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echoes of cheers and boos reverberated around the arena as each of the four teammates stepped out into the arena. the grandstand was packed with galra soldiers, generals and even Zarkon himself. The boos got louder and some galra even resorted to throwing food at the paladins. Each of the four was given their full paladin armour along with their Bayards, but little did the Galra know, they had a plan, a plan to beat the monster and get back to Allura and Coran.

"Silence" Zarkon's voice boomed across the arena, silencing his restless followers. "tonight we celebrate, celebrate the fall of Voltron and the death of its Paladins" the arena erupts in cheers and whistles.

Pidge could feel her palm become sweaty, what if the plan didn't work, what if this was their last moments together. she took a deep breath in to steady herself, glancing around at the other four she gives a small nod.

"release the beast" Zarkon's bone-chilling voice commanded.

the crowd started to chant, at first, it was barely audible and hard to make out what they were saying, the crowd got louder and louder building up the tension until the word they were chanting was finally recognizable. they were chanting 'Champion'.

Pidge's heart skips a beat, it couldn't be, they must be talking about a different champion, right?

the gate for the monster began to ajar, Pidge could feel the blood rushing through her veins and hear the heartbeat in her ears.

standing there where the 'monster' should be is Shiro himself.

Pidge gulps sending glances to her fellow paladins, they are doing the same. this was it, the battle which determined who will live and who will die.

It's either them or him.

Lance was the first to make a move, he took a shot for the shoulder, Shiro moves out of the way quickly activating his glowing purple galran hand and charging towards the Lance, Hunk takes a shot at Shiro before he has a chance to strike Lance. Direct hit. Shiro gets knocked to the ground sliding a few meters.

All four paladins take this opportunity to hide behind the giant pillars, Pidges breathing was erratic, she couldn't do this, she had no chance against Shiro, and in all honestly, the others were in no condition to do so either.

Keith began to should across the arena "Pidge, don't fight, observe" he yells coming out of his spot behind his pillar.

Shiro smirked as he sees the red paladin "ready to die Keith?" Shiro chuckles and it sends chills up his spine.

Keith grips his sword handle tighter "tell me Shiro, did you feel accomplished betraying your team"

the now stood about 10 meters apart facing each other in a stare off, Shiro began to walk, Keith did the same but in the opposite direction, both of them creating a circle of tension.

Not breaking eye contact Shiro replies sharply "yes"

Keith grits his teeth "why'd you do it" he snaps.

Shiro rolled his eyes "because the Galra are the supreme race"

"they tortured you for over a year before you escaped" Keith couldn't believe the things Shiro was saying.

"they improved me" Shiro snaps

Keith throws his hands up in the air in defence "by chopping your arm off" he yells

"a limb is nothing if it means victory for the Galran Empire" he growled

"you're sick" Keith spat

"one day, you'll realize I am right"

"one day? I thought you weren't gonna let me live" Keith mocked.

Hunk begins to come into view sneaking up on Shiro, Keith holds up his hand to say stop whilst giving Hunk a glare, Hunk back off behind a pillar Still leaving Shiro and Keith alone together.

Shiro glared at the two paladins "awwe does wittle keef wanna be a big boy and fight me all by his self" he mocked

Keith shakes is head "I thought you were different," he says holding up his Bayard.

Shiro activated his purple hand before running at Keith, Shiro went to strike him in the jaw but Keith moved with moments to spare, Keith swings his sword and Shiro blocks in with his purple hand, punching his other hand it hits Keith directly in the jaw and he stumbles back muttering and cursing under his breath.

the other three were dumbfounded, why would Keith tell them not to attack Shiro, why doesn't he let them help him, the task is hard on all of them, but wouldn't it be better to get it over and done with rather than letting the situation drag on.

Keith's face turns red out of anger as he yells darting towards Shiro, he punches hitting Shiro square in the jaw, moving swiftly he swings his sword and Shiro ducks underneath, the sword whizzes over his head and he notices Keith's side is in the open and unprotected, Shiro smiles before he thrusts his fist into Keith's unprotected side, Keith's sword clatters to the ground and he cries out with agonizing pain. he falls to the ground hard, he curls up clutching his side, blood soaking his suit.

Keith groans in pain as he prompts himself on his hands and knees, searching in desperation for his sword, he spots it and starts to crawl towards it. Shiro laughs at his pathetic attempt before kicking him in the side. Keith cries out once more collapsing on the floor, whimpering in pain.

Shiro raises his glowing galran hand ready to strike, Keith closes his eyes ready for what immense pain was to come but nothing, nothing came, no pain, no nothing, Keith re-opens his eyes to see Shiro gazing down at him - Shiro hesitated, giving Keith enough time to knock him off balance giving him time to get away. Pidge observes closer at her former leader, he hesitated, he never usually hesitates. Pidge looks closer, his purple eyes catching her brown ones. Purple eyes, his eyes we never purple before...

something is off about Shiro, something's wrong with him and Pidge has a pretty good idea of what it is.



I'm sorry for the long wait, I really am. 

I was thinking about discontinuing this book but everyone who has left a comment or a vote or even the few people who have sent me a direct message, it has kept me from doing that. 

a lot of things have been going on in my personal life that has distracted me from updating this book, and also me being my self-conscious self I really don't like how some chapters of this book turned out and I am afraid if I continue I will just disappoint.

But I will try my very best to update for you guys. 

- Author Chann

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