your orders sire" the general said.

Zarkon grinned evilly "dispose of the girl"

Shiro felt his muscles moving on their own "wait" he called out, time seemed to stop like they were in slow motion, as everyone looked at him. he pushed the feeling aside as he walked up the the hologram of Zarkon.

"ahhh well if it isn't our champion" He smiled devilishly.

"SHIRO!" Pidge cried out.

Shiro didn't even bother to look at the weakened girl instead he kept on talking. "don't dispose of her just yet" he grins.

"Shiro?" the girl became confused.

"what do you suggest champion?" the general interrupted.

Shiro turned around to face the girl and looked her dead in the eye "put her in the ring with the others, see how long she lasts in there"

all the hope she had left was just stripped of her like that. "don't do this" she yelled

"take her away" Shiro ordered as he turned back to the pleased Zarkon.

Pidge started thrashing around harder than she was before screaming at the top pf her lungs "don't let them win shiro, you promised!" She screams



Shiro jolts up out of his sleep, cold swear and hot tears dripping down his face, he sits up out of bed and cradled his face in his hands, "it was just another dream" he repeats to himself over and over again.

after the tears cease and his breathing becomes normal again he looks at the alarm clock on his bedside table: 2:48 am.

he sighs, knowing he won't get back to sleep until tomorrow night.

grabbing a warm jumper he leaves his room and trudged down the hallway towards the training room.

he was about halfway there until he heard a door open and a small voice come out.

"Shiro?" Pidge says quietly.

Shiro stops and turns around to see Pidge standing in the middle of her doorway.

"oh hey Pidge, what are you doing up its 3 in the morning" He questions, feeling a little guilty for disturbing her.

she raises and eyebrow at him "I could ask you the same question"

he sighs looking down at the ground "it's nothing"

"mhmm" she hums not believing a word he was saying.

"seriously" he replies.

"you had a bad dream again didn't you" She questions lowering her voice.

Shiro sighs "I guess"

Concern written all over her face "you guess? do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

"not particularly"

"oh come on" she says before grabbing his hand and dragging him into her room, a light pink dusked both of their cheeks.

they both sat facing each other on the edge of her bed, silence falling upon both paladins.

"Pidge why are you still up" Shiro said trying to break the silence

"I couldn't sleep" she scratched the back of her neck "soooo I was just working on projects"

"Katie..." Shiro sighed placing the girls hands in his own, she had promised him not to work herself too hard and not even a day later she was doing just that - working herself too hard.

"I know, but what else was I supposed to do?" she said.

Shiro squeezed her hands with reassurance "you could have come to me"

"I didn't want to bother you though" she looks up into his grey eyes.

"your not a bother" he gently smiles.

"it's just you don't usually get much sleep and by me waking you up that means less sleep" she looks back down sheepishly.

"your so thoughtful but I don't mind, I'm always going to be here for you"

"thanks Shiro" Pidge smiles gently locking eye contact with Shiro.

Shiro sighed before breaking the eye contact "you should probably get some rest"

"I guess your right"

"I'll see you in the morning then" he said walking over towards the door, disappointment sent a pang of guilt through his chest, for leaving the girl.

"wait" Pidge called out just loud enough for him to hear.

she avoided this gaze "can you stay.... just until I fall asleep that is" she questions fiddling with her hands.

Shiro was star struck, "uhh yeah sure" he softly smiles.


wc: 1042

hey, guys hope you enjoy this chapter,

thank you for all the song suggestions - it is definitely helping me pass my writers' block

15 votes for an update next Monday!

love you guys 

- Author chann

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