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*pterodactyl scream* season 4 just aired 4 hours ago and I've already watched it all. Matt is actually my spirit animal. 

the door swings open to Pidge's room and standing right in the middle of the door frame was Pidge herself, all her facial expressions drop, seeing Shiro with her diary boiled her blood, that was her personal belonging and seeing him reading it, was just....

Shiro places the book down on her desk, before holding his arms up in defence "Pidge its not what it looks like" he says.

Pidge just chuckles, "well it certainly looks like you were reading my diary, if its not what it looks like, what were you doing with my diary then?" she asks, her voice was filled with anger.

Shiro looks down with nervousness "I-I was looking for you and I thought you might have been in here.. but you weren't so I....."

"read my diary?" She crossed he arms.

"Pidge..." Shiro soft said stretching out his hand to place on the girl's shoulder.

she pushed his hand away and looked towards the ground, not wanting to meet Shiro's gaze. "get out" she say in a mere whisper.

Shiro was genuinely surprised, "Pidge?" he asked unsure.

"I said get out" her eyes lock with Shiro's, her eyes are red and tears threatening to slip down her cheeks. "just get out" she says quieter this time.

"Pidge I didn't mean too" Shiro pleads with her.

"you didn't mean too! Shiro if you didn't mean too you wouldn't have!" she snaps at him. "that is the most personal thing I have and for you to just... just go behind my back, you should have known better" Pidge had many different emotions running through her veins at this point; anger, betrayal, venerability and hot tears streamed down her face.

Shiro just stands there unable to say anything, guilt filled his guts to the brink.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER!!" she screams this time, "I'm supposed to respect you, as a leader, as a Paladin, and certainly as a friend." all this yelling and anger is clouding her mind and making her feel light-headed, she stumbles back and holds the wall for support. she talks again before Shiro could, "but now... now I've lost all my respect for you..."

"Pidge.. I'm so terribly sorry" Shiro says ever so lightly.

Pidge's completion turned pale at his comment "sorry? just cut the crap Shiro, I'm sick of you always lying to us... to me" Pidge couldn't help it, it was like she wasn't talking for herself the words just kept on flowing. "I liked you.... for the longest time too, but I was wrong... I don't know how I could have ever liked someone like you" she couldn't bare the thought of being in the room any longer with Shiro.

"and after this I don't think I'll ever be able to trust you again" tears streaming down her face, she meant nothing of what she said, but she could stop herself from saying it. She ran out of the room, tears blurred her vision, she had to get away, away from Shiro, away from anyone, just to contemplate her thoughts.

the door slams behind her leaving Shiro standing once again alone in her room alone.

"I'm such a jerk" he says grabbing his head tear slipping down his cheeks "what have I done" he knew he should have left her when she said, but there was something that made him want to stay.

loud yelling was heard coming not far from Pidge's room.

"Paladins, I need help" Allura yelled hoping someone would come.

Shiro ran out of Pidge's room and towards the screaming Allura, not bothering to wipe his tears away. he bolted around the corner of a corridor to see Allura crouched of the ground cradling an unconscious Pidge in her arms.

Allura looks up at the black paladin, tears welling up in her eyes as she cradled the smaller paladin in her arms.

Shiro didn't think twice, he took Pidge out of Allura's arms and into his own. He had to get her to a healing pod. Shiro runs down the corridors of the castle towards the healing pods holding Pidge firmly bridal style, it was hard to run with another person in his arms, but under the circumstances he was too distracted by the thought of losing her he didn't even care.

"Coran!!" Shiro yells hoping Coran would hear him "prepare a healing pod!" Shiro yells turning a corner, the room of the healing pods coming into view. He approaches the door to see Coran preparing a healing pod. his breath heavy and gasping fro air.

"what do you need the healing pod for...." Coran says looking up from the pod to the Black Paladin. "ohh my... Quickly get her in" the moustached man acted quickly gesturing to the pod.

Shiro placed the girl in the pod and stood back to see the pod inclosing the green Paladin. "is she going to be alright?" Shiro asked not taking his gaze off Pidge.

Coran vigorously types at the control panel, "she's going to be just fine, it looks like her body shut down on her from pure exhaustion"

both males inhale a deep breathe out of relief. before Coran goes back to examine Pidge.

"that's unusual," Coran says to herself examining the information of Pidge that the healing pod is providing.

Shiro stands up and walks over to Coran to see what the fuss is about, "whats going on?" he questions, worry written in his expressions.

"Pidge's vital signs seems to be normal but the only think that concerns me is her blood" Coran says not taking his eyes of the information.

Shiro frets "what about her blood" he crossed his arms, confused to where Coran is taking this.

"the castle has a data base with all the paladins medical information on it, including blood-type" Coran twirls his mustache in the tips of his fingers, "Pidge's blood type has changed from the last time she was in a healing pod"

"how is that possible?"

"It's not" Coran says stumped on how this is happening.

"then how..."

"I don't know," Coran says rapidly typing "maybe if I have a look at...." he stops, and stares blankly at the screen.

Shiro's stomach dropped at Coran's body Language "Coran?" Shiro questions, "what's going on?"

Coran's looks up at Shiro, his eyes filled with sorrow and dread "whoever's in there" he points over to the pod his hand clearly shaking

"she's not our Pidge"


wc: 1075
5k+ are you guys serious!!!! thank you so much xx

hey guys if you have any question for me message me or just leave them here

they can be about anything from personal questions to questions about this book. anything

i'm just honestly lacking a bit of inspiration atm and i just love talking to you guys!!!

-author chann

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