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hope you enjoy this chapter!!

- author chann


"NO!" Pidge screamed waking up in a cold sweat, tears streaming down her face.

There was a knock at her door. "Pidge, you awake?" Hunk cooed from the other side of the door.

"I am now" Pidge said trying not to let her voice sound shaky.

Hunk chuckles before saying "well when your ready, meet us down at the kitchen okay?"

"okay" Pidge replies

"see you soon" Hunk cheerfully says before leaving.

"come on Katie, it was just a dream" Pidge told herself "snap out of it"

Pidge wiped the remaining tears away with her sleeve before opening the door and walking down the hallway to the kitchen. she entered the room to see everyone but Shiro sitting at the table.

"Shiro must still be in the healing pod" Pidge thought to herself as she sat down with the team.

Lance suddenly slammed his hand down on the table startling everyone "Alright Pidge Gunderson, if thats even your real name" he interrogates Pidge flashing a flashlight in her face.

she rolls her eyes "it's not" Pidge chuckles.

Lance is obviously surprised before asking more questions "then what is it? hmmmm"

Pidge ignores the last question "what are you even doing? and can you get that light out of my eyes" she scolds Lance.

"yeah sorry" he sheepishly grins.

"We just wanted to know what happened on the Galra ship" Keith intervenes.

"I don't remember much" Pidge said looking down at the plate of food in front of her.

"then just tell us what your remember" Allura said placing a hand on Pidge's shoulder.

"the paladins are here, inform Haggar" I hear one guard say to the other.

"with her new plan the paladins won't know what hit them, especially their leader, Shiro" they snicker.

"send the majority of the guards towards their location, they need to be distracted, so Haggar can have time to attack" one said before both guards leave the room.

"I remember two guards in the control room talking" Pidge said stirring the space goo in-front of her with a spoon.

"what were they saying?" Allura asks.

"something about a plan" Pidge said not looking up from the goo.

"details, Pidge" Keith said with a stern voice.

"they left before I got any," Pidge lied "but I still went down their to get the information,"

she waited for somebody else to speak but no one did so she kept on talking.

"I downloaded what I needed and then.... " Pidge sighed, she couldn't tell the others what happened, even though her worries were just in a dream, it was better safe than sorry "everything went black, I woke up unsure then Shiro was dragged into the room I was in"

"do you know who knocked you out" Keith questioned.

"ohh my...." I got knocked down mid sentence but someone I didn't see.

I grunt in pain attempting to get up, but get knocked back down to the hard cold metal floor. I look up at the person who knocked me down.   


"what a surprise" Haggar chuckled "the green paladin" she croaked before striking me with a blow.

Everything for the Green Paladin went Black.

"no" Pidge lied avoiding eye contact.

"it was Haggar" the black paladin interrupted walking into the room.

"Shiro your awake" Coran said excitedly.

Shiro smiles at the Altean before talking again "it was Haggar, she was aboard that ship"

"what was she doing there" Allura questioned.

"I don't know, but whatever it was we were lucky to get out before she did anything to Pidge" Shiro said fixing his gaze on the green paladin.

Pidge starts to get nervous felling the glare of Shiro upon her and starts to fiddle with her hands.

Keith catches onto Pidge's weird behavior. "Pidge?" he questions.

"yeah" She looks up holding the hem of her shirt to stop her hands from fiddling.

"is there something your not telling us?" Lance joins.

"no" she looks down to her lap "why would you think that?" looking back up to the blue paladin.

"because we basically live together" Lance implied.

Hunk gave a soft smile "and we can tell when something is up with one another" he warmly said.

Pidge stood up from the table "is that so" she said pushing her glasses further up the bridge of her nose.

"pidge we are a team" Keith said starting to lose his temper.

"we are a family" Shiro corrected sending Keith a glare.

Allura smiled "we just need to look out for each other" she added.

Pidge had had it, she didn't know why she had such a short temper today, it's like... like she wasn't herself.

"well family would know when to give me space" she practically yells slamming the palms of her hands against the table.

"Pidge!" Keith yelled starting to lose his temper.

she throws her hands up in defeat "forget about it" she yells.

Lance starts to go after her until a strong hand played rest on his shoulder.

"just leave her be she's been through a lot" Hunk says in a calm voice.

Lance sighs "I guess your right"

Shiro knew Hunk was right, but something was up with the little paladin, there was more to it than she was giving off, and he had to find out what.


wc: 886

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