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a scream escapes Pidge's mouth as she closed her eyes not wanting to see one of the only people who she considered to be family die right in front of her eyes.

the dreadful noise of a blast goes off and yells are heard throughout the cell, although there are yells, Pidge doesn't recognize it as any of the Paladins.

she opens her eyes, her gaze drawn to the indent on the wall made by the generals gun.

underneath that blast was Lance, battered, bruised, anything from healthy; but it was lance none the less still alive and still ready to protect too his heart's content.

more yells we're heard through the cell as Pidge's gaze landed on Keith, his knife deeply in-paled the generals back, as Keith pinned him down with his knees.

lance and hunk were cheering and encouraging their teammate as Keith took down more of the guards

wait... no shackles were on Keith's wrists,

nothing was there to restrain him, but Pidge could have sworn she saw shackles on him earlier, unless. that's it the strange behaviour earlier - fiddling around with his knife and shackles - HE GOT OUT OF THEM!

Keith grabbed his Knife out of the now dead Galra general and kneels down beside Lance to pick the lock of his shackles.

The restraints fall to the ground with a bang, Keith hands Lance the bloody knife as he grabs a smaller dagger out of his boot.

Lance scrunches up his nose at the metallic smell of Galra blood "of course I get the bloody knife" he complains

"stop complaining, you unchain Pidge and ill get hunk" Keith says grabbing another knife out of the boot of his armour.

how has he still got knives, I would have thought the Galra guards would have done a check for any weapons.

"roger that," Lance says making his way towards Pidge.

"hey," Lance says quietly trying to pick the lock of the shackles with the knife.

"hey" Pidge manages to stamper out.

"how are you doing?" Lance asked trying to brighten the mood.

"really" Pidge raises an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry, stupid question" He slightly chuckled to himself.

Lance narrows his eyes in concentration as he glares down at the shackles around Pidge's wrists. It seemed weird, how serious Lance was being, he usually goofs around a lot but considering the circumstances it was a good thing he was serious and concentrated. He tilts his head a little and his tongue slightly pokes out of his mouth and he moves his head closer to the locking mechanism of the shackles.

It was silent, a bit too silent for Pidge's liking so she decided to speak up.

"Hey Lance?" she asks her voice only audible for Lance to hear.

"mmm," He mumbles not taking his eyes off his lock picking.

"thanks" she gives him a soft smile.

Lance looks up a Pidge and raises an eyebrow, "for?"

"sticking up for me, I really thought you were going to die" Pidge lightly says looking down at her wrists.

"even if I did it would be worth it, knowing that I was protecting my friends" Lance give a soft smile moving his focus back to the chains.

it touched her heart, Lance would do anything to protect his team in a heartbeat without a second thought.

the grip the shackles had around Pidge's wrists vanished as they loudly fell to the floor.

"and done.... come on we still have a way to go until we can get out of here" Lance smiles proudly at himself helping Pidge up to her feet.

Pidge looked around the room to see her three friends. her heart drops to her stomach; someone was missing. Panic washes over her as she releases who it is.

"wait where is Shiro?" she asked, her voice visibly shaking.

Keith and Hunk send a worried glance to each other, "we can come back for him" Hunk said as footsteps were heard coming rapidly towards the cell.

"they're coming"

Hunk walks over to the cell door, pushing his weight against the door making it near impossible for anyone to get in or out.

the footsteps get closer until there was loud banging and yelling coming from outside the cell, Hunks face started to tense as he used all his strength to keep the door shut.

"guys I don't think I can hold for much longer," He said, tension in his voice.

With each passing bang on the door, Hunks grip starts to deteriorate.

Lance frantically looks around the room for any other exit other than the door, even a vent would be better than nothing, but to his dismay there was nothing, only the door Hunk was barely keeping closed.

Lance sighs before speaking "what's the game plan, Keith?" He questions.

Keith was taking a little back by Lances question "our priority is to get Pidge out, no matter what the costs" he said looking around at each of them.

Keith and Hunk locked eyes for a second before Hunk gave a nod. Lane nodded as well.

the behaviour of the others was confusing Pidge, had something happened that she didn't know about? her heart sunk, why do they want to get her out of there, not any of them?

"what about getting you guys out" She questioned.

"Pidge, you are our priority," Hunk says.

anger boiled inside of her, she already lost her father and her brother, she can't lose anyone else. "I'm not a child you know, I can handle myself" she huffed.

"you are getting out of here with or without us" Keith scolded.


"that decision is final" he raised his voice sending shivers down Pidge's spine.

another loud bang was heard on the door. All four paladins activated their Bayard's waiting for the door to burst open.

another loud bang, this time the door nearly giving way.

Lance Glances around the room to each of his teammates before raising his gun.

"get ready"


wc: 1000

Quick A/N
sorry that I haven't updated in 3 weeks, I guess I'm a bit behind skedule. But for any of you that is an author and writing a book, you will understand that sometimes you can get stressed because of school or work and this sometimes adds to the stress. I will try to update as soon as I can but until then thank you, thank you for all your support, thank you for being patient, and thank you for understanding.

- Author-chann


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