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One by one the paladins made their way to the main room to have the so called 'team meeting' Allura wanted them to have.

Shiro stands with his arms crossed across his chest "why have you called us here Allura?" he questions when everyone is finally in the room.

Allura looks over at Coran "Coran care to explain"

"Ahh yes" Coran replies rubbing his hands together like he has a plan in mind "I have spotted an incoming Galra cargo ship heading towards our location." he pulls up a hologram showing the whereabouts of the ship in contrast to the castle.

Hunk starts to look paranoid "then we need to find a new location to stay" he suggests.

"that's the thing, I don't think they know we are here" Coran replied twisting his moustache with the tip of his fingers.

Pidge adjusts her glasses "so we have an advantage"

Coran just nods indicating they do indeed they have the advantage over the Galra at this point.

"when will they be here" Shiro questions looking at the hologram Coran pulled up.

"in two days" Coran replies

"great," Shiro says as he walks back to where the rest of the paladins were standing "we have time to form a plan" he smiles

Keith gives Shiro a questionable look "a plan?"

"yes a plan" Shiro said "we are going to board the ship to see if they have any useful information for us to use" he explains

Lance gives him a confused look "it's a cargo ship what information?" he questions

Pidge just smiled "I can hack into the Galra system from the ship" she informed

"so if we find out what they are planning then we can be one step ahead of them" Allura smiled as she took a look at the hologram

"exactly" Shiro smiled

Coran stops twisting his moustache "we will infiltrate the ship in two days so be ready" he said

before anyone could move Pidge started to walk out "I'll go work on upgrades for the lions" she called back

"not yet," Shiro said grabbing Pidge's wrist to stop her from leaving "we need you to find out a bit more information about the cargo ship so we aren't going in blind" he said scratching the back of his head trying to draw the attention away from his flustered face.

"what do the rest of us do," Hunk asked not knowing what to do.

Keith crossed his arms "train and prepare, it's not going to be easy"

"I agree" Lance agreed, Keith was surprised at the agreement coming from the blue paladin's mouth.

Shiro smiled "then it's settled we are taking down a Galra ship"


The green paladin was once again doing something technological to help the team out. She adjusted her glasses as she tried to find any information about the cargo ship they were taking down in the next 48 hours.

She was so deep within her search that she block out any noise so she could concentrate, this included the footsteps of a certain black paladin.

"Pidge" Shiro softly said placing a hand on her shoulder.

Pidge jumped right out of her chair by the sudden interaction, "ahhhhh, uhh I mean, hey Shiro what's up" she nervously laughs trying to play it off.

Shiro just chuckles at her attempt at playing it off "have you found anything useful?" he questions the green paladin.

"Actually I have" Pidge said adjusting her glasses to get a better look at the research she had up on the screen "the cargo on the ship seems to contain an important substance of some sort,"

Shiro knits his eyebrows together "do you know what it is?"

"I don't know whether its, a poison, a highly flammable substance or even quintessence, but whatever it is, it's highly important to the Galra" Pidge informed.

"the more reason to be cautious" Shiro places his hand back on Pidge's shoulder.

she stiffens at his touch "I'm lacking a lot of information" she mentions typing rapidly into her computer, "so I'll need to hack into the main system in the ship meaning..."

"You'll have to find the control room" Shiro interrupts his expression turns from serious to worried "Pidge..."

"come on Shiro, you almost sound afraid; It'll be fine nothings going to happen" Pidge reassures turning around in her chair to look up at Shiro.

"I'm going with you into the ship," Shiro said as if it wasn't a request, it was a statement.

"no Shiro, I'm small enough to climb through the ventilation system so I won't get caught or draw unwanted attention" the green paladin stated with a smile on her face.

Shiro had an unsure expression on his face "I'm not so sure about this Pidge" he scratches the back of his head.

Pidge looked Shiro right in the eyes and said in her most confident voice "with this plan, nothing can go wrong"



wc: 823

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