
439 21 5

{your pov} 

It was around 01:37 and I was running for my life. I was completely out of breath but I needed to keep running. I needed to shake them off. Or else I would be dead meat, literally.

I heard the moans and groans of the zombies all around me in the woods.
Running in the woods really sucks. You trip every few seconds and that's in daylight. Now it's night, so I'm tripping every second. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but I'm tripping often. And that's no good when you're running for your life. Not at all.

I got all withered and couldn't run any further. I stopped. Almost throwing up I tried to sit down. My legs hurt. My head was throbbing it felt like though it was going to explode.  Nice. 

Before I made another move I listened very closely if there were no zombies around. Luckily I didn't hear anything. Though, I felt like I was being watched.

I let the thought slip by as I got my backpack. I got out a bottle of water and let the cold water slide down my throat.

Sighing a deep sigh I closed my eyes and tried to catch my breath. My eyes snapped open when I heard something behind me in the bushes. I started to panic. As quick as possible I put the bottle back into the bag and swung the thing on my back again. As fast as lightening I stood up and turned around me. Except for my heavy breathing it was completely silent.

I didn't want to make any sound in case it was a zombie. But zombies aren't that smart, are they? They wouldn't just randomly stop when they heard someone, right?

"Who is there?!" I stood up straight, pocket knife in hand. It felt like I was playing call of duty, only now it wasn't a game, it was one hundred percent real.

"You deaf?!" I spoke louder this time, "I said who is there!"

I heard shuffling. Sadly I couldn't see much. I didn't have a flashlight. I did pack it, but I accidentally dropped it on the run. Got stuck on a fence and bam, dropped the flashlight.

Shuffling again.

Finally I could hear someone walking up to me. The only thing I saw was a silhouette of some sort, but I couldn't make out what exactly was in front of me.

"You're a survivor aren't you?" His voice was clearly male like.

"Yes." I spoke.

"Good, I was looking for you. Here, follow me." He said and turned around to walk away.

He was looking for me?

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