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{your pov}

After a few games there's a break. I have no time for talking. So I announce that I'm going to the restroom.

First I walk into the restroom I saw Mark go into right before the games started. I walk in and look around. Doesn't seem like there's someone in here.

I walk further into the house. Look in all the bedrooms. All the rooms, actually. But nothing that leads me to to Mark.

I walk upstairs, hoping I will find something there. But to no avail. So I walk downstairs again.

Walking into the living room, everyone is already at their seat again, ready to play a game again.

I settle down at my own seat as well. It's so weird. I've been here only a day and I already have 'my own' seat. My own seat at the table.

I look around and count if we have everyone, and look if Mark maybe already came back when I was looking around.

But to my oh-so-big-surprise- not- Mark's not here. But something else catches my attention as well: Ethan is not here either.

I gasp and stand up to run away and look for him as Mark catches my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" His voice sounds serious, but I sense that he's just fooling me. "We still have to play a ton of games!"

Then I realize. Mark! How can he be back?!

I force a smile, "I-I ehh.. I wanted to go to the restroom real quick.." I lie.

"You've just used it!" Bob jokes. I don't think I'm in for jokes right now. Everyone randomly disappears and the appears again. I'm no doctor, but that's not a good sign.

"Yeah.. Uhm- I ehh... I probably have food poisoning or something. I really don't feel too well. Excuse me." I jank myself out of Marks strong grip and run to the restroom. Well, not really.

I rush up the stairs to Ethan's bedroom. I don't scream and I try to be as silent as possible so I don't make myself suspicious.

I knock on the door, but no answer.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I forgot I had that. I look at the screen and see that I have a text. A text from an unknown number.
"If you're reading this, come to your room and knock 4 times." It says.

I turn around to my own room and knock 4 times. The door opens and Ethan pulls me inside.

My eyes widen at the sight of him. He- he-

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