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every muscle of his body felt so relaxed as if the tension and stress of his body went on a surprise holiday to Hawaii. He curled over in his bed to come face to face with a sleeping Pidge, memories of last night came rushing back to him; Pidge had asked him to stay until she fell asleep, guess he fell asleep as well.

He sighed now laying on his back staring at the ceiling, it had been so long since he last had a decent night sleep, all those sleepless nights at the Garrison, all those sleepless nights fearing for his life in the hands of the Galra, and all those sleepless nights with nightmares. It was the first night in probably years he slept dreamlessly and peacefully.

Shiro sighed knowing that soon enough the rest of the Paladins will be awake also knowing Keith and Lance, they'll be at each others throats before breakfast. Shiro shifted his body weight to the edge of the bed now in a sitting position holding his head in his hands. Man was he tired, it was now he was realising how much sleep he lacked.

He managed to get up from the bed, resisting the temptation of sleeping in. A smile spread across his face as he turned to Pidge before leaving the room, she had cocooned herself with the dozens of blankets and sheets on her bed. He should probably wake her but she looks so comfortable and peaceful, he sighs deciding to leave her be and making his way towards the dining hall.

To no surprise Hunk was already in the kitchen cooking what smelt like bacon and eggs but looked like green eggs and ham. Shiro gave a smile of uncertainty, Hunk laughed.

"and I thought lance was the picky one" he smiles placing the rest of the cooked breakfast on the plate in the middle of the dining room table.

"who you calling picky!" Lance scoffed entering the dining hall crossing his arms and giving a huff.

Hunk smiled sheepishly at the tan boy, Lance just shot one of his goofy smiles back (haha get it? shot? as in team sharpshooter.... okay nvm) soon enough Keith, Allura and Coran joined the others, everyone was there, everyone but Pidge.

the room was filled with silence, part of the reason being Keith and Lance were too busy stuffing their faces with Hunks cooked breakfast, but the other part was because everyone noticed the absence of one particular paladin.

Coran swished his moustache before speaking up "where's number 5?" he questioned.

"dead" Keith said monotonously glaring at the blue Paladin whilst continuing the shove his face with food.

"Keith!" Allura obviously offended with his words.

Keith broke eye contact with Lance to face the rest of them "what?" he questions throwing his hands up "the rest of us were thinking it" he said placing more food in his mouth.

Lance suddenly stood up from the table and slammed his hands on it "yeah I agree with Keith" he exclaimed.

Hunk chocked on a piece of breakfast at lances statement, apologizing under his breathe for the interruption.

"well recently after 'Pidge' came out of that coma thing, she hasn't been... well Pidge" Lance muttered sitting back down and lowering his voice.

Shiro sighs "Just give her time, she's been through a lot"

Lance sighs too "yeah I guess you're right" he gives a sad smile. "It's just... its not the same anymore" he lowers his gaze to the empty plate in front of him and pushes it away from himself.

the room is filled with silence, Lance was right, even if Pidge was getting better its just not the same anymore.

"well with that being said I'm off to train, you can never be too prepared" Keith tries to change to subject. "I even bet I'm the most prepared out of the whole team" He smirks trying to get a reaction out of the Blue one.

"no way I'm more prepared for an attack than you will ever be mullet-head" Lance yells standing up from his seat so fast making the chair fall on the floor.

"prove it smart ass" Keith laughs.

Lance crosses his arms across his chest "don't go crying to Shiro when Lancey-Lance whoops your ass" he huffs sending a smirk back to the shorter boy.

Keith face palms "can you stop referring to yourself in third person"

"awwe is wittle keefy getting angwy" Lance pouted his lip.

"shut up" Keith muttered

"make me" Lance smiled

with that they left, leaving the rest of the team behind in the dining hall.

not even seconds after Pidge walks into the room pointing towards the direction of the two boys that had just left. "I swear those two are just perfect for each other" she earns a giggle of Allura.

"you earthlings do have a weird way of showing affection" Allura says, she has always been fascinated in Earth culture and to see it up close can sometimes be a bit confusing for her.

"no, I just think thats Lance and Keith" Hunk laughs.

Shiro glances over in the direction of Pidge, his eyes meeting the gaze of none other than Pidge herself, their eyes lock.

those eyes, Shiro could never cease to get lost in those eyes of hers, her eyes were the warmth of the coffee he craved on an early morning, too much too fast you could hurt yourself, but just the right amount filled your insides with warmth and opened your eyes to see things you wouldn't have necessary seen before, ohh how beautiful her eyes were.

Shiro snapped himself out of though and looked away from the girl, why did he have to stare for so long, he could now feel all the blood rushing to his face as his cheeks lit up like a christmas tree (haha get it cause it's christmas).

He suddenly gets up from the table, he has to get out of there before anyone notices him blushing and before he embarrasses himself. "I uhhh... I'm going to go to the control room to look at... uhhh the.... stars? yeah the stars" Shiro mentally face palmed at his excuse.

"smooth" Hunk laughed under his breath.

"well I'll catch you all later" Shiro sheepishly smiles rushing out of the dining hall.

that was close.


wc: 1061

hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter!


20 votes for an update next Monday.

also I was thinking about doing a Q & A throughout the end of each chapter so if any of you have any questions just hmu ;)

-author chann

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