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"you good to go?" Pidge asked preparing a small ship to make their way to the space mall.

"I still don't understand why we can't take our lions" Lance grumbled flopping down into the pilots chair.

Pidge just laughed as she warmed up the engines "we don't want to draw attention to ourselves do we"

"it wouldn't be that bad, if there are hot alien girls involved" Lance says checking himself out in the review mirror? (idek if space ships have review mirror ahah).

"you know what I mean" Pidge laughed flicking a few switches and buttons starting up the engine.

Lance adjust his chair to a more comfortable position, he knew exactly what Pidge meant, the galra are know to go to this space mall as well, so bringing a lion would probably end up in some mini space mall war. Lance sighs grabbing the controls, "yeah yeah I know" he says navigating the ship out of the hanger.

the ride was silent, other than the low hum of the engine, neither paladin made a sound. Pidge was so caught up in her own world thinking about the convocation she had with him last night, when she asked him who he likes he almost always answers, but last night was different it was like he was hiding it, and tried to avoid the question as much as possible, she just wanted to know, Pidge was always good at match making, all these thoughts made her think of 1 main question that she was stumped to answer "who does Lance like?" she questions herself not releasing she was thinking out loud.

Lance laughs "why are you still caught up with that?" he turns the ship on auto pilot and faces the girl.

Pidge pushes up her glasses further up the bridge of her nose and crosses her arms. "well I wouldn't be if you had already told me"

"well maybe I don't want to tell you" he playfully crossed his arms to mimic Pidge's actions.

"but you always tell me" Pidge whined.

Lance just chucked at the girl behavior "no today" he smiles innocently.

"can you at least tell me what she looks like?"

Lance thought for a second before answering "well, they have long flowing locks...."

"ohh that really narrows it down doesn't it" Pidge rolled her eyes sarcastically.

Lance just glared at the girl "do you want me to tell you or not?"

Pidge threw her hands up and ushered Lance to keep going.

"they act like a total prick half the time but they actually have a really kind, caring and humble personality and they totally have a hot bod, ummm they like sharp and pointy things and are totally oblivious" his face was a bit flustered from talking about his 'crush'.

Pidge raised an eyebrow, "they? why didn't you say she" Pidge smirks at the new information she had just learnt.

"uhhh... w-well I don't have to" he stuttered out.

"no way, you like a guy don't you!!" Pidge practically screamed

Lance's face flushed 50 different shades of red "pfft no" he replied.

"wait a minute.... long locks, is a prick half the time, likes pointy things, is oblivious and is a guy...." she counted each point as a different finger, until she finally did it, she figure it out. She looks back up at Lance in shock "no way"

"No way what?" Lance says as casually as he can trying not to act like he was internally screaming.

"OMG YOU LIKE KEITH!!" Pidge practically screamed. "how did I not think of it before, it's totally obvious"

"Pidge" Lance says blankly

Pidge just ignored his comment "omg you have to tell him"

"Pidge" he says again

"and he'll be like 'Lance I'm so emo but I love you too'" she tried to used her deepest voice to mimic Keith's "and then you guys can get married"

"Pidge" Lance said again

"OMG can I be your best man!!! I mean woman!" the excitement was just too much for her to handle.

"Pidge stop" Lance said shutting her up "can you please not tell anyone" he asks the small girl.

she gives Lance a smirk "no promises" she giggles.

"Pidge Gunderson, or Katie Holt, whatever you go by, if you tell a single soul about you know, I will make sure that the whole known universe will know about your massive crush on Shiro"

Pidge facial expressions go blank "how do you know?" a blush creeps up on her cheeks.

"Lancey-Lance knows all" he laughs.

Pidge just glares at him "you wouldn't dare"

he just smirks at her "try me"


"where is she?" Shiro asked himself looking through the castle for a certain green paladin.

"Pidge went out with Lance earlier that day to get some things for a project they were working on, they should be back by now." he says to himself.

Shiro went into the lounge room only to find Keith sleeping on the couch, he sighs to himself before walking over to the resting Keith.

as Shiro approaches the resting boy he starts to stir and wake, he rubs his eyes and lets out a yawn as he stretches his arms out, "hey Shiro" he says his voice doesn't even have the slightest hint of tiredness in it like he wasn't just asleep seconds ago.

"has Pidge come through here at all?" Shiro asks Keith.

Keith sits up to the edge of the couch "wait they're not back yet?" Keith asks surprisingly.

Shiro scratches the back of his neck "I don't know, I thought they would be by now" he stares down at the pale boy.

"have you checked Pidge's room?" Keith asks getting up from the couch.

"no not yet, I was going to go there if she wasn't in here" Shiro says before heading out towards Pidge's room "ohh and I'll meet you on the training deck later" Keith just nodded and with that Shiro let and headed towards the green paladin's room.

He walked down the hallway in silence, his footsteps echoing throughout the corridors it was very peaceful upon the large ship, although there was the occasional bickering by the bus and red Paladins, it was mostly quiet.

Shiro slows his pace as he approaches the green Paladin's room. He lightly knocks on the door "Pidge you in there" he waits for an answer, but nothing. He knocks again to double check but still nothing. He sighs checking the door handle to see if it was unlocked and too his surprise it was.

"funny, Pidge never leaves her room unlocked," he says to himself as he makes his way into the room, he finds blueprints and spare parts to create a new rover laying on her desk, and about 5 different computers displaying different things, ranging from facial recognition to universal news. he released what they were for - to search for her family. he sighs once again before making his way towards the door, but something catches his eyes.

a small book with a plain leather cover - Pidge's diary


hey guys,
hope you enojy the update!!!
-author chann

wc: 1183

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